Walkthrough Time Trapper W. Romance Club — Episode 4 Season 3. Answers, Guide, Choices
What to do?!.
- Take a
- Try to
bring Bea to her senses.
- Ask
Shen to draw a portal. +1 Status
Nova was thinking about...
- Bea's
well-being. +1 Messenger of the Sun
- Missions.
+1 Heir of the Moon
I've never heard of him. They both have such views...
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
- Ask
about the tincture (9 diamonds). +1 Status
- Don't
ask questions.
If only…
- Bea was
fine. No effect.
- I could
just quit the game.
- Talk to
your father now.
What clothes to choose for Onyx?
- Panther
(49 diamonds).
- Cat
(free). No effect.
- Make a
joke. + 1 Heiress of the Moon
- Agree. +1
Messenger of the Sun
Hint: You
can't change your pajamas.
What pajamas to choose?
- Lightness
(free). No effect
- Tenderness
(21 diamonds).
- Temptation
(29 diamonds).
I regret that…
- She
hadn't left forever yet.
- Made
Maria Louise and her father worry.
- Didn't
try to meet Others during such forays. No effect.
But I'm in a fata morgana, so if I get close enough...
- Listen
to the conversation (29 diamonds). Nova learns that Vesper is gathering
an army
- Return
to book search.
- Stop
scaring me! +1 Messenger of the Sun
- What
are you doing here? No effect
- Ahem.
Hello? +1 Heiress of the Moon
Thread with Lucien
"Not at all."
- But I'm
not ready to let you go yet... (71 diamonds). Bed scene with Lucien
- I trust
you. No effect and no scene.
Vesper Branch
"I wonder how she is..."
- Visit
Her (49 Diamonds) Court Vesper / Improve Relationships
- (Go to
bed.) No effect.
Time to choose!
- (Attack.)
-2 Status (PENALTY)
- (Look
closely.) No effect.
- (Stop
time.) +1 Presence Power
Along the branch with Shen
The choice
for diamonds will lead to a bed scene, and without it - to an improvement in
"Then maybe..."
- Let's
Have Some Tea (49 Diamonds)? On the Shen route - additional choice
below / Without route - "Shen is lying. He values you as a friend and
- Should
you try breathing exercises? No effect.
- Yes
(101 diamonds). Bed scene / Cut scene / Hairstyle selection below
- I'll
stay. Only... No effect.
Which hairstyle should I choose?
- Black /
Brown / Blonde / Red hair (free). No effect
"This tingling..."
- Made
her think of Shen's magic (29 diamonds). Bed scene, Cutscene
- It was
pleasant. No effect.
What clothes to choose?
- Moderation
(free). No effect.
- Justice
(21 diamonds) No effect
- Strength
/ Judgement (29 diamonds) No effect
- Empress
(49 diamonds) No effect
- Buy all
suggested outfits (115 diamonds). Not available during Diamond Rush
Which hairstyle should I choose?
- Current
Hairstyle / Curly Pixie - Black / Brown / Blonde / Red (Free) No Effect
- Stacked
bob - black/dyed (9 diamonds) No effect
- One
Shoulder Curls - Brown/Colored / Dreadlock Bun - Black/Colored (21
Diamonds) No Effect
- Buy all
hairstyles offered (92 diamonds). Not available in Diamond Rush