This is a translation of the English-language material, which is currently being processed by our editor!
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When starting the game, will you be in control??t Emem, one of the three main characters. First, you'll learn about dialogue and how Skills affect the options available. When talking to the Traveler, you will see that out of your two dialogue options, Emem has a Psychology Skill of 2 and a Persuasion Skill of 0. Since your Persuasion is 0, you cannot choose this dialogue option. You are forced to choose "She has nothing to hide." Don't worry, this is all part of the tutorial, which shows how important skills are in dialogues. After that, you will be able to ask the Traveler a few questions, finding out what a red code and a clean house are. Both options can be selected.
After talking with April, you will learn about the disciplines. Disciplines are special abilities defined by your clan. You can use these special abilities in dialogue, but each use increases Hunger. The more you use the disciplines, the sooner you will have to drink someone's blood. If satiety reaches zero, you can lose control and attack the nearest mortal with viciousness. Now, instead of persuasion, you will have to use Emem discipline (all for the same reason - your persuasion is 0).
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But Presence is 1 point compared to 3 for April. On such checks, the one with the higher skill wins. In this episode, you have no other option but to fail. Your attempt to flatter April won't work, but this??scripted by the game. Continue training in which your actions are intentionally limited. In a few minutes, you will be able to determine for yourself how you want to use your Skills and Disciplines to control the game.
In this guide, we will try to tell you about all the consequences of your decisions, and at the same time will not say how you should have acted in this or that situation.
During the conversation, you will notice that as new topics are mentioned, various points of the Code are added. When you have full control of Emem and can walk, first open the codex. By pressing Tab, you will find the desired menu. Here you can read about various topics and terms that will help you better understand the game. You'll also find biographies for every important character you've encountered before. Currently, there are biographies of the three main characters - Emem, Galeba and Leisha, as well as April.
By looking through the "Talents" section, you can learn about the various abilities of the hero. There are three categories of talents: skills, discipline and hunting. You currently have a 1 in Psychology, and a 1 in Presence (also called Puppet Master and Spellcaster respectively), and a 0 in the rest. You can pump talents by using them in certain situations. The more you use Psychology and Presence, the higher their level will be.wreath.
In the Traits section, you will find three important things. Two of them are "Common Features" - Hunger and Suspicion. Very soon you will have to eat, so hunger indicates a high level. It gives a bonus to Intimidate and a debuff to Psychology (you lose if there is a tie on this stat).
So, you are "hungry" and "unreliable". We will talk about these mechanics later. After talking with April, the "Put her in her place" trait will appear. Because you lost the conversational contest (though you couldn't win), you gained this negative trait.
Walk forward. In the next room, you will meet Galeb, who is talking to Xu Feng. Here, instead of questions, you need to make actual choices. They don't consume Willpower or anything, so just say whatever you want.
Let's go back to Emem and learn about the trick. Focus allows you to temporarily increase skills (you cannot increase Discipline or Knowledge), but requires willpower. You will have to use this feature right now. Scroll the mouse wheel to increase your Rhetoric skill. If you increase it to 2 units, the success rate with Hilda will be 30%. You will spend 5 willpower. Or you can increase your Rhetoric to level 3 by sacrificing 6 Willpower, but in this case you get a 100% chance of success, since your skill will be higher than Hilda's.
Whatever choiceWhatever you do, Hilda will also use Focus, which will give her 3. If you settled for 2, that means you will automatically fail, and if you chose 3, your 100% chance will suddenly become 30%.
After leaving Hilda, feel free to talk to other people in the room. After talking with Berel, you will find another opportunity to use the rhetoric skill, but your stats are not high enough and you will not succeed. No matter what, you will fail. Remember, the more you practice using your skills, the stronger they become. Even if the checks fail.
Let's get back to the main plot. By pressing the Q key, you can see the current target. You are currently being asked to "Answer the Prince's Call". Go to the elevator ahead and follow to the floor of the prince.
After the video, you need to select a profile for Emem. The following options are available:
It's kind of like class selection. Choosing a free profile will allow you to independently distribute your 130 experience points into any categories. Therefore, I would recommend choosing "Free" so that you can create a character yourself.
Here are the attributes you will get when choosing one or another profile:
Choose wisely! These abilities will help you during the game, but they are not required to win.
After meeting with Prince Iversen, Emem will go to a bar. There are several "Vessels" nearby, which will come in handy in a moment. After going into one of the side rooms, you will "discover" a safe area. You will be told to pursue a lone prey and make sure there are no witnesses nearby, otherwise it will arouse suspicion. Entering another side room, you will "discover" another safe area. If you find all the safe zones in the game, you will get the "Meet me there" achievement.
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It's time to pick your prey. After leaving the safe zone, select any person (vessel) in the bar. Approaching him, interactEngage with them while holding the F key. This will enchant the prey and lure them into a niche where you can drink blood. After that, you will be prompted that you can choose how much blood to drink from the victim. Choose how much hunger to satisfy and how much blood to leave in the vessel. The top bar is the remaining blood. If it is completely exhausted, the victim will die, suspicion of you will rise.
This is a quick mini-game, so don't hold the button for too long. You only have a couple of seconds to stop before you override the button and kill the victim.
As you satisfy your hunger, you will learn about resonance. Basically, some mortals will grant you Resonance, which can give you an experience boost at the end of the scene. Resonance does not stack. Instead, you will only gain experience from the last resonance you received. You can also eat prey again, but this time it will definitely die. If you are not satisfied with the current level of hunger, it is best to find a second victim.
It's time to find Jorny. Ask the bartender. Sylvia (the bartender) will prompt you to check one of the rooms on the right side. Entering the open room on the right side, you will find a vessel sitting on a couch. Opposite is a scarf. While inspecting the scarf, Emem can use Clairvoyance to heighten the senses and get additional information from the scarf. Do you raise?You are not hungry for 2 units, but you can track down Jorni.
Now go along the golden path that appeared as a result of your actions. You can stop and talk to Dayan Siaka. After going into the next room, you can also talk to Berel again.
