Walkthrough Time Trapper W. Romance Club - Episode 2 Season
3. Answers, Guide , Elections
The choice of outfit has no effect.
- Accuse Werner of negligence. +1 Messenger of the Sun
- Accuse Werner of deliberately choosing the wrong treatment. +1
Heir of the Moon
- Contain anger. + 1 Status
"It seems like he doesn't really respect Vesper that
much ?"
- Protect Vesper . Vesper appreciated your gesture.
- Keep silent. No effect.
If you chose "Intervene" in 1x2: Thanks to Marco,
you learned what really happened.
Friendship with Renato
" Renato ..."
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- Spoke to her (26 diamonds). Renato appreciates
having you around.
- Nodded. No effect.
"What to say?"
- This is a chance. No effect .
- Such a life is worse than death. No effect.
- It's your choice, Renato. Renato values that
you respect his right to decide for himself.
- Must stay (77 diamonds). Renato is glad you
decided to stay. Arty .
- I don't want to see the ritual. No effect.
Hint : You can ask all
the questions, but you will only get the stat for the one you chose first.
- Are your wounds completely healed? +1 Messenger of the Sun
- Why did you disappear so suddenly? +1 Heiress of the Moon
- Where have you been all this time? +1 Heiress of the Moon
- Are you back for good? +1 Messenger of the Sun
- Don't worry. +1 Messenger of the Sun
- It's not that important. +1 Heiress of the Moon
"I didn't expect this. He doesn't want to be involved in
all this."
- Sometimes I just want to take it all and leave it all behind. +1
Loyalty to the Church.
- I don't share this point of view." +1
Loyalty to Others .
Because of the choices made earlier: Vesper avenged Renato
Vesper Branch
Choosing for diamonds will unlock an intimate scene with
"A game of chess, with you?"
- Prepare to Lose (26 Diamonds) Vesper appreciates your
time with her
- It's too late. No effect.
If you decide to play chess with Vesper :
"We need to decide which approach to take."
- Aggressive - Additional choice:
- Cautious - Additional choice:
- Daring. - Additional choice:
If you chose aggressive.
"Hmm... Maybe I'm taking too much of a risk?"
- Continue the attack. You will lose to Vesper
- Focus on defense. No effect.
If you chose cautious
- Build a pawn chain. You will play a draw .
- Attack. +1 Status
If you chose daring
"Nova's decision to play off Coffin's attack left Vesper
genuinely surprised."
- Continue playing boldly. + 1 Status
- Return to more proven tactics. No effect.
“I think I know what will happen if I stay…”
- I don't want to leave (105 diamonds) Additional choice:
- Yes, I'll go. No effect.
"Keeps teasing"
- Surprise her (8 diamonds). Vesper can't and doesn't
want to imagine her life without you! Nova will take the initiative. Art.
- Let her set the pace. No effect.
The choice of outfit, hairstyle and makeup does not affect the