Walkthrough Inscryption - guide and secrets in the game

A detailed walkthrough of all levels, bosses, all the secrets of the game, solving puzzles, the best cards and builds
Walkthrough Inscryption - guide and secrets in the game
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
20 October 2021

We would like to start our guide to passing Inscryption with a few tips that will simplify the passage of the game:

  • If you have a full supply of items when you enter the store, you will receive a rat that gives a new item each time you draw it.
  • The diagonal attack is very strong. It allows you to hit enemies that cannot hit you at all, and also doubles the damage if it passes through empty cells.
  • Search is a very strong feature. Always take it to get the opportunity to play the card with impunity. Amazing effect!
  • Total destruction of opponents will give you additional gold teeth, which means you can buy more skins from the hunter.
  • Protein in a bottle gives OP. Always use it.
  • Enemies that use kingfishers (such as the angler) are races that specialize in dealing damage. Be sure to choose units with a high attack value. No need to rely solely on tankiness.
  • Bone cards are good against bosses, especially if you have a few lives that can be turned into smoke at the beginning of the battle.

Chapter 1

All information on the first chapter.

How to defeat the Prospector boss

At the very beginning, the enemy will summon a pack mule (which moves like an elk) to the left side. If you can't destroy his first life fast enough, he will continue to summon monsters to other tiles. If you kill a pack mule, you will receive 5 random cards. I guess there's always a squirrel in there. When you destroy the first life of the Prospector, he will kill each of your monsters and replace them with gold nuggets. Then summon a 2/3 Bloodhound. Gold Nuggets 0/2 cannot be sacrificed. He will continue to summon vipers (up to three, it seems) until he dies.

How to defeat the Angler Boss

The angler calls for several kingfishers from the very beginning (2-3). They can dive and fly, making them nearly impossible to kill and block. Every other turn, it will steal the last creature you played. As a result, all creatures in the column will be moved up, including his own. Make sure that he lures squirrels to his side. This is a great way to avoid damage.

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After destroying the first life, he will clear his side of the board and randomly spawn 3 bait buckets. These 0/1 buckets cause a 4/2 shark to dive on death, making them highly undesirable to kill. The best way to destroy the boss in the second stage is to sacrifice any normal creatures and use the flying monster to attack the target without damaging the decoy. Shark attacks should be blocked by high health creatures.

How to defeat the Trapper/Merchant boss

In the first phase, the Trapper summons two Strange Frogs, leaving a blank space in the three left columns to summon another one on the next turn. There's also a jumping trap on the right (I've seen it all six times) that blocks flying units, among other things. If you kill the frog, a new jumping trap will appear in its place. The best way to complete this phase is to wait until you have powerful units, then destroy the traps and move on to the next phase.

Or, on the contrary, you can speed up and reach the next stage as soon as possible so as not to waste resources in this phase. The main mechanic is to sacrifice your creatures for skins, which will be used in the next stage. But to be honest, in this case, you are, in fact, sacrificing your creatures for random monsters.

In the next step, the Trapper or Hunter will give a skin and ask you to use all the skins in your hand to exchange for cards from his side of the field. These will be improved creatures. You will have to adapt to the strategy, but if done correctly, it remains to clear the column and kill him with one shot. If you are not prepared, then you will have to take the creatures that will become your most significant problems. Take enough monsters to kill the enemy in one go.

final boss

Before the final boss, you will be given the opportunity to choose several gifts, but only if you can pass the tests (similar to the lair of creatures). If you have a cuckoo clock ring, then you can always pass the test (turn the clock to 11:00). These gifts can significantly change the rules of the game. For example, you can start the game with a black goat or 8 dice.

You always start with extra smoke and this time the boss will have 3 life. The boss can use the skills of other bosses. Can steal units like the Fisherman did, use the skin trade and so on. In the next step, he will summon two death cards into random columns. Perhaps luck is indispensable here.

He will continue to use the main three abilities. When you overcome this stage, he will call the moon. The moon has 40 HP, attacks all tiles with 1 damage, and pulls all small creatures. The best way to deal with the creature is to use the stink to reduce the attack to 0. Then it remains to simply destroy the enemy. Double or triple attacks will be effective. Poison also works. When the moon dies, finish off the boss, who will remain defenseless.