Passing by, pay attention to the door leading to the Archive. We will return to it later. While following Jorni's trail through the hallway, you can use Clairvoyance to gather more information. You can also find the Club Calling Card in Jorni's office. This is a consumable that restores 2 Willpower. Interacting with Jorny's computer in her office will reveal an email addressed to Abigail. This letter mentions a document that opens up a new objective for you: find the 1998 Solstice file.
Return to the archive door. Depending on your choice when you previously allocated experience points, your options may be different. Most likely, they are different from mine, but that's okay. Choose what you'd like to say (and remember, if your stats are too low, you can still improve them a bit). To your right will be the door to the archive. Try to open it. It is currently locked, but you can use your Skills to open it (if your Electronics skill is high enough).
To open the door you needLevel 3 Electronics. If you upgrade any skill to level 3, you will receive the achievement "Neonat". If the Electronics is not high enough, read the note next to the door. According to her, you need to talk about the archive with Lazarus. Turn around and enter Lazar's office (to the left of Jorni's office). Inside you will find a key card lying in a tray on the right. By entering the archive in any way, find the document you need.
By interacting with the document from above, you will be able to use Clairvoyance to find the blue trail. Follow the trail to Abigail Nurmi's office to find a pager. You will also find a half-burned note. After reading it, get a new hint.
After leaving the office, return to the bar. Here you will find Abigail. Talk to her to complete the task and start a new one: "Go to Jara". Drori's apartment on the 1st floor.
After entering April's office at the end of the hall, talk to her. You can practice the Psychology skill. Continuing on Jorni's trail, head upstairs and optionally speak with Hilda in the conference room. Or you can go further down the corridor. Finally, you will find yourself at the end of the path. This is the point of no return. If you want to continue exploring, turn around and leave. There won't be another chance.
Upon entering Jara Drori's apartment, you will find Jorni. This will complete the Goto Jara. Drori's apartment on the 1st floor.
After talking with Jorni, you have to make an important choice. Take her to the Prince or tell her to run. If you take her to Iverson, your next steps will help determine her fate.
If you tell Jorny to run, you will get into a confrontation. She doesn't want to leave and you need to convince her to do so. You can only fail three times here, but it's essentially an automatic win (there are only three stages in this confrontation anyway).
Here's what you need to do to be successful:
If you manage to convince her, you will send Jorni to the Anarchs. In fact, you cannot fail this confrontation. In the third stage, she cannot refuse, which means that you will always win at least one stage, and that is enough.
Winning a Confrontation without resorting to Disciplines will earn you the "Polite Conversation" achievement.
Whatever you choose, you will now control Leisha. You will be prompted to select a profile, as you did for Emem. After the video you will haveChoice: give in to the premonition or fight it. If you give up, you will miss the conversation between Emem and Journey, but you won't reveal yourself. This will give you the "Introspective" trait. If you fight it, hear what Emem said to Jorni. That is, if Emem convinced her to run away, you can later tell the Prince about it.
As you explore the room, you will find Jara. Drory's notepad is next to the bed. On the shelf at the other end of the room, you will notice a pink file. It appears to be a Unification Party planning file. This is what Jornie was looking for earlier.
When leaving Haru Drori, you can use the Primogen Apartments Master Key to further explore this location. In particular, you can use it to open the door to Dayan Shiaki's apartment and start a new objective. Inside you will find a Polaroid photo - a consumable that restores 2 Willpower.
Selecting [1] to use Clairvoyance, you will find a hidden file in the bedroom. It takes 2 Hunger to remove the concealment spell from him. As a result, you will be able to read it. By doing this, you will complete the current task.
As you leave, use your key to open the other wing and explore the other apartments. Here you will find Hilda in the office, and you will be asked to act covertly. Using Obfuscate (press [2]) you can become invisible. Sneaking into Gil's apartment?You, eavesdrop on her conversation. Hunger will increase by 2 units. That's all you can do in Hilda's apartment.
After entering Berel's apartment, talk to him. To succeed in this task, you need to defeat him in one of the dialogue options. This will require high Persuasion. If you're using Focus to reach level 4 or 5, that should be enough. If you failed to defeat Berel, but would like to succeed, try immediately exiting the game by returning to the main menu. If you do this before the autosave time, you can try again.
Join Halsey in Richard's office
Upon entering Richard's apartment, you will find a briefcase on his couch. While looking through the briefcase, take out Mr. Dunham's floppy disk. Taking a floppy disk, go to the man's computer, insert it and read the document. Then stop and talk to Halsey, who is walking around the room as you explore. She will ask if you are going to return to the Prince right now. This is the point of no return . If there are any other goals you would like to complete or areas you would like to explore, give up and go for it.
After telling Halsey that you are ready to see the Prince, you will automatically return to speak with Iverson in her office. You can say whatever you want. If you give the PrinceUnification Party Planning File, you will get the Mercy trait. If you tell the Prince about Emem and Jorni (assuming Emem convinced Jorni to run away in the previous part), it will have some effect. Depends on what Emem says next. You will receive experience points, and the stage for Leisha will end.
You will be allowed to play for a moment as Emem, who is talking with Prince Iverson. If you ordered Jorny to run, you have a choice:
You will gain experience, the scene is completed. In the Prince's apartment, it remains to play for Galeb.
You are now in control of Galeb. You are prompted to choose a profile, as you did for Emem and Leisha. After receiving the order from the Prince, you need to find Caius Leto. Moving forward, you will be able to talk with Berel on all topics, relying on eloquence and psychology.
After passing by the servants, you will find a small box with a high security key on the counter to your left. Upon entering Caius' office, you can use the high security key on the safe. Inside you will find 1 old coin. This is a consumable that restores 2 Willpower. On his desk you will find a laptop that you can hack with Electronics level 4. There is no important information on it, only a few emails from Drory.
Also on the table you will find a magnetic key card from the server room. After picking up the item, go to the Server Room. This is the point of no return . If you want to explore something, don't go to the server room. When talking with Caius, ask him all the questions. Watch the cut-scene with new orders. Galeb will gain experience, the scene will end. you will get the "Monster Gathering" achievement. The scene in the Prince's apartment is complete.
