Series description: Mei is called a geisha, and there are already rumors about her.
Romance Club. Willow Legend 1
Mei woke up with a chill that was beating her. "I had a nightmare," the girl decided. Immediately realizing that she was not in a geisha school, she realized that what happened yesterday was not a dream. "Mizuage. Fox transformation. Chase. Old garden." She raised a thin hand. The scratched palms looked completely normal. Human.
"I am me again. The spell. Is the sorcery over?" Looking around, she grimaced. The girl was almost completely hidden under a pile of sawdust. "What is this place? Oh yes."
Memory of last night
Lisa took a deep breath and listened. Calm and quiet. But the snow was getting stronger. "We need somewhere to hide." Looking around open places, creeping along the ground, the fox ran to the edge of the garden. "Poor Quarter". Behind one of the houses stood a wooden shed. "All squinted. They don't use it. There's a deadbolt on the door. It's too high." Fear-bound thoughts were ragged and short. "Look for another cover? Dangerous. Chase nearby. Could collide."
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Make a choice: how to get inside?
She shook her head. Then she walked confidently towards the nearby house. Near him, under a canopy, a pile of firewood lay. The red shadow shot up. A jump to the side, and the fox is already gracefully running along the edge of the fence. The animal body is obedient and dexterous. Another effort, and Mei climbed onto the roof of the shed. The straw that covered it quickly yielded to the scraping and tearing paws. "The main thing is to be calm. You have to be careful. It can't be very high here."
The fox jumped into the hole made in the roof. Abandoned workshop, May decided. In addition to the logs worn by woodworms, there were old tools and a pile of caked sawdust. The walls protected from the wind, and the roof from the snow. Appeared animal instincts prompted to dig into the sawdust. It got warmer. Mei curled up and closed her eyes.
"I slept through the night and into the morning." The girl stood up, brushed herself off the sharp sawdust and yelled: "It's cold!" She stood on her tiptoes. Thin socks did not protect the feet. Trembling and struggling with disgust, I had to burrow again. "When it gets dark, we can go out and try to find some clothes. How I wish I could wake up again and find out that, apart from the mizuage rite, nothing happened."
It was scary, ugly and lonely. I wanted to cry, but she learned a long time ago. Choose one of the options:
The story of how a girl became a geisha : The girl was the daughter of a blacksmith, the family lived in poverty. Once, Mrs. Kinuyo came to them, she had heard about the beautiful and smart blacksmith's daughter. The woman is ready to take the child to her for training. Instead of a poor existence, Mei can grow up and become a geisha. Father will sell Mei.
Mei began to remember how she studied dance and tea ceremonies. As a mentor, she cursed because the girl did not play musical instruments for a long time. "She never really got angry, she was always kind to me."
She remembered how happy she was when Mother Kinuyo called her the best student in the school. "I was really proud of myself then. I achieved it, I was able to. Other maiko were ready to kill me that day." Then her memory carried her to events even more distant.
It was winter after a lean autumn. In times of famine, villagers gave their daughters to maids or brothels. The chosen ones were lucky - if their girls were beautiful and not yet exhausted by hard work, they could become geisha apprentices. May was not out of luck. Kinuyo, who was picking up a pupil, heard a rumor about an unusually smart and outwardly cute girl. Intrigued, the geisha herself went to look at her. The covered wagon stopped in front of the forge. Father went out to meet a potential client. Instead of another merchant buying up hardware, an elderly woman, who had not lost her beauty, stood at the gate.
She pointed to little Mei, who was playing near the house.
Kinuyo-sama looked at the man carefully.
She shook her head.
The geisha glanced around defiantly. She took out a purse from a wide sleeve and threw it to the blacksmith. The man caught. He loosened the strings, poured the coins onto his callused palm. The guest smiled.
The little girl did not understand what was going on, but by the intonations of the adults she felt that the conversation was being carried on. very serious. She began to worry, not yet realizing that she would soon leave the house forever. Her father looked at her, then called:
The woman took the girl by the chin. Strictly but gently raised, looking into her eyes.
“Wow. I remember my father’s face, even though I haven’t thought about it for many years. What would happen if he didn’t give me back to Mother Kinuyo?”
You will skip the chapter above.
Mei closed her eyes. "Interestingly, if my father hadn't once sent me to a geisha school, what would have happened? I wouldn't have turned? Or turned before?" She pulled her bottom kimono tighter. She sneezed. "If it was a chicken coop, you could eat a couple of eggs. I think like a fox? No, I just want to eat. What happened? Why a fox?"
