Walkthrough Vying for Versailles Romance Club — Episode 6 Season 3
- You can't imprison a woman of my position. No effect
- I hope to appeal to your kindness. No effect
Along the lonely path
“What should I tell him?”
- I will clear our family's name.
- This is part of my plan. +1 Calculation
- Don't worry about me. I do not worry.
If you are taken from the Bastille, the signs depend on the path.
Branch with Bonna:
“It seems that Bonna is ready to provide me with an alibi. What can I say?"
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
- Please go away, Bonna. I can handle this. No effect
- Let Bonnet provide an alibi.
The choice is available if you are still in the Bastille:
- Give a name. (20 stats of prudence). Exit to additional dialogue
- Refuse to name. No effect
"The Witch at Court is..."
- Bonna de Pons.
- Madame Scarron.
- Olympia. No effect
“How do I feel about participating in the conspiracies and intrigues of the court day after day, year after year?”
- Anything for my family and those I love. +1 Altruism
- Anything to get some benefit. +1 Calculation
- Anything for the pleasure of the court. +1 Hedonism
The choice of outfit and hairstyle has no effect.
Attention! The next choice has an impact on the plot.
"Bird's Choice"
- Hawk (free)
- Peregrine / Gyrfalcon / Golden Eagle (10)
“I completely forgot about it”
- Recall. (23 diamonds). A childhood memory of meeting Conde.
- Look gloomily at the Great Condé. No effect
- Olympia is located in the Bastille. No effect
- I have nothing to hide. No effect
Thread with Louis:
- I'm intrigued. (23 diamonds). Visit to the bathhouse with Louis. Additional dialogue.
- I'm too exhausted. No effect
If you went to the bathhouse with Louis:
- I want you. (73 diamonds). Intimate scene, cut scene
- I don't want this now. No effect
Branch with Bonna:
"Bonna, I..."
- I think you're right. No effect
- I'm not ready to make that choice.
The signs will depend on the path you take.
"You will have other opportunities to use poison in later chapters":
- Take. (23 diamonds). Let's take the poison. Additional choice.
- Leave. No effect
The signs will depend on the path you take.
“What to do with the poison?”
- Give the poison to Madame Bosse. Will affect the plot
- Poison Trinette.) Will affect the plot
- Save the poison for later. Will affect the plot
The twenty-seventh story released in the mobile game "Romance Club" in September 2022 is authored by Langley X and is her first work. The main character, being the impoverished daughter of a minor aristocrat, goes to Versailles. At the royal court of Louis XV, she will gain independence and find love. Will she be able to?
The page will be updated immediately after the release of new episodes, scheduled for December 7.