Choose who to play next - Emem, Galeba or Leishu. Each hero will have a separate stage, and you can play them in any order.
Moving forward, talk to Officer Gomez to get to the crime scene. Inside, Lieutenant Andersen will explain what happened and you can ask her questions.
On this?? stage you will get acquainted with the unique vampire abilities of Galeb. If you didn't understand from the conversation with the Prince in the first scene, Galeb is the oldest vampire left in the city. In case you're wondering, his entry in the Codex (under the Boston tab on the menu) states that Galeb was born in 1710 and turned around in 1745.
As such, his vampire abilities are more advanced than those of Emem and Leisha. Instead of Clairvoyance, Majesty, and Celerity, Galeb uses the following Disciplines:
Using "Feel the Invisible" examine the body. Feel free to check the following (although it's optional):
On the right, you will find two more things that you can interact with. But this is optional. On the other side of the body, you will find Moore's personal items. While examining them, select "Feel the Invisible" again. This will cause the white smoke to turn red. This will come in handy later.
There are several rooms to explore. Turning to face the body, I'll start in the hallway on the left. Down here you'll find a couple of doors along the left wall and one door on the right side.
The second door on the left leads to a safe area full of plants and gardening tools.comrade You can bring a sacrifice here to satisfy your hunger if necessary. If you find all the safe zones in the game, you will get the "Meet me there" achievement. Behind the door on the right side you will find a jungle garden. There is a soft toy next to the window that you can interact with.
Following the path through the garden will lead you to the next room. After entering it, go to the center. You can talk to Officer Hale and look through his notes on the table nearby. Try talking to Ethan Adams sitting on the couch. You can try using Intimidate, Psychology or Majesty. If successful, you can interrogate him. When you're done, get the caretaker's magnetic card, which will give you access to the garage.
Moving into the next room, you will enter the kitchen. Here you will find another officer that you can lure to the safe zone to satisfy your hunger.
In the scene with Emem, you already satisfied your hunger and got a response for it. If you get resonance for all three characters, you will unlock the "You are what you eat" achievement. So feel free to take this opportunity to drink the officer's blood, earning 1 resonance point for Galeb. Examine the leftover food on the table (pizza, donuts and... green beans?). After that, continue to explore the kitchen. In the garbage chute you will find an interesting clue.
Go back to previous?th room and go up the stairs. In the master bedroom, you'll find the Berel Underwood Report file lying on the bed in a suitcase. Take it. You will also find the car key (on the bed). On the other side of the bed, there is a phone covered in blood. By picking it up, you will be able to interact with the smartphone in your inventory to unlock it (requires a high level of Electronics). Be sure to read messages and listen to voice mail.
Pick up old coins in the room. Remember that this is a consumable that can restore 2 Willpower. In Lydia's office, you will find another phone. Listen to other voice messages. In the library you will find Officer Lihan. After talking to her, you will receive a report on Jare Drori. On the floor next to her you will find another interesting clue.
Officer Gonzalez is standing in Moore's office - another victim you can profit from if need be. There are other old coins on the table. After searching the table, you will find the key to Jason Moore's archives. Find the secret button under the table and press it.
A code can be found from the victims' phones (Lydia's phone was unlocked). Today is June's birthday, which is April 3rd, as we know from the photo in her bedroom. Since this is a photo from her 4th birthday party, this means that Jun was born in 2011. So, go to the safe and enter " 040911 ". Inside you onYou're getting a report on Dr. Dunham.
Officer Baker is standing upstairs in Moore's office. By talking to him, you can hear his version of what happened. There is a consumable magnetic key on the table next to it. Behind the locked door in Moore's office (use Jason Moore's archive key) you will find another safe area. There is a report on Dayan Siak on the table. After talking to Officer Baker, talk to Officer Lihan again. If you win both checks in the dialogue (requiring Persuasion), get an addendum to the report on Jar Drory.
If you win the first conversational challenge but lose the second, a confrontation will begin. It has three stages and you can fail twice.
If you didn't use "Domination" to win, get the achievement "Polite Conversation" (can be done at different points in the game). If you win at least one of the three stages listed above, you will receive an appendix to the report on Jar Drori.
Then go through the door in the Kitchen, next to a couple of officers. Ignoring the stairs (for now), go down the hallway to the left. The first door on the right is the laundry room with another little clue in the washing machine.
After going down the elevator, talk to Officer Norton. Interrogate him andThen explore the garage. Use the car key to open the hatchback. Inside you will find a report on Hilda McAndrews. There is a scratch near the entrance. You can also find a couple of rats nearby. Vampires can feed on rats, but as Galeb states, "he won't sink that low." In his role, you can not eat. After going to the security office, you can talk to the valet Wyatt.
Next to the door you will find this valet car key. Take it. You can use the key to open another car. When you open the trunk of Wyatt's car, you'll find the Thin Blood Clock. This is an equippable item. Standing next to Wyatt's car is Officer McLane. You can interrogate him.
Near the security office, you will find a door marked "Fire Exit". Pass through it. Opposite you will see a door to the staff locker room, which is a safe area (through the door on the right). You can bring Officer McLane here if you need to satisfy your hunger. Behind the door on the left, there are seven recyclers connected to garbage chutes in the apartments above. Talk to Wyatt about having them open. After talking with him, you will start the Confrontation. There are three stages, and you can only make a mistake once:
Returning to the dumpsters, open them and examine them. Inside one of the containers is the following clue. Inside the other you will find a hacking tool and a biography of Quentin King. Return to Wyatt. In a conversation with him, you will need Intimidate or Persuasion.
Deliver Jason Moore to Prince
With all five reports in hand, you can finally leave. Return to the main elevator. This is the point of no return . If you have something else you would like to do or learn, take a break. There won't be another chance. After taking the elevator up, you will complete Scene 02 .
You need to complete the Emem or Leisha scene. Select them in any order. If you do, you can move on to the fifth scene with Galeb.
