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New comparison of MGS3 remake graphics with the original shows a lot of differences

The developers have significantly patched their next project.
New comparison of MGS3 remake graphics with the original shows a lot of differences

Blogger ElAnalistaDebits released a new video in which the author compared the graphics from the upcoming MGS3 remake with the original game.

Judging by the video, Konami studio created their next project almost from scratch. Improvements were made to character models, lighting, location design and textures, and much more. Of course, it would be surprising if the modern game didn't differ much from the PS2 era tittle, but still, the changes are impressive.

The MGS3 release doesn't have an exact date yet, but rumor has it that the game won't be released until 2025.

Edward Dmitriev
Date of publication
1 July 2024