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Guide and walkthrough Viewfinder (2023)

Solving all story and additional puzzles.
Guide and walkthrough Viewfinder (2023)
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
18 July 2023

Walkthrough Viewfinder

Location 1. Aharon

Look around inside the house, go outside by jumping over the box, and try to go to the center. The wooden bridge will break and you will fall down. Walk from below until a prompt appears - hold R to rewind time and return to the surface. The right bridge has no cracks, so go over it and take an old photo from the stand. Turn right, set the photo and enter it. Interact with the teleport.

There is one battery on the panel, you need two more. Look for one in the next room. Another can be obtained by taking a photo, setting it up and entering a black and white room similar to the previous one. Once you install three batteries, you can activate the device.

Гайд и прохождение Viewfinder (2023)

Take and install a photo (you need to rotate it), go inside, into a black and white dimension with a teleport. On the left there is another photo with palm trees. Install it (diamond), enter and take the battery. Put on the panel and use the teleporter.

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There are several teleporters in the house, but only two work. You returned after one. Climb the stairs and turn right twice to find another working teleporter. Use it, behind the wall on the right, find the photo with the bridge and place it in the right way.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

Гайд и прохождение Viewfinder (2023)

Go to the other side, take a photo and put it in place of the gate. Listen to the phonograph record, find a photo on the opposite wall and place the building at an angle to go up to the teleporter.

Гайд и прохождение Viewfinder (2023)

You need to find two more batteries. The location has two buildings. Photographs with the sun and the sky hang on the screen. Use them to create holes in the walls and gates of the two buildings. This will give you two more batteries.

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Use teleport. Take a photo and place it on the side of the teleporter. Use the following photos to get closer to the teleporter until the planned error occurs. You will be in the laboratory. Go to the back room with the server. Disable all buttons, then turn on all five so they are green. Go back and stand in the white circle.

Again, use the same portal in the house as before, take a photo and gradually approach the teleporter. After entering the teleport, follow straight ahead and take a photo. Set it right, enter the new gray area and go up the steps. Set up a color photograph of a gazebo in a garden, enter it and repeat the action with a child's drawing of a highway in the desert. Behind the road sign on the right, look for the next drawing. Place it and enter the painted house. Place the pixel dungeon drawing and move into it. Pull the chain on the left to lower the bridge. Enter the next drawing and use the teleporter to return to the house.

Find the next teleport in the house on the same floor, near the hammock. Take a photo, find a printer, put it on the printer, and print another copy. Set both photos to floor??chit two batteries. Put on the panel and use the teleporter. You can create more copies, but after using the teleport they will dissolve.

Гайд и прохождение Viewfinder (2023)

Take a photo and create multiple copies. Set any so that the teleporter is on a flat surface (it is shown in the photo itself). Use the rest, turning so as to create a bridge to the teleporter from the photo. This is how you return home.

Гайд и прохождение Viewfinder (2023)

Upon returning home, you will unlock the funicular, on which you can move between levels. There are 5 levels in total in the game and you are on the first one. In addition, the first level has an optional teleporter with additional puzzles. You can go through them if you wish.

optional level


Location 2. Hiraya

We are writing a sequel, but for now, here is a video with the complete completion of all locations:

Continuation of the trail??no...

Game from the guide