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After exiting the elevator, go forward. To your right there is a door to the safe area "Dressing Room". If you find all the safe zones in the game, you will get the "Meet me there" achievement. If you try to walk past the officers guarding the entrance, they will stop you. Just use the mind fog to become invisible and bypass them. You can become invisible, even standing right in front of them, and they will not notice you (probably, the developers thought differently and you need to become invisible in advance, in some safe zone).
After passing by these two officers, you will see two more. Approach one of them and "copy" his appearance. In reality, it will look like you have taken the cop uniform and Leisha will keep her appearance. Return to the safe zone and change your appearance. Then return to the crime scene and start asking questions. You can talk to Officer Newman, or you can send Officer Bruckheimer to the safe zone to satisfy your hunger.
Crossing the police le??tu, you will find Halsey. After a short cutscene, the Confrontation will begin. There are only two stages, but you cannot fail. If you fail, gain 2 hunger as you gradually become more bloodthirsty. This isn't the only such confrontation you'll face this evening, so you'll need to excel at them so you don't cross the line and get too hungry. Fortunately, there are many mortals around to profit from.
To be successful, select the following options:
If you didn't use "Dominate" to win, you'll get the "Polite Conversation" achievement. After that, examine the room. There are no important clues here, so when you're ready, go to the next room. Ahead, on the couch, you will find a briefcase for inspection. Take the Personal Note #3 cassette and Dr. Dunham's floppy disk. Move on to find a large room. After talking with Captain Paulson, you can find out a little more about what happened.
A new confrontation will begin in the bloody corridor. There is only one stage and you cannot fail. Choose nextcurrent:
This corridor has doors on both sides. The right side door leads to a safe area with a bath, where you can later take another victim (if necessary). Inside the bathroom you will find a wallet. Take it. The left side door leads to the kitchen. Here you can talk to Officer Opuedo. Also find a locked briefcase that requires a pin to open. You don't know the code yet, but you can either crack it with Electronics or hide it with Fog II. A body and a telephone can be found in the wine room adjacent to the Kitchen. After examining it, you will find the code for the portfolio - " 6159 ".
Inside the briefcase you will find the Red Salon file. Take it, turn around. Looking through a hole in the wall, you can copy the appearance of a person in a hazmat suit. Head to the bathroom and use your powers to change your clothes. Then cross the police tape in the danger zone. This is where the third confrontation begins. Follow Halsey and choose next (there is only one stage so you can't lose).
If you successfully calmed Halsey in all three encounters, you will receive the "Mother of the Year" achievement. due to an error, it may not count, but sooner or later you should get it. After completing the confrontation, find safea new zone "Laundry".
After leaving the room, go to the next room. Here you can talk to specialist Solenson. Tell her that "look for details on the blood spatter." There are now two doors in front of you - one on the left and one on the right. Behind the left door, look for another important clue, near the outline of the body. Behind the door on the right you will find Richard. Here you will start another confrontation.
This is a three-stage confrontation and you are only allowed to make a mistake once. Choose from the following:
For winning the confrontation, you will receive the Elusive trait. As you explore the rest of the room, you'll find a Polaroid photo in the shower. This is a consumable that restores 2 points of Willpower.
After leaving the room, go out onto the terrace. Moving forward, you will find Agent Edison. Copy his uniform and return to the safe area of the laundry. Returning to the terrace in uniform, go left and look for Agent Filbert. You'll find a file next to it, but it won't let you examine the document. When talking to Filbert, you can choose "Insist!", and then useuse Dominance. When he leaves, you can read the file confirming that Miley is still around somewhere. It is marked as "Target 49". Apparently, these are research files. Next to Agent/Rookie Olsen you will find a magnetic key. Don't forget to also examine the bodies next to him!
There is another key in the open box in the middle of the terrace. On the other side of the terrace, next to the tent, look for another item. Use the key to unlock the first aid kit. This will give you an adrenaline syringe.
Grand Inquisitor Stanford
Inside the tent you will find Agent O'Neill. After talking to him, you'll be prompted to use your mind fog abilities to fully transform into Olsen's agent/rookie (not just copy his uniform). Talk to Olsen to copy his appearance and get the Foresight trait. Then return to the main room. Previously, the corridor was blocked, but now it is open. At the bottom, look for the "IT Room" safe area. Reincarnate and do not forget to take the hacking tool, and then leave the room.
Then use the Insight ability to inspect the wall behind the door. So you will find a secret door. After passing through it, you will see Natasha. After talking to her, be sure to grab the Polaroid photo on the table behind her. Returning to the tent as Olsen, you will be able to enter the back roomthat. This is the point of no return . If you have something you would like to do, don't go there. After entering the room, you will meet the Stanford Grand Inquisitor. After the cutscene, the episode will end. This is one of the options for how the scene could end! The second one is below.
There's Agent Eister on the terrace. Talk to him and he will ask for the crate. This is the point of no return . To find out who is who, you need to activate Insight. Learn the following things:
A trail from Insight will lead you to clues, and you will understand who is who. Here are the contents of all coffins/boxes:
Tell Agent Eyster that you will take the KI2 crate. Taking it, you will leave the location and return to the Prince.
By choosing Emem, you can distribute your experience to unlock new Skills, Attributes and Disciplines. After the video, you will be able to move freely. On the right there is a stone. As you move the stone, you will see three rats. For each rat eaten, 2-3 hunger units can be removed. The hunger will be 10 (you are very hungry), so you can bring it down to 2 if you eat all the rats. Per laneFeeding a rat again will earn you the "Bad Taste" achievement.
Once you reach the ledge, you can use the Celerity ability to move to the other side. This is the only way forward, but you get +3 hunger. In the future, you will be able to move back and forth at no additional cost. Hunger is only counted for the first movement. You won't be able to teleport if you're too hungry. This means that you are forced to drink the blood of rats. The more blood you drink, the more you will develop the Rat Eating talent (in the future, eating rats will eliminate more hunger).
Moving forward, you will activate a memory in the elevator. There are seven doors around you, but only one will open. Moving through it, you will see echoes of the past. At the top of the stairs, you need to use movement to move forward. It won't increase your Hunger because Emem has done it before (in the past, remember?). As mentioned earlier, teleporting through obstacles previously passed does not grant hunger. There are two more gaps that you need to jump over. By doing this, you will learn more about what happened here.
