A new movie, Beverly Hills Cop 4, premiered on the popular streaming service Netflix. This is a sequel to the original trilogy, which was released between 1984 and 1994.
The new movie features the return of the main character, Detective Axel Foley, to Beverly Hills after the death of his old friend. Axel begins investigating corruption in the local police department. When his daughter's life is threatened, Axel teams up with his new partner and old friends Billy Rosewood and John Taggart to uncover a criminal conspiracy.
The movie received generally positive reviews from critics, who noted that it provides a satisfying dip into the familiar atmosphere of Axel Foley's adventures, though it doesn't offer too many new insights. The movie's rating on the Rotten Tomatoes website was 70%.
The movie stars such well-known actors as Eddie Murphy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kevin Bacon, Jaj Reinhold and Paul Reiser. Eddie Murphy himself has already stated that work on the fifth installment of Beverly Hills Cop has already begun.
The action game also received a content update.