Saihate Station Walkthrough — Guide, Endings

The game is short and simple, but in case of any confusion, I have described all the actions that advance the plot. I have marked the solutions to the riddles with a spoiler, and also indicated where to look for clues to them. I have described the conditions for the endings in a separate section.
Saihate Station Walkthrough — Guide, Endings
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
13 March 2025

Walkthrough Saihate Station

First carriage

At the very beginning, we examine the Boston bag and get a "Handkerchief with a white flower" (without this action, the main character will not advance further). We go into the driver's cabin, here to advance the plot it is necessary to interact with the driver's seat / driver's panel, you can also take note of the dark box near the fire extinguisher, which "will need to be illuminated with something". We leave the driver's cabin and interact with the stoned femboy 3 times.

Next, we return to the driver's cabin and interact with the phone/walkie-talkie at the very top. We return to the carriage and interact with the sparkling place near the driver's cabin. We receive the item "Conductor's ID Card" and go back into the driver's cabin. There, just below the driver's panel, there is a box (see picture 1), which can be opened with the ID card you just received.

In the box we find the item "Oil Lighter". Thanks to it we can immediately see what was hidden in the dark box near the fire extinguisher. We return back to the train car. Here we become witnesses of paranormal activity. We immediately interact with the poster by the window, then interact with the sparkles in the center of the jam 2 times and select the recently torn poster, after which we find a piece of paper with numbers.

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And so, to leave the first car, you need to enter a 4-digit code at the door located next to the bag of Mr. We saw the first half of the code when we were wiping off the jam, but if you forgot or want to check again, you can interact with the glitter near the seats in the center of the car. The second half of the code is in the driver's cabin, or more specifically, it hangs in a dark box near the fire extinguisher.

Answer: 2591 (we put 2 pieces of paper together and get 1652, this code doesn't suit us! We turn it over and get the correct version)

Select "yes", otherwise select "no"

Intermediate stage

Here you will definitely have to rummage through the trash, otherwise the game will not let you go further. We get the first red ticket and catch a bad trip. Then we go along the yellow line to the next car and catch a scare-chase. Holding shift, we run into the next car.

Second carriage

What you choose when you run into the carriage does not affect the ending! Immediately go along the red line and go up to the bar, on the 2nd floor. Here you can immediately interact with the painting and get the item "rusty knife" and read the menu (it will be useful to us in the future for one of the endings, for now we just remember the specified ingredients).

To advance the plot, go to the toilet on the 2nd floor. To go from the toilet to the electrical panel, you will need the knife that we picked up in the bar on the 2nd floor.

Inside you will find a puzzle with flowers. I will not explain it to you because our femboy friend does it anyway (and even without him and the hints on the piece of paper in the corner, the puzzle is very simple). Having solved the puzzle, we restore the light and head out of the room. A fire starts. Immediately interact with the exit and answer "Yes", then interact only with the nightstand in the very corner of the room and again break into the door.

After all the dialogues and flashbacks, we return to the bar. You will not be released from here until you sit down at the glittering table by the window. After chatting at the table, we go down to the first floor and examine the bag, which is between the seats. There we find 500 yen and immediately use them on the vending machine, located just above the stairs to the bar. The choice again does not affect anything. We go up to the 2nd floor, go into the toilet and interact with the window (it is right at the transition between the bar and the toilet). We go back down to the first floor and interact with the door outside. Once again we go up to the 2nd floor and go into the toilet to Shion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). After that, you can finally leave the 2nd car!

Collecting the remaining red tickets

After leaving the 2nd carriage, we head to the 3rd carriage and interact with the employee's "glittering" ID. Then we go to the edge of the platform and talk to the shadowy Basil man. He very veiledly tells us where the remaining red tickets are. Important! One of the endings is influenced by 2 things you must do before collecting the fourth ticket. In order not to waste your time, I recommend doing them now!

These two points are:

  • Conversation about what Shion saw in the mirror (~3 times interact with the mirror)
  • Cooking apple pie with Shion. Check the menu > interact with the glass of wine (see picture) > go to the driver's cabin > talk to the shadow > answer the shadow "apple" > interact with the menu again)

So let's get back to the main plot and the search for red tickets.

By "Cemetery with crosses standing in a row" is meant the station itself and the telephone poles placed around its territory. After reading the route map, you will get a thin hint on where to look for a ticket. The route map itself is located here:


  • By "Abandoned place" they most likely meant the trash can from which we pulled out the first ticket.
  • Under "Execution by burning", as you can easily guess, is the electrical panel, which you can now enter again and loot the third red ticket
  • By "Electric chair" we mean the laptop on the 2nd floor of the bar.
  • You will find a hint to the password for it on the same board where we looked at the route map.

Answer: by pressing the "Esc" or "X" key, we remember the day and month of Haru's birth from the card

After collecting all the red tickets, a stream of dialogues will begin. According to the old Saihat tradition, the choice will again have no consequences (or rather, if you take Shion by the hand, they will show you a horror story). If you have already fulfilled the conditions for getting ending Z, then this is the best place to save, because from here the fork in the routes begins. Now, to get the main endings, we just need to leave the car without talking to Shion / talking to him less than 5 times and head to the turnstiles. After them, we go into the very bottom door, located opposite the door with flowers and solve the last puzzle. Solution: read each note and answer the shadow "Everything".

We leave the room with the puzzle and enter the apartment to the side of the door with flowers.

I don't really see any point in describing the rest of the game because there's nowhere to get stuck. The only thing I can advise is to make a save before the "boss" and after defeating him, but the game itself hints at this.

Endings Saihate Station

Ending A

After defeating Shion, open your inventory and use the "White Flower Handkerchief"

Ending B

After defeating Shion, open your inventory and use "Sharp Knife"

Ending C

To do this, you need to wait 5 seconds without pressing Z when Shion catches up with the main character.

Ending Z (secret)

The conditions for obtaining it will be told to you after completing ending A. In fact, this is a separate route, from which it will no longer be possible to leave and obtain the other endings.

Let me remind you of the conditions for its start:

  1. Interact with the mirror ~3 times, sparking a dialogue with Shion about what he saw in the reflection.
  2. Share a meal with our partner. This is a bit more complicated. First, we interact with the menu, from which we learn that we need 2 ingredients: an apple and red wine. The wine is in the same room.

Now we go to the driver's cabin. There will be another shadow dummy. We answer his question and return to the bar. We interact with the menu again and watch the scene.

And lastly, after collecting 4 red tickets, talk to Shion during "rest" 5+ times.

If you have fulfilled all the conditions, then feel free to go to the 2nd carriage. There, if all the conditions are met, a passage will open to the 3rd carriage, where the beach episode will take place!

After that we go to the already familiar turnstile. The path will be similar to route A, but there will be differences (for example, Shion will go into her hut).


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