Playwing Bordeaux announces that their first free-to-play game Century: Age of Ashes will be officially released on November 18, 2021!
Over the past few months, the development team has been analyzing player feedback during and after the second Dragon Multiplayer Closed Beta. Feedback has played a very important role in how the game has turned out and what players will experience when it launches this fall.
“Over 200,000 players joined us during our second closed beta on Steam . It was amazing, we had a lot of great reviews and we really appreciate your help! Together with the team, we decided to make several important improvements to the game before its release. We really want the community to be involved in our game. That's why we've been hard at work all this extra time to perfect the game and add the features our fans have suggested," said Pascal Barré, Playwing Bordeaux art director and studio manager.
Players will be happy to know that Playwing brings several new features to Century : Age of Ashes . Baby dragons have been one of the most requested features by players during both closed beta periods, and Playwing is happy to share a sneak peek with you.
The action game also received a content update.