Walkthrough Time Catcher. Romance Club — Chapter 4 Season 1. Answers, guide, choices
“Hopefully I can…”
- Make useful contacts. +1 Heiress of the Moon
- Make interesting acquaintances. +1 Messenger of the Sun
"To me…"
- This attention is strangely pleasant. Lucien is impressed
- Doesn't matter. No effect
- I wish he would stop.
- (Don't try Jorge's dish.) No effect
- (Try Jorge's dish.) +1 Power of presence
- I want to know more about someone… More choices below
- And where are you from? No effect / All questions can be asked
- Do you also live in the Nest? No effect / All questions can be asked
- What is Vesper's plan? No effect / All questions can be asked
- No more questions. End dialogue
"You can ask Jorge about several characters":
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
"I'm interested in…"
- Shen (21 diamonds). Opened an additional fork in a future conversation with Shen
- Onyx (21 diamonds) Is Onyx hiding something?
- Vesper (21 diamonds). You have learned about the Vesper hobby / This information may be useful
- Lucien (21 diamonds). You learned more about Lucien and the vampires
- Let's get back to other questions. Return to previous selection with questions
Which room to choose?
- Space (free). No effect
- Peace (29 diamonds). No effect
- Revival (49 diamonds). No effect
What to choose clothes for sleep?
- Restful sleep (free). No effect
- Deep Night (9 diamonds). No effect
- Silver stars (21 diamonds). No effect
By choosing a character, you will improve your romantic relationship. You will still be able to develop romantic and friendly relationships with others:
"In thoughts…"
- Vesper.
- Shen.
- Lucien. Do you feel an interest in Lucien
- Onyx. Are you interested in Onyx?
- Tomorrow. No effect
- Vesper? Didn't expect to see you. +1 Heiress of the Moon
- Hello. +1 Messenger of the Sun
Choosing for diamonds will improve friendly or romantic relations with Vesper :
- I'll probably drink coffee too (71 diamonds). It was a pleasure for Vesper to share your morning coffee with you / Cut-scene
- Do you have any business here? No effect
"I didn't expect this..."
- What is so compromising about these letters? +1 Messenger of the Sun
- I understood. +1 Heiress of the Moon
- (Silence.)
Which outfit to choose?
- Rook (free). No effect
- Raven (21 diamonds).
- Falcon (29 diamonds).
- Buy everything (45 diamonds). All outfits have been added to the wardrobe / Choose which one you want to wear now
What hairstyle to choose?
- Gathered back black (free). No effect
- Gathered back chestnut (Free). No effect
- Gathered back light (free). No effect
- Collected back redheads (Free). No effect
- Red bob with bangs (9 diamonds).
- Painted bob with bangs (9 diamonds).
- High braid light (21 diamonds).
- High braid painted (21 diamonds).
- Buy everything (54 diamonds). All hairstyles have been added to the wardrobe / Choose which one you want to wear now
- (Just agree.) No effect
- (Show confidence.) +1 Status
If you chose the “I want” option in the third episode of the first season, you will receive a sign “Your choice in the previous chapter opened an additional option”:
"We need to find a way to get in."
- (Disable the camera with a spell.) (Available if "I want" was selected in the third series). Correct solution
- (Throw a stone at the camera.) Another correct decision
- (Go around the house in search of another entrance.) Return to the previous selection
"Novaput in the key…
- Leaving one pin unraveled. Correct Choice
“After she took a stone from the ground and…”
- She hit the key with a stone and then turned it. Correct Choice
If you chose the wrong option in the paragraph "Nova inserted the key...", then with any choice above you will be thrown back and you will have to repeat the steps.
"I'm so close to the goal..."