You will get the Amnesia trait. After going through the portal in the center of the room, you will return to the previous area. There are three paths to choose from. One of them actually leads to a dead end with two more rats. Extreme rightThe th path allows you to go to an empty cell, where you will find a hack tool and a coin (due to your amnesia, you cannot do anything with the coin at this time). There is nothing else here. The path next to the Library sign requires two moves, but Famine will only be credited for one. You will reach a pillar in the center of the room and you can choose where to go next. There are two options: the camera on the left or the ledge on the right.
After jumping into the chamber on the left, you will find yourself in a chamber with a mortal. If you have not reduced your hunger, you will automatically attack him. Otherwise, you can decide on your own. There are a lot of rats around. If you choose the ledge on the right, you will find two more rats. Once you reach the ledge on the right, you will have much more options. There are five different paths in total that you can follow. Three paths ahead, including two corridors on either side and a room ahead.
Behind you, if you look at the stairs nearby, you can find two more paths (one leaves the ledge on the left, and the other leads up the stairs). Now I will try to explain. To do this, I numbered each option in the screenshot below.
Following this path, you will find two more rats. At the end, you can use the move down. There is a magnetic key on the barrel on the right. This is a consumable that will increase your Electronics by 1 the next time you use it. Use it wisely! Going further, you will find a blood-soaked mattress. By interacting with him, you will find yourself in the elevator again, in another memory. One of the seven doors has opened (the previous door is now locked). After passing through it, view the memory and exit through the portal.
Upon entering this room, you will find 2 Brews on a barrel on the right. These are consumables, each of which eliminates 2 units of hunger. As you explore the room, you will find six documents (none of which are required reading). You will also find 1 potion that will make you faster and more agile for the rest of the scene. You will also find these levers which can be used to raise and lower the gate to block access to Path 1 and Path 3. You will be able to enter each chamber. By lowering the gate for Path 1, you will gain access to two more mortals, allowing you to drink their blood. In the last chamber in? you will also find some bottles on the ground. By interacting with them, you will activate another memory. All seven doors will be open. View the memory and leave this place through the portal.
Leads to a dead end. But if you lower the gate from Path 2 and follow Path 4 (more on that below), you can look up and see a mortal locked in a cell. If you drink his blood, you will find yourself in a mortal chamber. The only way to get there (I did not find another). In the third chamber you will find two more rats and a corpse with a brooch. It's not a consumable. Instead, it is classified as "Equipment", which will give your character various upgrades. In this case, this item will help during the dialogue. From the third chamber, you can move to the ledge outside. Here you will find a crack in the wall that you can interact with, which will trigger another memory.
Find which of the seven doors opened and enter to see the flashback. Inside the second chamber, you will find a radio that you can interact with. It will send you to another memory. One of the seven doors opened. Find it and enter to see the memory. When you're ready to leave this dead end corridor, you can open the gate with the lever.
Interact with the candle to end up in an elevator, in another memoryii. And again one of the seven doors opened. After entering, view the memory and exit through the portal.
After climbing the stairs, you can move to the tower. After entering it, you can interact with it to raise/lower the Tower using the floor puzzle. Move the floor as shown in the screenshot below:
This will spawn a small metal rod from the pedestal in the center of the room. By interacting with him, you can access the 2nd floor. Here you will find another puzzle. Rotate the floor to match the screenshot below:
Now you can get to the 3rd floor. Rotate the floor again to match the screenshot below:
Vampire: The Masquerade — Swansong Game Guide" alt="Vampire: The Masquerade — Swansong Walkthrough Game Guide" width="80%" data-src="/storage/uploads/guides/2022-05-22/ afe4112c4feb665fcc85b3c42b1657ac.jpg">
This will give you access to the 4th floor. Upstairs you will find this brazier. By interacting with it, you will find yourself in a different memory. Again, one of the seven doors will open. Log in and view the memory. If you get to this point, you will see the last memory that removes your amnesia trait.
If you have found all seven memories, you will receive the achievement "How could I forget this?". Go back through the portal to get to the Tower. This is the point of no return .
By interacting with the portal at the top of the Tower, you will be able to leave. The confrontation will begin. This is a critical moment in the story, as major events will depend on your success or failure.
You are only allowed two failures. You don't need to use your Skills, but they will help.
For successful negotiations, you will receive the trait "Deepbreak." Winning a Confrontation without resorting to Disciplines will earn you the "Polite Conversation" achievement, if you've already earned it.
Other articles on the game
Again we play for Galeb. We will find ourselves in a bar where Emem used to be. If you check two niches, then "discover" (again) a safe zone. One on each side. If you find all the safe zones in the game, you will get the "Meet me there" achievement. Since this is a new scene, you need to "re-open" these areas for them to count. Moving forward, you will hear a signal from the pager. Caius Leto urgently requests a meeting. Now you need to choose which task to complete, so how about you?? There is only time for one. Scroll down to the relevant section below.
For starters, you can look around and even talk to April. After going upstairs, you can also talk to Dayan and Hilda. When you're ready, head to Berel's apartment. Approaching him, you will have another choice.
If you run into Berel, a confrontation will begin. It has five parts and you can only fail twice. Choose from the following:
Once you've dealt with Berel, move on to the next section, Answer the Prince's Call.
After taking the elevator to the Prince's office, you will find a servant at her door. You can talk to him to gain access. This is the point of no return . Upon entering the Prince's office, you can discuss the consequences of your choice in Scene 02 (as Galeb). You will then receive a new mission: kill Walter Stanford. You may have already met him as Leisha in Scene 03 (Leisha).
Now you need to manage Emem. By talking to Delsin and Prince to get a computer virus. When you are about to leave, you will run into Hilda. When talking to her, you'll need high Persuasion if you don't want to tell her where you're going next. Before you leave the bar, be sure to "rediscover" both alcoves as safe zones. If you find all the safe zones in the game, you will get the "Meet me there" achievement.
