The first act serves as a tutorial of the various game mechanics. The game begins with your character arriving at the scene of an accident. As you get out of the car, you will see a few hints explaining the mechanics of movement. Use the W , A, S, D keys to move and hold SHIFT to run. Even here you may encounter a number of mistakes, so don't get ahead of yourself: perform the tasks in a strictly defined order! Do not deviate from your goals, otherwise you risk triggering certain events, breaking the order and catching a bug. First, go to the marker and talk to Lieutenant Kibenk. Along the way, you'll get a few hints explaining other mechanics. After talking to the lieutenant, you will get a new objective.
After that, press the I key to open your inventory and move the hose to any shortcut box at the bottom of the screen. You'll have to turn around and attach the hose to the hydrant by pressing the E key. A group of markers will appear around you, the closest one being in the direction you came from. If you have already secured the hose on the quick access panel, press the right key to pick it up. Aim for the fire and press the LMB to deliver the water. Contrary to what you might expect, the fire takes much longer to go out. So be patient. Do the same with all the fires, connecting the hose to the other hydrants. Next, attach a walkie-talkie to any quick access box (via inventory) and respond by pressing RMB.
After reaching a new goal, you will see three markers on the screen. One of them points to a hydrant and the other two point to fire trucks. The first fire truck has a blue ribbon and the second one has a red ribbon. Accordingly, connect the hydrant with these ribbons to the correct cars.
Next you need to climb up the debris. This part may seem a bit confusing as you are not given detailed instructions. Follow the marker and it will lead you to a shovel. Luckily, the scissors are on a crate next to the same fire truck. When you pick up the shovel, a clue will appear. Lock it to the crate, then approach the marked objects and press the LKM to grab it with the shovel. You need to stand directly under the fragment. Take the object to the bedding and press the PCM. Repeat the same with the second fragment.
A new objective will appear, but the game won't actually give any instructions on what you need to do. Before heading to the other two markers, attach the hose to the fire truck. Put out the fire and jump on the yellow ledge. Continue to put out the fire until the objective is refreshed.
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With your new character you will have to find your way to the roof, which is pretty easy to do. You need to climb the ladder that is right behind the fire truck where you first found Lt. Kibenk . Climb up the ladder and once you pass the waypoint, you will get a new objective. Directly in front of you is a fire hydrant. Attach the hose and put all the marked fires - there are three in total. This will give you another objective.
Remove the hose from the hydrant and follow the waypoint. A tooltip will prompt you to use CTRL to crouch down and go over the obstacle, then you'll have to find another path. Go back to where you came from, crouching down again to crawl under the obstacle and follow the waypoint. This time you'll have to use crushed stone to climb up the sloping steel bars. Your character will cough once you pass the waypoint and you'll get another objective.
This part is a bit confusing, so before you leave this area, take a look at the staircase in the distance. It's a bit hidden, but I'll show you in the image below.
Walk towards the stairs and go up to the top of the stairs. Keep looking to the right and jump to the debris, then follow the waypoint. Next is a very simple parkour section, and at the end is a door with a waypoint. A tooltip will teach you how to use the Crowbar, however it mentions that you should wait until the status bar turns green, but in my experience it never turns green unless you release it at the correct time when the status bar turns blue. Interact with the door and wait for the status bar to turn blue, then click. Before continuing, turn around and you will find an iron grate door that you can cut with cutters. Interact with it and you will find several items inside.
With that done, keep going through the door you opened and you'll come across a concrete pillar that you can topple over and cross to the other side. Cross the makeshift bridge and turn the valve. Follow the waypoint and it will lead you to another door, then enter. Follow the waypoint to your left and this character will die as well. You can go through the door in front or enter the door on the right to grab some items.
After going through the door, you will find a ladder at the end of the waypoint that will lead you inside the ventilation shaft. Once inside the shaft, you can interact with the vent and crawl out into another area. Follow the waypoint into another shaft, and this time it will lead you to a room with a fire and a door. Get closer to the fire and turn the vent to put it out. After that, go through the door and look to the left to find some items on the floor and in the closet. After that, follow the sign to the stairs.
You will find the scientists at the end of the waypoint, but along the way you will find a radio. By tuning in and listening to this, you can score the Winds of Change achievement. I will update this guide when it is confirmed. The scientists will tell you that the only way in is through the elevator shaft. Follow the guide to the elevator shaft and head down. There, interact with the iron door to open it with a crowbar.
Climb the ladder and at the top use the wooden board to reach the platform above you. There, climb the ladder and make your way inside. This character will die here and you will continue the game with someone else. Playing as a new character, search the room for items and go to the door and find that it is sealed. Then turn around and swing open the iron door to get out . Look to the left of the door on the other side and it will look dead, but there is a platform at the top that you can hold on to.
There sneak inside and interact with the orange locker to open the door. You'll find a bottle on the right, pick it up and go back to the sealed door. From here, it's a short parkour section until you reach a pillar that you can knock over and go to the other side. Cross over and keep walking forward, then your character will fall and you will get injured in the leg. Don't worry about the injury and follow the signs to the roof to reach the end of Act I. You will also unlock a medal for the “Courage on Fire” achievement.
In Pripyat you will have to visit several locations. Not everywhere you need to clean all the pockets with radioactive dust and gas, but if you do it with every contaminated area, you will get the achievement “Man for Dirty Work”.
For completing this act, you will receive the “Ghost Town” achievement.
Similar to Pripyat, you can get the “Spring Cleaning” achievement if you remove all the pockets of radiation in this location.
For completing this act you will get the achievement “Picnic on the Edge of the Village”.