There was no answer. Mei could not help feeling the unreality of what was happening. Of course, she believed in magic, witches and ghosts. But all this was met somewhere far away, in someone's stories and legends. The same could happen to others. Not with her. "And most importantly, why would anyone even need to turn me? Maybe it all happened because of Mr. Kyo Sugai? What if it's him? Or am I cursed and can't be close to a man?"
May was cold. As dusk fell, my toes began to go numb. She decided that she couldn't stay here any longer. Got up. We need to get out, but how? The door is locked from the outside, and the thatched roof cannot bear the weight of a man.
Choose what to do:
Check the walls
The girl tried to loosen the boards. No visible effect. It won’t break, and you can’t make noise, because people outside can hear. Look for another solution!
Push the door
The girl leaned against the door, but the bolt on the outside held. Another attempt. Useless. We'll have to look for another solution!
Inspect old tools
She saw several hammers, a rusty axe. "It's not that..." And then she found a saw: "It should fit." Mei slipped the jagged sheet through the gap between the door and the wall. Pressed from bottom to top. The bolt outside went up. "A bit more.". Door opened.
Gritting her teeth, slapping her wet socks, constantly slipping, Mei crept along the houses. Rare passers-by did not notice her. "Need clothes." In the courtyard, a little further on, things were drying on a rope. Running closer, the girl saw old geta under the porch. Then she got dressed. She took off her clothes from the rope, mentally apologizing to the owners. "I'm sorry, I have no choice. I really need it now. And may the good spirits bring grace to you. Now it's time to leave."
Choose clothes:
"It's terrible. If Lady Sumiko sees it, she will strangle it with her own hands. If she first believes that I'm not a witch, and let me on the threshold." While no one paid attention to the girl with makeup completely inappropriate for the pale quarter, Mei hurried to find a well and wash. Then she headed towards the geisha school.
With each passed turn disturbing doubts became more and more. The closer the okiya got, the more often Mei lost her stride. “What if they don’t believe me? They think I’m a witch? Or cursed. Who wants to deal with the damned? Who needs me? They will turn me out into the street, and I will become a beggar.” She examined herself. "I already look good."
Indulging in soul-tormenting thoughts, the girl did not notice how two guards appeared from the side, from the alley. One of them sharply ordered:
They approached, peering into her face. "It's good that it's autumn now and it's getting dark early. But what do they even need?"
In order not to arouse suspicion, it was necessary to answer quickly:
The men looked at each other. The second asked:
Choose an option:
Mei didn't know any lady Fenggen. The guards too.
The girl hoped that ordinary guards would not interfere in the affairs of the owner of a large manufactory, a rich man with connections.
He took out a tinderbox, about to light a lantern. "In the light, deceit can be revealed, my face and hair are much more well-groomed than a simple maid should be. Especially such a poorly dressed maid.
Some decisions affect Mei's magic. The pearl fox prefers various illusions. The magic of the Amber Fox is somehow connected with fire.
Choose a solution:
If only the lantern went out
The guard stepped up to the girl and peered. The flame in the lantern flickered and went out.
He looked in surprise at the wick, which began to smoke heavily. And then completely faded.
The man took out the flint again. Chirk. Chirk. Sparks flew out without lighting a fire.
The warriors turned and moved away down the street. Mei scratched her itchy palm. "Oh. Looks like luck." Attributing what happened to the tricks of a wind that had flown in time, the girl continued on her way to school. Over time, Mei will learn to use magic consciously. "I wonder what Sumiko-sama will say?"
Close to the okiya, Mei heard people talking behind her.
The man lowered his voice ominously.
They turned onto another street. The girl didn't turn around. "Words have spread around town? Oops." Mei approached the school and her chest stung. A white ribbon hung by the door. The color of death meant one thing - one of the inhabitants of the house had died. "What could have happened? Maybe they think I'm dead?".
Bypassing the house, the girl was in the yard. The back door, as usual, was not locked. No man has ever entered an okiya without permission. And geisha were not afraid of thieves. Even the last bandit in the city would not rob them. The leaders of the criminal gangs loved to spend time with actresses no less than they knew. "We need to find Mrs. Sumiko, tell her everything, explain. She will definitely help. She always stands up for everyone, even when she scolds later." May entered, wondering where to look first.
Go to your room
Nothing has changed in Mei's room. It just smelled weird. "Smoke? And herbs. Something familiar." She suddenly understood. Such a smell sometimes hovered in the temples. In those rare cases, when the monks burned dry leaves of acacia and calamus, performing rituals of purification from evil. "Was my bedroom cleared of the magic that turned me into a fox?" Involuntarily thinking of Mr. Kyo Sugai, the girl left.