All quest rooms

  • The code for the safe 273 works outside the training round, gives a "stink"
  • You need to solve four puzzles with shelves and get four rewards, including ants, a wolf in a cage, and so on.
  • Three painting puzzles unlock a clover, a third candle, and bees (flying insects 1/1) instead of squirrels.
  • Set the clock to 11:00 to unlock the ring.
  • In each game, 3 teeth can be pulled out of the skull.
  • To get the knife, bring the wolf statue to the squirrel statue and insert it inside.
  • The angler will give a hook after the first death. With it, you can steal the enemy once per game.
  • After you kill the Hunter for the first time, he will provide discounts in the store.
  • If you extinguish the candles next to the shelf and then click on the light bulb, you will receive a Smoke card.

Chapter 2

After playing a few races, sooner or later you will notice a change of scenery and some innovations in the gameplay. 4 locations will be presented here and in each you will need to defeat 3 opponents and a local boss. Along the way, you will collect 4 decks and just about them will be discussed. In total, 3 ways to get new cards were noted: Loot from the enemy, Finding in chests and Buying in a store. Each method does not need a description, however, if you just go "through the plot", then you will not be able to collect the entire collection of cards (you can track the progress in this case in the tower on the left-bottom. There is a book in the right room on the first floor). But there is a way out, namely buying up packs in the store. And in order to scrape together the local currency for a test purchase, we need to go for one trick. What do we need for this:

  • 2-3 Very hard hitting cards
  • Access to the 2nd floor of the tower

I will describe my method through the bones, since I took them with my starting deck, but you can think of something else, I'm just giving you an idea.

Step 1

Find the mannequin on the 2nd floor of the mage's tower:

Step 2

Get a Skeleton and an Improved Gravedigger in your starting hand. (An improved gravedigger card is obtained in the mushroom on the right on the global map if you bring 2 ordinary gravediggers there).

Step 3

On the 1st turn, expose the skeleton to get a bone. On the 2nd move, we put the gravedigger on the 2nd cell on the left, opposite the mob which cannot be beaten. After that, we skip moves, while saving bones, until 1 card remains in the deck.

Step 4

We put a creature with 2+ attack in the 1st cell on the left so that it can pierce both mannequins with one attack. In my case, it is Ouraboros. A pile of bones is placed in any of the remaining cells. We feed her bones so that the damage is so much that after his blow the opponent has 1 hp left.

Step 5

On the last move, we put the 3rd damaging creature in a free cell, in my case it is a rat. If necessary, you can sacrifice the gravedigger for blood. We give all the accumulated bones to the Pile. You can also take more skeletons and Draugrs into the deck, put them up and break them with a hammer, which you can find on the left. We again give the extracted bones to the Pile.

Bottom line: 20+ currencies in less than a minute. Enough for 4 packs of cards or 5-8 cards from hand. That's with the fact that I don't have the most optimal creatures, so I'm sure you can get more.

You can repeat an infinite number of times. The mannequin will always be here waiting for you and will not change its table. As agreed, less work, more currency looting. Good luck!

Endless bones in chapter 2

Another incredible abuse has been found that, as the name suggests, will give you infinite dice and, if you are lucky, will allow you to OTC. Well, with the currency farm from the previous section, it can also help.

What do you need:

  • Rare Necromancer Card
  • Rare Tomb Raider Card
  • A creature that we can put together with them in one turn
  • A bit of luck

Step 1

By any means we are trying to achieve this alignment: We have 3 dice in our pocket, we have all the above cards in our hand.

Step 2

We put all three in any order (Since we are farming money here, we put the Necromancer in the second cell from the left). The 3rd creature is broken with a hammer to get the initial bones. Then we press the active ability of the Raider.

Step 3

Thanks to the special property of the Necromancer, we get 2x bones from the death of creatures. And the plunderer gives us a creature for 1 bone, which can be put up right there.

Step 4

You can repeat the process indefinitely. What to do with these bones is up to you. The most obvious option is to expose a Pile of Bones and pour everything honestly acquired into it.

Outcome: Infinite bones, hence infinite mana, hence infinite possibilities. The main thing is not to miss the lethal damage on your face and can create dirt.

Special cards for the collection in the 2nd chapter

Not all cards can be collected through card packs, some require certain steps, which I will describe below.