You can linger and talk to Xu Feng and Berel. In the Archive, feel free to take Club business cards from the open safe. This is a consumable that restores 2 Willpower. In Jorni's office, you'll find even more club business cards. If you didn't tell her to run earlier, you can meet the girl in the office. Talk to her if you wish. After entering April's office, take the elevator up to the Prince's quarters. There you will find sheet music with five circled letters: BFDAC.
You can also find even more club business cards. Then go up the stairs. In the bedroom you will find a miniature swan. Take it and place it next to this big swan statue. Get the Silver Key. After taking it, open the nearest bookcase. Push the books in the same order as shown on the buttach below: BFDAC. This will open a hidden drawer containing three files that you can read.
When you're ready to leave, return to the elevator.
After taking control of Leisha, you will wake up in Richard's office. If you encounter Grand Inquisitor Stanford in Scene 03 (Leisha), you will now have a silver cross burned into your forehead. On the table next to you, you will find a Polaroid. Take it and talk to Halsey. Technically, Halsey's conversation is marked as a point of no return , but there's nothing else for you to do. Will enter soon. If no one is returned, he will scold you. In any case, he came to tell you the truth by giving you a dose of medicine that won't appear in your inventory (it's not a consumable).
After talking with the Prince, you can either confide in her or ask questions. Decide for yourself. After the videos, you will have one more choice. If you choose Halsey over the treatment, you will gain the Difficult Patient trait and you will immediately have a vision. This will complete the Scene.
After the video, you will find yourself in the morgue. On the left, look for a blue implant flashing slowly in a pot. Take him. While trying to leave the room, you will find that you need to install an implant in order to continue. So, go to the car on the opposite hundred?One room and place the blue implant in the empty slot. At the same time, interact with the injection needle. Now you can leave the room! Moving forward, you will pass along the corridor to the closet. Inside it, interact with the electrical box.
Get denied because a higher clearance will be requested. Returning to the morgue, you will encounter Kim, a mortal who works here. She will ask you to introduce yourself and you will have a few minutes to make a quick choice. Will you calm her down or just kill her? Charming her will give you 3 hunger. She will start to open up and may mention that you need a red implant for high resolution. She will also offer you a green implant, which can be found in a safe in her office (her "office" is the reception area). As you follow her, be sure to grab the scalpel from the cart a little further down the hallway. After passing through the reception area, enter the hall opposite to collect the mixture. Returning to the reception room, interact with the safe. She told you the password and it will appear next to the keypad when you examine the safe. After taking a green implant from it, return to the morgue and install it. Then go back to the closet and interact with the panel.
This will take you to L-2. A guard will stop you here and you can use Presence or Dominate to try?I calm him down. Either option will create 3 hunger, but in most cases you will fail. The guard resists your powers.
Next, you can choose one of the following options:
This time, these effects will work, as they are non-vampiric in nature. "Intimidate" and "Persuasion" will work and he will let you through to scan your implant. You can even select "Move towards it" as this will result in two additional options:
Moving forward, go down. The nearest agent is talking to someone on the phone and you will hear where to find Stanford. With that in mind, you need to open the nearby blast doors. Interact with the giant monitor on the wall.
By interacting with the terminal, but don't click on it yet. This is the point of no return . At the nearest terminal you will find paper. After taking it, you will receive a note "Arrival of the Society of St. Leopold". On the other side of the area you will find, next to Agent Ford, look for a terminal. Interacting with it, you will see a screen. After reading the voltmeter readings, turn off the sound (so that you do not have to listen to its squeak during operation). Then read the operating instructions on the left.
With this and a note on the terminal, you know thatThe "system standard" is LVA and AC, which according to the manual means "Low Voltage A" and that you need 220VAC. Now pay attention to the switches above the voltmeter and manual.
As you can see, I have numbered them for your convenience. Interact with them in any order:
By turning off all five switches, you will get to 220V. Pull the lever on the right. After going through the already open blast doors, you will find a large room with three doorways. There are also two notes on nearby crates that can be read, as well as another implant machine. Behind the three doors you will find three high-ranking members of the Saint Leopold Society, each with a red implant. Choose whoever you want to follow. We'll cover all of them below.
Red implant: clinic
Go through the door on the left with the inscription "Clinic". Go straight through the next door. You will find yourself in the observation room, and Galeb will notice the red implant in the next room. To your left is a locker room and a decontamination area, but it requires a higher level to access. Instead, turn around and go through the other door. Here you will find Dr. Henry. Looking at the computer in this room, notice the ID?“Happy Patient” Topic #: 1492. With this information, return to the decontamination area. After examining the lockers, you will find one of them with which you can interact. Enter the code: 1492. Inside you will find a decontamination suit. Put it on and get a protective suit.
Once you enter the operating room, step forward and try to pick up the implant. You knock over a vial and Dr. Favarone backs off irritably. But, mistaking you for Dr. Henry, she will issue a certificate of organs and a key card for access to the cold store before leaving. After removing the protective suit and returning to the room with Dr. Henry, enter the cold store. This is actually another safe zone, so feel free to drink blood from the nearest nurse. If you find all the safe zones in the game, you will get the "Meet me there" achievement.
After searching the cold store, you will find a security key on a shelf to your right. Take him. You are now looking for a familiar name: Jara Drori. It's at the very end, under the "Mummified Women" sign on the wall and floor. Open the cooler labeled JD-F-03-120. Inside you will find Jara Drori. Take it and return to the operating room, donning a hazmat suit along the way. Place Jaru Drori on the tray, try to remove the implant again. You will now receive Chiara Favarone's Red Implant.
As you leave, take off your hazmat suit and return to the room outside the k??iniki. Use the Implant to install it. Having done this, return to the room ahead, in front of the blast doors. By interacting with the huge screen and the terminal, check the database of implants. As you can see, Dr. Favarone's identification number is 647-512-774. But the red implant you just took from her has an ID number of 647-512-243. Someone must have already changed it. At this point, you can still interact with the terminal to continue.