Head to the teacher's room
There was silence in the corridors. It was completely wild and impossible, because Mei never for a moment assumed that the mourning ribbon at the entrance was because of Lady Sumiko. Even standing on the threshold of her room, looking at the body wrapped in a shroud, the girl did not immediately realize who was in front of her. Dry lips whispered, "No." She slowly approached, knelt before the mentor. She repeated: "No."
Kinuyo-sama appeared immediately.
Startled, Mei turned around. It was Kinuyo's mother.
Overcoming the pain growing in her heart, the girl forced herself to bow respectfully.
The geisha entered and closed the door.
From excitement, the girl’s breath hitched, she became more frequent.
The girl bowed again. The woman's dispassionate voice continued:
May: "You know it's not." May tried to remain calm. "You yourself chose me. I am a simple girl from the village. I was taught here to dance, sing, talk and have a beautiful tea ceremony. Do not conjure."
May: "But it's not like that, mother!". Mei folded her arms across her chest. "I grew up here. You've known me all my life. Mother Kinuyo, I'm not a witch."
May didn't understand.
It took the girl a few seconds to collect her thoughts. She swallowed hard. Looking at the white cloth that hid her mentor, she asked:
Turning towards the door, the geisha said:
Choose an option:
I ask you to
You ran away. There was a noise. Here the guards of Mr. Counselor (Judge) hung around. Then the guards came. So many men have never been here in the history of the school. What a disgrace. everyone was asking about you. Finally the warriors left. I began to go around the school, to calm the girls. The turmoil is over. The geisha and the students went to their rooms. That's when I realized that Sumiko was missing.
Kinuyo continued after a short pause.
The girl's eyes went blank, her cheekbones turned pale. She reached out her hand to open the shroud, to take a last look at her face. Say goodbye.
Kinuyo hesitated.
She didn't agree.
"The appearance of kitsune, the death of Lady Sumiko. Mother could not help but call the priest. Probably, the whole house was cleansed of evil."
"Or a convenient outcome for you. The sooner everyone forgets about me and Sumiko, the better. Bad things happen, but you have to move on."
In place of the fear that drove the girl into the old garden last night, an evil doom came. The feelings were so strong that they could not be disassembled. The soul was cut, burned and chilled at the same time.
Mei's voice didn't waver.
Choose how to say it:
May added with feeling:
Kinuyo stepped towards her, touched her hand.
In parting, the hostess of the school slipped May a small purse. She briefly hugged me and said:
The girl decided that it was best to leave the okiya the same way she had come. Once on the street and hearing voices, I realized that I had done the right thing. "Around the corner, at the entrance, a few men." She looked out carefully. It was the guard. The commander gave orders to subordinates:
"I'll stay here, they'll notice me."
The soldiers bowed in unison.
Mei, hiding, waited for a sufficiently large group of passers-by to appear on the street. Judging by the traces of dirt on their clothes and shovels in their hands, they were diggers returning home. As soon as they were close, Mei left the courtyard and followed. The workers bowed their heads respectfully as they passed by the soldiers. She bent even lower, hiding behind their strong backs. The guards ignored her. As she passed them, Mei took a deep breath.
"Does it seem to work?" And then she got scared again, noticing out of the corner of her eye the commander following. Three more heartbeats, and. he overtook a company of diggers. At that moment, when the man passed by, the girl, still not raising her head, saw his reflection in a puddle [saw a demon - author's note]. To keep from crying out, she bit her lip. After taking a few steps, the guard turned, crossed the street and disappeared around the corner.
"Who is this?!". Mei almost ran in the other direction. "What does all of this mean?". Frightened, completely unaware and crushed with grief, the girl did not know what to do. Before, she would never have ventured outside the city walls into the night. But now. "Staying in the city is even scarier. I've been hunted down like a fox here. The money received from Kinuyo is enough to pay for the road to another province. Later."
Mei suddenly froze. "What's happened?". The soldiers guarding the gate stopped all the women, girls and teenage boys who happened to be nearby. Nobody was going to leave the city at such a time of day, but the soldiers were even interested in those who were just walking by. One of them was just rubbing the face of a young man with a rag. Another drew attention to Mei, waved his hand, beckoning. Pretending not to notice, she turned into an alley. "This is a real raid. They check everyone. You can't get out of the city!"
End of series.
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