Special Beast Card

It is located in the possessions of the goblin on the top right of the map. To get it, you need to open the safe inside the house, the code is the same as in the first chapter: 273. We take meat from there, carry it into a bowl to the left of the house and the beast that has come gives us a reward.

Special Mage Card

A little more complicated, but nothing supernatural. To begin with, you can go to the northeast of the map, but without going to Leshem for tea, but stop near the stone arch. Here you can find the road to the left to the makeshift port. Here you can find a chest and after walking a bit you will see a tentacle sticking out of the river (it is not visible on the screenshot, but it will be next to the cursor). Click on it. Now our path lies in the Magician's Tower on the 4th floor. In the room on the right is what we need. Inside you will find a bath, after walking a little you will see a tentacle here. Click and the treasured card is in your hands.

Special Bones Card

The most difficult to obtain and interesting card. You only need to do 3 things. First, get the obol cards shown below and add them to your deck.

Then play them in any battle in such a way that the left half was on the left and the right half, respectively, on the cell adjacent to it on the right. After that, you will receive an obol, which we actually need, you can end the battle as you like. Take it to the crypt in the southeast, inside you will see a staircase to the basement.

Below you will find the crypt, open it and give the obol. Then you will understand everything yourself and get a reward. The main thing is not to forget to talk to the character that appears twice in order to receive a reward.

Map Strengthening

To the right of the center of the map you can find already familiar mushroom pickers.

They trade in the same craft as in the 1st chapter, but this time they require specific cards. The results of their experiments come in separate cards, so we need them for the collection. Be sure to make all 4 transformations, because in addition to the cards you will also receive a key that will come in handy in the 3rd chapter.

Can be skipped

In the crypt in the Southeast, double-click on the well to get the Drowned card.

How to pass the second chapter

1) Start a new game from the main menu
2) Choose a starting deck
3) Go to the Northeast or Southeast

4A 1) Talk to Leshy and get a camera
4A 2) Defeat Miner on the street
4A 3) Go right, take a picture of the bucket, hang the picture on the rod, take a picture of the shark and give the picture to the Rybak standing to the left of the hut.
4A 4) Go left, put a trap in the path of the hare and move away to catch it. Take the skin and take it to the vendor inside the hut.
4A 5) Fight Leshim.

4B 1) Defeat all the skeletons inside the crypt.
4B 2) Search the graves, the well and the adjacent rooms in order to collect all 9 tablets
4B 3) Put the plate in the following order: Left - Hobbs 1970, Ice, Defibrillator / Center - Sawyer 1702, Dog, Resentment / Right - Dominguez 1589, Scurvy, Medicine
4B 4) Fight the Necromancer

5) Head to the Northwest or Southwest

6A 1) Talk to P03
6A 2) Walk around the complex and defeat the robots standing in it.
Switchboards in order (There may be several solutions):
1) (+0) 0 (+1)
2) (+1) 1 1 (+1)
3) (+1) 1 (+1) 1 (-1)
4)(+1) 1 2 (+0) ( / ) (-1)
5) 1 (+1) 0 (+1) ( / ) ( / )
6) (+1) (-1) 3 (+0) 2 ( / )
6A 3) Fight P03

6B 1) Take the monocle on the table
6B 2) Read the note in front of the column to find out the code:
From top to bottom: Skull > Wing > Skull
6B 3) Go up to the 2nd floor and fight the mannequin. To find out the password you need to destroy its creatures. Code:
From top to bottom: Skull > Arm > Wing
6B 4) Go up to the 3rd floor and read the notes to get hints on how to find the password. This time we need to think a little more. The top symbol is found during the 2nd interaction with the chest. The middle one in the room is on top, the entrances are in the corners. The bottom one is in the pause menu > sound settings. The code itself:
From top to bottom: Wing > Skull > Arrow
6B 5) Climb to the 4th floor and fight the Artist

*)Don't forget to do additional quests: Collecting a complete collection of cards, 4 transformations from mushrooms and 666. Also find 2 special keys that will be needed in the 3rd chapter.

7) Return to the starting location
8) Choose anyone, does not affect anything

Chapter 3

    Game from the guide
    • Platform: PC
    • Genre: Strategy, Simulator, Roguelikes
    • Release date 19 October 2021


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