This is the point of no return . If you want to continue your research or work on eliminating the other two high-ranking members of the Saint Leopold Society, do so now. Interacting with him will give you the Surgical Accuracy trait. A cut-scene will follow, and you will find yourself in a confrontation with the Grand Inquisitor Stanford himself. Skip to the "Resistance" section below to continue.
Red Implant: Treasury
Go through the door marked "Treasury" opposite the blast doors. Inside, talk to Villeneuve. She will tell you a little about Father Joseph. In work
Red Implant: Bonfire
To the right of the blast doors, you'll find a door marked "Bonfire". Pass through it. In work
This Confrontation has 4 stages and you can endurefail only twice. Choose the following and remember: you have limited time, so respond quickly:
If you fail the first stage or choose Fortitude, you will gain the Burned by True Faith trait.
The results of the failure: in the process ...
Results of Success: in progress...
After entering the Red Salon, go forward to talk to Berel. He will offer to check the basement where Richard might be. Wyatt will enter through the door at the back, but now you cannot talk to him; He is busy. Follow him to another room and start asking about Richard. You can get more information about the current situation by talking to the staff dressed in white suits. In the bar you will find a concoction. Take it and move on. As you learned from the Vessels around Wyatt, they are still waiting for one of the other Vessels (named Clarissa). Wyatt wants to get everyone out, so he's not interested in talking to you until you help.
After moving to the next room, you will find another concoction in the bar. Upon entering the manager's office, you will see the vessel in question on the surveillance cameras. Next to it, you will find a book with notes on how to proceed with emergency care if the vessel shows withdrawal symptoms. You must also interact with the computer on the nearby table to receive treatment results. There are also prescriptions for each injection. On the vessel with Wyatt is the name Clarissa. Based on her profile on the computer, her blood resonance is phlegmatic. This means you need TrajaX MG, which is a compound made up of selenium, tryptophan, magnesium, and potassium.
After leaving the manager's office, go across the room to talk to the manager herself. Her name is Betty. Betty will tell you that she will leave a pass for you at the bar. It's in the previous room. After taking the staff access card, check if Wyatt is here. He can move away, but in any case is somewhere nearby. After talking to him, you will tell him that Berel wants to see him. He will refuse as he is currently busy and you can choose to retreat or "dominate" him into submission. Even if you successfully use Dominate, you will find out that Richard has already given him orders using his Dominate. His order takes precedence and he will refuse to go to Berel. Shall we take care of other butts??chami.
Using the "Staff Only" door, you will find yourself in the morgue. Nearby there are two rats and an elevator. Take the elevator down and start from the left corridor. Here you will find several containers with QR codes.
Scanning these QR codes will take you to different websites:
Keep in mind that I can't speak to the security of these websites, so scan codes or follow links at your own risk. I just think this is a fun easter egg that I wanted to share with you. Nearby you will find a small dock with two more rats. Further along the corridor you will find a safe area - a pantry. If you find all the safe zones in the game, you will get the "Meet me there" achievement.
Here you will find an infrared scanner and a hacking tool. Take them and return to the previous room. Use the infrared scanner to scan the three boxes with QR codes. After scanning them all, you will get the "Traceability" trait. Disable the two drawers on the left (the one on the right belongs to Wyatt, and... was it always open?) to destroy the evidence they contain.
Entering the room next to the boxes with QR codes, you will find Berel. After talking to him, you will say that Wyatt will not come. He will ask you to leavego at rest. If you choose "Persist", you will start a confrontation. It has four parts and you can only fail twice. Choose from the following:
If you fail twice, you're done. So, you will need high stats and a lot of Willpower. If you lose the confrontation, Berel will tell you to leave again.
In the last room of this corridor, you will find several cabinets. By opening the one on the left, you will be able to get to the TrajaX MG. Pick it up and quickly toss it into the pneumatic tube until it turns into a Destroyed TrajaX MG. After sending it, return to the manager's office upstairs and quickly toss the TrajaX into the pipe system across the room to send it to Clarissa.
Once done, check the camera on the screen next to you to see how it feels. If you send her something wrong, oh?She will go into a coma or die, and since the door is locked, you won't be able to enter to help her. You will fail this goal and you will have to tell Betty to continue without her.
If you do it right... in progress
Find and get rid of the most incriminating evidence, part 2
If you fail or succeed, go back down. By interacting with the control panel near the door, you need to adjust the temperature in order to destroy the rest of the TrajaX samples inside the room. But you can't randomly set the temperature. Don't even expect them to be destroyed. Instead, you should install the following:
By setting the temperature correctly, the drugs will begin to break down at the molecular level.
Now, while still in the basement, go down the corridor to the right. If your Insight is high enough, be sure to stop and check the Premonition associated with the painting. Entering the first door on the right, you will find Richard's office. Inside there is a rack with three cassettes. Take them and get Cassette #7, #12 and #28. On the coffee table you will find a medical card. Take her with you. Next to the coffee table you will find a grandfather clock. UseBy using Insight, you can get rid of the obscuration hiding the black key. Take the item. In the table you will find a Polaroid photo and batteries. There are three more medical cards on the table. Take it all with you. Using the black key to open the rest of the table, you will find a new medical card.
Before you go, turn to your computer. It mentions Freud's works, specifically volumes 3, 5 and 4. But as the last paragraph says, 5 must come first. 534 . Remember this. After entering another room through the same corridor, look around. On a nearby table, you'll find another medical record next to a tape recorder. Insert your tapes (all four including 7, 12, 28 and personal note #3 from scene 03 - Loft (Leisha)).
Having done this, check the books on the shelf nearby. Freud's work, huh? Interact with them in this order: 534. The bookcase will slide open, revealing a second puzzle. If you remember the computer in Richard's office, there was not only the clue "534", but also the mention that "the myth of the origin of Oedipus will show the way to a solution to whoever can interpret it." After looking around the room, pay attention to the four paintings on the wall. Under the pictures numbers: 2431 .
Position the swans correctly. The door will open and you can enter. This is the point of no return .
