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Walkthrough SIGNALIS 100% (guide)

Passage of all levels with a minimum of plot spoilers.
Walkthrough SIGNALIS 100% (guide)
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
28 October 2022

Walkthrough of SIGNALIS

PS The translation is being adapted and finalized, the article will be updated soon.

First, go through the top door and up the stairs. From here you can go up, down and to the right.


F - interaction, RMB - move away from the subject, stop studying something, WASD - move, TAB - open inventory, M - open the map.

Penrose 512 (wreck)

  1. Take the photo from the cockpit which is at the very bottom. Hangs on the panel in the upper left corner. Examine the back side in inventory to see the location of the 9 buttons. Some of them are included (red).
  2. Take the duct tape in Mess Hall to the right of the room with the stairs. It's on top of the dashboard.
  3. Take the broken key to the Cryogenics airlock (uppermost room). To do this, enter the code that you can see in the photo (TAB to open inventory).
  4. Combine the duct tape with the airlock key in inventory (F on any item and Connect).
  5. Use the airlock key on the panel in the airlock chamber (go all the way down to the cockpit, and go through?go through the door on the left). So you get a spacesuit.
  6. Keep going forward, clicking LMB in the direction of the arch. You will automatically descend into the hole. Make your way through the hole Crawl through the hole in the wall and take the book The King in Yellow from the table.

Base "Sierpinski": floors B1, B2

  1. Leave the toilet. Take the key from the reception on the counter in the upper right corner and open the door on the right.
  2. Read the brochure about safes. Enter the middle upper door. You will enter a long corridor. Open the first door on the right. This is the save room. Save your progress on the red screen.
  3. Go right into the parallel corridor and climb all the way up. To go down to the mine, you need an administrator key. Pick up the tread key from the seats on the top left.
  4. Return to the first corridor to the right of the reception room and open the door on the left (with the Protector's Key). The second drawer contains a pistol and an aperture card . Press TAB and equip your gun!
  5. Get out of here and again go to the corridor above. Kill the monster and go up to the library from above. Apply the aperture card to the device on the left to view the microfilm. You will find out the factory code for the safe - 204512.
  6. Run down, to the right through the save room and into the adjacent hallway. Immediately open the door on the right, which leads to the audit?Line 4B. Enter the code 204512 on the safe in the upper right corner. Take the audience key .
  7. Exit to the corridor and run up. Pick up ammo, a repair patch and use the auditorium key to open the door to auditorium 4C. Get down into the hole.
  8. Go north, then west. Call the elevator and find the key to the service hatch inside it. Protector identification card is required to use the lift.
  9. Back in the hallway of block A6, use the key to the service hatch on the top door. You need to break the lock by placing the parts of the mechanism on the same level. The arrow buttons change the top part that retracts the mechanism. The F button allows you to retract the mechanism and check the operation. You need to make sure that the lower parts of the castle are lined up on the same bottom line.
  10. In the room on the upper right there is a box with a butterfly. Need a key. The door on the left leads to a safe room., Infirmary Behind the last upper door there is a safe and a key to the east wing . You won't open the safe.
  11. Back in the hallway, go to the right door to open it with the East Wing Key. The upper rooms have resources. The Repair Spray can be combined with the Repair Patch.
  12. Go through the bottom right door, then the bottom left door. Pick up the key to the wardroom , return to the previous room and open the right door. In the long dining roomTake out enemies and collect ammo.
  13. Head down, then through the lower left door to get the first piece of the broken key .
  14. Return to the corridor and this time enter the upper right door. In the room, look for the key to the west wing . Back in the hallway, open the left door to return to A6, creating a shortcut to the south hallway.
  15. Return to the elevator lobby to open the door on the left with the west wing key.
  16. Go left, then up twice to find the second part of the broken key . Combine the two pieces of the broken key to get the butterfly key .
  17. Follow the left, then - up and open the right door to return to the northern corridor.
  18. Go back to the butterfly box and open it with the repaired key to get the slab of eternity .

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

radio station

  1. Go into the building on the right to take the REM-64 radio module lying on the table in front.
  2. Open inventory, click on W and start the radio module. Use the Q and E keys to set the frequency to 160.000, which is shown on the red device outside the building. Interact with him to open the door.