Put on your gas mask and follow to the marker. Walk away from the military to the left and go through the forest clearing, avoiding the infected areas. Keep following the markers until you enter the building. There aren't many soldiers here, so it won't be hard to hide from them. Once inside, try to call the elevator or use the stairs, but the way up will be blocked. The mission will update, suggesting to search the first floor. In the hallway by the main entrance, on one of the chairs, find a note with the code to enter the duty room. Follow the marker, break down the door and make your way to the warehouse. On the wall will be a poster of a spaceman with the code 2604. Go back to the locked door and enter this code.
Take the key from the duty desk and open the door of office 002. On the narrow pedestal against the left wall, find the note. Several markers will appear. Interact with the pictures at these markers to collect the code combination. In the current room, in the far right corner, find the poster with the number “5” (in red). In the hallway behind the double doors, there is a painting with the number “6”. In the warehouse where you found the code 2604, find the poster with the devil and the number “6”. In the main hallway at the very end there is a painting with a hanged soldier and the number “6”. Open the door of room 004 by entering the code 5666.
Open the brown panel with the tire iron, follow the marker and kick the next door. Interact with the panel. Go outside and go to the marked technical building. Behind one of the doors there will be a staircase that will take you up to the second floor. Take the key from the floor and exit the building. Go back to the previous room and use the elevator. Go to the second floor, enter room 105, use the sprinkler and find the key on one of the desks so that the task will be updated. Also find the note. Open the door to the stairwell and go up to the third floor. In the marked room, read the note on the office desk and leave the building the same way.
Follow the marker, go through the hole in the fence and past the soldier by the road. Press yourself against the left fence so he doesn't see you. Save yourself beforehand. Once you get to the right building, find a staircase outside on the right. Climb up and go inside. Go down to the first floor, enter the marked room and take the key from the table. Go upstairs and open the lecture hall. Use the computer, select the C drive, the data folder and the dir command. You can also select disk D, strip_poker folder and the dir command to see the digital image of the girl. Open the door in the hallway. If it doesn't work, go back through the other door to the previous building and use the door behind the dog to return. Open the white door and enter the burning library. Find a note with the code 3381 at the far end.
Go back to the previous building, go up to the third floor using the elevator. When the elevator gets stuck, press all the buttons to get out. Get to the marked door, enter the code 3381 and go inside. Find the equipment, interact with the computer, select the C drive, radar folder and press the dir command. There will be a note on the barrel in the corner of the room. The computer tells you where to enter the radar disable code.
Go to the marked building, you will be stopped by a soldier. Do the report, following the rules. Read the note on the table by the radio to get the code 22458. Tune the radio to the desired wave by moving it almost all the way to the left. The mission will update and you will be directed to the control room to enter the authorization code. Go upstairs in the same building and enter the code on the panel to the right of the computer. Return to where the mission started.
For completing this act, you will receive the achievement “One... Two... Three... The Eye of Moscow is watching".
Talk to Boyko, and after loading go downstairs and open the door on the right. Follow to the marker and interact with the fuse box. Contact Nadia by radio. Climb through the open ventilation shaft, move forward to enter a new room. Continue following the markers through the rooms, collecting fuses from the various wall units. Pay attention to the walls and ventilation passages. Then go back to the block and install the fuses.
Get to the elevator and go to the sixth floor. After talking to Nadia, move to the marker and in one of the rooms, connect the hose to the fire hydrant to start putting out the fire. Follow to the marker and answer Professor Dvortsov on the radio. Then go back and connect the hose to another hydrant to extinguish the fire at the door of the next room, allowing you to reach the marker. Use the brown panel, then go back to the elevator and enter the last room on the left where the hydrant is. Look to the right and climb up the cabinets and platforms to the marker. Open the yellow cabinet with the tire iron, connect the hose and put out the fire in the room. Climb the yellow ledge at the other end of the room, to the left of the hydrant and ventilation shaft. Break into the yellow cabinet with the tire iron.
Go through the corridor to the hydrant, plug in and enter the room on the right. Put out the fire and move to the new room. Get to the next locker and hack it with a tire iron to pump out the water. Follow the marker and contact Nadia on the walkie-talkie. Go to the marker and turn the valve. Go through the destroyed and partially flooded room, avoiding the water by moving on the ledges. Hack the second yellow cabinet on the location (the first one was found earlier). Do the same with the third cabinet and continue following the marker.
Climb up the ladder. Duck down and get under the rubble. Turn into the room on the left, climb some yellow ledges, jump on the platforms and push the stone column. Push another beam, reach the Elephant's Foot (corium) and listen to Nadia. Then follow the marker through the ventilation shaft to get back out. Talk to Nadia.
You will get the achievement “Memini tui, memento mei (Remember you, remember me)” for completing this act.
Get into the helicopter and discuss the details with the pilots. Watch the cutscene, then talk to the liquidator. You can recommend him to be strict or kind to his subordinates. Examine the lever, then walk to the end of the cable with the red hook and interact with it by picking the right angle. After that, return to the lever. Push aside the metal plate and answer the call on the walkie-talkie. Follow the marker to the neighboring roof and find the hole through which you can descend inside the building. Talk to the KGB officer. Go forward, talk to the liquidators and go outside. Take the shovel and drop as many radioactive elements from the roof as possible. Follow the marker, go up the stairs and watch the cutscene where Boyko falls down. Talk to the liquidator (find the right angle for the interactive dot to appear), go a little further and try to climb higher. After the fall, move to the helicopter ahead and watch the final video.
For completing this act you will get the achievement “Always Faithful”.
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