Expeditions: A MudRunner Game Walkthrough and Guide

A guide to all of the game's expeditions.
Expeditions: A MudRunner Game Walkthrough and Guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
1 March 2024

Walkthrough Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

First kilometer

The starting mission is a training mission. You need to learn the basics of driving a vehicle. I'll try to remember one by one what you need to do:

The W key is responsible not only for driving forward, but also for the vehicle starter. The first press allows you to start the vehicle. For turns and driving backwards use the standard keys A, D, S.

By pressing Shift, you can shift between automatic, downshift and neutral gears. You can also lock the differential, but it only works in a lower gear, or select all-wheel drive/conventional (front) drive.

Through the Spacebar you can refuel the car from a canister taken on an expedition, or repair individual parts thanks to pre-stocked spare parts.

Finally, the T key opens the wheel inflation menu. The lower the pressure, the better the grip and the higher the fuel consumption.

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Drive from one place to another following the instructions, collect the memory card and deliver it to the specified point to be rewarded with $3000.

You'll soon get to HQ, and you'll see that there are three main locations available on the game's release - Little Colorado, Arizona, and the Carpathians. Right now you can only go to Little Colorado, with 5 expeditions available to you. Arizona and the Carpathians will open after completing the first expedition in Little Colorado. There are 37 expeditions available in each of these locations!

Little Colorado

First Expedition

When selecting an expedition, press Backspace to see a list of bonus and regular rewards. You are guaranteed to earn $2000, with $1500 going as an upfront payment. Further, you'll earn an additional $500 if you take less than 200 damage (each of the five available parts has a standard durability of 100). Only the starting vehicle is available to you for now. If you wish, before the start of the mission you can buy improvements, add-ons, various inventory items and on-board cargo for the car. You should definitely buy a jack!

This will be a fairly simple mission. Ride on the marker, use the echo sounder by selecting it through the TAB key. It determines the depth of the swamp. Green markers indicate that the depth of the swamp is shallow, yellow markers - bigger, and red markers - quite deep. If you have filled the on-board cargo, you will have to free the cells by moving fuel, spare or spare parts under the menu with radios at the exchange point. Pick up two radios and drive a little further. Use the drone and fly over the marker. Then drive even farther and use the winch to pull yourself to the tree. Once up the slope, set up the two radios. Use the map and then get the binoculars. You can use them to find supplies, for example, which include fuel, spare parts and spare parts. Drive a little further, despite the fact that you are asked to use a drone. Just stand at the indicated point, open the map, select the base (H on the map). Its name will appear on the left. Click on it and press the mouse wheel to evacuate. Park the car.

The neighborhood

You need to install a metal detector. You will have to do this on the Scout you unlocked in the previous mission. The metal detector should be installed on the roof. Use the yellow markers in the garage menu when selecting the Scout. Unlike the all-terrain vehicle, the Scout has no on-board cargo, so you can't take additional supplies. You don't need them now.

Drive through a small swamp nearby, only with the help of echo sounder find the least deep places. Next you will need to cross a bigger lake, and on the left side look for a narrow place with rocks. This is a ford. For its activation you will get an additional $100, Get to the camp, use the metal detector, which will indicate the approximate directions of resources that you need to find. In each place where there is an improvement, resources and so on, there will be a blue square area and an area of the color that denotes specific items. Be sure to pick up the improvement first. The thing is that as soon as you find all three zones and visit three blue squares, the task will end. And if the improvement is the last one, you won't be able to pick it up. Use the winch to get out of difficult situations, or if your car flips over. If you evacuate less than twice, you'll get an extra $100 to the promised $2200, in general you don't have to evacuate here.


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