Walkthrough Vying for Versailles Romance Club — Episode 4 Season 3
If earlier in episode 3, the heroine attended a black mass:
- I'm not going to test it. No effect
- I'll try it out for myself. No effect
- My plans don't concern you. No effect
- People are not animals. No effect
"Oh, don't worry about this conversation."
- Ask Bonna for help (via the branch with Bonna). Help from Bonna and a gift.
- Ask a moth in a jar to test the poison. The heroine will check the poison.
- Could you please throw away this powder? The heroine will test the poison
- Test the effect of the poison on yourself. The heroine will test the poison
- Test it on one of the courtiers later. The heroine will test the poison
Outfits and hairstyles do not affect the plot of the story.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Thread with Ludovic : “Beep has been added to your wardrobe”
Thread with Philip : “An umbrella has been added to your wardrobe”
Thread with Bonna : “Beep has been added to your wardrobe”
Further, not all choices may appear to you. Depending on your relationship with the characters.
Path of Hedonism/Dark Espionage
“Louis said that I must find out at any cost who is plotting against him...”
- Flirt with a Swiss guard to make fun of Olympia (9 diamonds). +1 Hedonism. Additional information aboutOlympia.
- Get into Olympia's bedroom. Your ability to open locks allows you to enter Olympia's room.
- Look for evidence in letters (the choice is available if you have encryption skills). The heroine will be able to read Olympia's letters.
- Follow Olympia through secret passages. +1 Calculation
- Listen. It won't harm anyone . +1 Altruism
Path of Accountability/Light Espionage
"I want..."
- Provoke her to slap you (9 diamonds). +1 Prudence . Additional selection.
- Slap Olympia in the face. +1 Hedonism
- Leave. +1 Altruism
Additional choice.
“What should I tell her?”
- I know what they gave me (if they asked Bonna for help). Your knowledge of poison gives you an advantage over Trinette.
- I can give you what you crave. Your skill in the art of bribery allows you to use Trinette to your advantage.
- What are you going to do? Your interrogation skills allow you to extract more information from Trinette
- Meekly thank her for visiting. No effect
- Laugh at her low origins. May have an impact in the future.
The Path of Altruism
“What should I do?..”
- Deceive him (9 diamonds). Conversation with the prisoner without Gabriel .
- Let his conscience decide. Additional elections .
Don't depend?? from the level of inquiry: “ Your interrogation skills allow you to obtain some information”
If earlier in episode 2 of season 2 soft interrogation was practiced on more than 1 person: “Your interrogation skills allow you to obtain additional information”
If earlier in episode 2 of season 2 soft interrogation was practiced on more than 5 people: “Your interrogation skills allow you to find out more information”
If earlier in episode 2 of season 2 they practiced soft interrogation on more than 6 people: “Your interrogation skills allow you to get all the information that Madame Bosse has”
The choice is available if your relationship with Alexander is leveled up.
- Protect Alexander. By-elections
- Let Gabriel go. No effect
If you decide to protect Alexander:
“Without you Versailles was...”
- Empty. +1 Altruism
- More innocent. +1 Calculation
- More fun. +1 Hedonism
- I have high hopes for you, monsieur. (49 diamonds.) Intimate scene with Alexander. Let's get a necklace.
- I don't care at all. No effect
- With you, Versailles will become itself again.
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"What should I do?"
- Offer to celebrate. No effect
- Praise the troops. No effect