Upon entering the lab, you will receive the "Leelines that cannot be crossed. On the counter you will find another medical card. Next to it is a magnetic key. Go ahead and look around. Then return to the lab by returning through the swan puzzle door. Now the confrontation will begin. There are four stages and you can only fail once. You also cannot use Focus. Choose from the following:
After leaving the room, copy the form of one of the soldiers. As you move forward, you will see Halsey's box floating away on a boat. Return to the safe area you found earlier. Change into the uniform you copied and take the faucet from the shelf on the corner. Heading into the room where Berel used to be, you will find a pipe in the corner. Place a valve on it and turn it.
Now go to the ritual room and interact with these pipes and valves. Interact with them in the following order:
Then go back to the hall and interact with the machine so you?to steam directly over the soldier's head. This should force him to step aside so he doesn't get badly burned. But it looks like you'll still have to look for another route. If you don't want to be caught on your way out, use Blackout on the device next to the man at the computer. If you want to be caught, DO NOT use Blackout on the device (when they scan you later, the system will mark you as a threat and you will end the level being captured).
While talking to the man at the computer, tell him that you are ready to leave. This is the point of no return as you leave the area and end the scene. By confirming that you want to leave, you will complete the level, whether you are discovered or not.
Just a small note. While you are choosing where to invest your experience, keep in mind that Insight is important for achieving everything at this level (Psychometry in particular). This is optional, but may be required.
As Emem, you will meet with Saula. After talking to her, meet Thane. After the meeting, Sauloa will come up with a new idea that will convince the gang leaders, Cerys and Raf.
Exploring the upper part, you will find a safe area - a storage room. If you find all the safe zones in the game, you will get an achievement??meet me there. You will also find the Baron's office, which has a key to the tunnels on a hook by the door. There is also a J61 key card in the desk drawer. Take the item. After wandering around, you can talk to Kai. She will tell you about Cerys and Rafa. Heading down, go through the door just before the stairs. Inside this room, you will find a document lying on a table next to the key. He will allow you to open the last door upstairs, which was locked. Using the key to open the door will take you to a small room with an opening leading outside from which you can "teleport".
After doing this, you will find yourself on a nearby rooftop. On this rooftop, unlock the ladder to create a shortcut. You will also find a small red tool box. Upon opening it, you will find a hacking tool. Take it and go to the nearest stairs. After going down, you will find a corridor with a guard. Don't bother talking to the guard or he'll kick you out and lock the door to the roof (assuming you don't win the dialogue). Otherwise, he will just stay put and watch.
Interacting with a nearby door will reveal it to be locked and require a keycard. Go forward and go outside by going down the stairs. You will have to come back later when you find the card key. If you talked to the guard and you were kicked out, you will end up in “boxing??skom club. In the "Boxing Club" area, in the back, look for an office. Here is Cerys. After talking with her, get a refusal.
After leaving Keris, you will trigger a cut-scene. You will meet Yardley who will offer help.
Agreeing to join his plan, he will explain his plan by giving you the Yardley Magnetic Key Card and the Cerys Safe Magnetic Key Card. It will then give you fake files.
If you refuse to help him, talk to Cerys. Tell her that Yardley plans to overthrow her, and
After leaving Yardley, return to the roof. Drop down inside and enter the room, you now have Yardley's Magnetic Key Card.
If you are kicked out by a guard, access to the roof will be blocked. Instead, you will need to go down into the sewers through the pipe next to the "boxing club":
After going down, you can use the tunnel key you got earlier to open the door. After passing it, you will find two rats.
Continuing, take the next turn you find. Here you will find a ladder, but it will take you outside to Saule. Ignore this and keep going, using "Blink" to cross the chasm ahead.
After opening the gate after the abyss, climb the stairs. You will find yourself in a pantry with an elevator:
You now have access to it, so take the elevator to the 2nd floor.
Here you will findthose safe room. Take card key N79 on the table. You now have the keys to both locked safes in front of you:
Inside Safe H2 you will find some reading files and a mobile phone. Put fake files here.
Inside Safe N79 you will find some more files to read.
Returning to Yardley, talk to him. He will ask you to distract Cerys.
After finding Cerys in her office, talk to her. Now you have a choice: talk to her or tell her that Yardley is trying to overthrow her.
While distracting Cerys, a cut-scene will follow and you will complete this task. Yardley is on your side now.
Exploring outside, you will find a phone in a garage near Saule. Looking through the texts, you will find that someone is discussing a tattoo that someone wants to get, and they are trying to decide. As you might expect, the translations aren't what they think they are... in case you're wondering, they're the Japanese words "Shoehorn" and "Chinese broccoli noodles."
Return to the boxing club. Nearby you will find this hole leading to the sewer tunnels:
Keep moving forward until you reach a T-junction.
After turning left at the letter "T" in the sewer tunnels, open the gate. Further you will find a body next to the stairs. He is holding a magnetic key. It's just a consumable though.
Climbing up the stairs??tse, you will find yourself outside again, near the hangar. If you go back, you will find the "Room at the Back of the Hangar" safe area. In another part of the hangar, there are some mortals that you can feed on if you need to.
While exploring the hangar, you will also find a bottle of pills:
Take it and move on. Return to the sewers and turn right at the letter "T". Using "Blink" to cross another gap will find this area:
Here you can use "Blink" to cross the water while sneaking aboard the boat. On the ship, you will find two more rats on the deck if you need them.
Exploring the inside of the ship, you will find several files and computers. Most are in the process of being removed, but one computer in the back is locked and a pin is required. After reading the note next to it, you will discover that the pin is "Gladys' registration number".
In the filing cabinet opposite you will find Gladys's file, including registration number: 3764.
After unlocking the computer, you can view the remaining images on it.
In the room you will find a can of paint. If you tilt your eyes to the right, the L81 card key will become visible.
After taking it, you can use the L81 card key to open the nearby safe. At the same time inside you will find business cards of the club. Just consumable...
If your Divination is high enough, is it obligatory?Check out this Psychometrics section on the back wall:
Otherwise, it looks like Rafa is not here. We'll have to do it without him.
Returning to Saula, talk to her to continue. This is the point of no return .
Other articles on the game
The patch added new content to the game.
The console release is still a long way off.
The creators of the series themselves reported this.