Series description: The war with Spain becomes the beginning of a new era at court. And this means new opportunities for love, fame and power.
"Your marriage choices last season changed the story"
“Given all this, how do I feel about our return to Versailles?”
Depending on the relationship at court : " You have the strongest friendly ties with Armand"
The choice of outfit and hairstyle has no effect.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Depending on the path : "Altruism / Calculation / Hedonism influenced
your reasoning"
The choice of room does not affect the story.
The choice is available if in episode 10 of season 2 Philip was advised to become a patron of the arts:
Depending on reputation and previous choices : "Light influence allows you to enter" / "The art of dark espionage allows you to sneak in" / "You are out of favor"
If you are not in disgrace:
If you maintain a relationship with Alexander, but he was sent away from the court:
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The patch added new content to the game.
The console release is still a long way off.
The creators of the series themselves reported this.