Base "Sirpinski": Third floor

  1. You can now open the safe built into the wall in the office to the left of the infirmary with the save device. Tune the radio to the desired frequency (I have 188.000; needa note where the frequency for different objects is indicated; this safe shows a tree) and wait for the desired code to be displayed in the lower area (in my case, 45536). You may have a different frequency. Just switch between frequencies until numbers with a potential code begin to appear in the lower left field. Check all such codes. The safe contains an ID card that will grant access to the Protector's elevator. After inserting the card, you need to select a destination, as you will be blocked until you remove it from the device. The card will be automatically withdrawn on the 3rd floor.
  2. Go right and up to the safe room to get the shotgun . There is an access card printing machine in the room above, but you need a clean key.
  3. Go right into the northern corridor. For the first upper door, you need the key to the observation room. The next door on the right has a printer with various objects. The most important of these is Object D, which shows the template needed to program a clean key. The next door on the right is the morgue. It has a locked door that requires a key to the crematorium.
  4. Return to the East Corridor, turn right, then go through the top door from the South Corridor. You will find a TV with a built-in VCR that requires a video cassette.
  5. Returning to the corridor, at the door in the right verlook for a safe with a picture of a sword in the corner.
  6. Return to the East Corridor and go left. You will find a door that requires 5 keycards with different elements. On the chairs on the left there is a clue related to the cipher from the safe with the sword: A = 1, N = 2, B = 3, H = 4, S = 5, R = 6, Z = 7, ??? = 8, K = 9, E = 0.
  7. You can go to the West Corridor on the left. Open the topmost door to return to the elevator lobby. The top left door in the hallway will lead to a wrench handle . In the room below, on the left hand there is a key to the pump room , which opens the door in the lower right corner of the corridor.
  8. The solution to the puzzle with the pumps is indicated in the note from the table. You need to equate the liquid in flasks A and B. Just read the note carefully.
  9. Return to the bathroom, where you took the key to the observation room, and jump down (after solving the puzzle with the pumps, there will be no water here). Pick up the water key . Directly across from where you came from is a safe room that contains a key to an observation room .
  10. The upper left door of the flooded hallway is a sleeping ward with a videotape . The adjoining room in the upper left contains a vent with an air key.
  11. After returning to the Flooded Corridor, look for a clean key behind the lower right door. Return to the upper level through the lower left door.
  12. Return to the observation room to learn about combining p??mounting patches with repair sprays, and also get a 10 mm socket , which must be combined with a wrench. You can go back down to the flooded corridor, and in the back room with a wrench, unscrew the grate on the ventilation to get the air key .
  13. Use the video cassette in the TV room to watch the video and pick up the gold key from the train chair.
  14. Now that you can open the safe with the sword, take the module (something like a photo mode) and the key to the crematorium from there . The code for the safe is SRKFH .
  15. Return to the morgue to access the incineration room. You need to adjust the CO2, O2 and gas content according to the prompts on the left of the screen. If the up arrow button is lit, turn the toggle switch to the left, and so on. Check the solution by lowering the lever on the right. When you open the furnace, you can pick up the fire key .
  16. Print the earth key from the blank key using the template from the printer or the screenshot below.

Чистый ключ, схема Signalis

Insert all five keys into the door, save and get ready for the boss fight. Hide from the shots behind the column, and when the boss reloads, shoot him in the head (the mask opens).

Base "Sirpinski": B5, B6, B7, B8

  1. First, once you're on floor B5, go to the safe room through the bottom right door. This is the protector's office where the service key can be found.
  2. You can exit the door on the left and go down to floor B6. There are several doors here that require Owl Keys and Workshop Keys . There are also mailboxes here. You need a mailbox key to open the box. Go through the STORCH dorm using the lower left door and look for the workshop below. Further down from the workshop door is the APAR dorm with a hole in the floor through which you can jump down to floor B7. Do this and open the door to the corridor.
  3. Go to the upper right door, go through it and find the fuse . You can now return to the puzzle on floor B5. Set the toggle switches so that it is 800 V at the top and 230 V at the bottom. See the screenshot below:

Прохождение SIGNALIS

  1. Open the door in the upper right corner of the seventh floor by jumping down through the hole in the floor on floor B6. You will enter a corridor. The door on the right leads to a room with a piano, but it is closed with shutters. To remove them, you need a gate handle .
  2. After solving the puzzle on floor B5 (using the fuse) Find on this??the same B6 or B7 narrow elevator (in the lower hall, in the left corner) and go down to floor B8. Enter the room on the left to find the lift handle . Walk up twice to get to Falke's bedroom. In Falke's hands there is a locked box with the image of an owl.
  3. The first lower door in the library hall has a clue to solve the puzzle. The other lower door is an unlit room. For now , you don't have a flashlight .
  4. To the north of here is the east corridor, where there is a locked door. You need a hummingbird key to open it. Go up the corridor, go up to Adler's bedroom to find a flashlight module . It occupies a permanent slot in the inventory, like the shocker, and is activated by the same key. To open the room north of Adler's bedroom, you need an eagle key .
  5. The top left door in the east corridor is a room with an elevator leading to the mine. For its operation, you need an administrator key (we will get it at the very end) . The leftmost door is the path to the stairs to the upper floors.
  6. The door to the right of the restroom of the STORCH dorm is a dark room. Head north to get the Locked Weapon Case and Duct Tape from the Shooting Range. This can only be done by lighting the room with a flashlight.
  7. The northernmost door of the northern corridor on the seventh floor leads to the management office with a picture of the island, dwhich requires an island key .
  8. Use the lift handle on the seventh floor hallway door to find another safe room and the owl key .
  9. Back in the dark room on the seventh floor to the left of the narrow elevators, go north to find the Island Key and the Hunter's Key . Use the hunter's key on the found case with weapons to get a revolver .
  10. The Owl Key will open a room on the sixth floor, which will allow you to find a broken music cassette . Repair it with the duct tape from the shooting gallery.
  11. Use the island key on the island painting found earlier to get the workshop key . Unlock the workshop and install the whole cassette in the tape recorder (repaired with tape). It has a frequency on it. Tune in to it and run into the room with Falke to open the box that she is holding in her hands (opens when the correct music from the cassette is playing and the radio is turned on at the correct frequency).
  12. When the owl box is opened, you will receive a hummingbird key . The Hummingbird Room contains the Eagle's Key . But don't rush out of there. In the room on the right, look for the key to the mailbox .
  13. First, return to the hall to the mailboxes on the sixth floor, open them and take the library key . You need to interact with the machine,to get an astrolabe. To do this, move the gripping device up, left, down, right, up. In general, you need to get into the red slot with the book.
  14. Open the eagle room and install the astrolabe. Set up the planets as shown in one of the planet layout rooms. After getting the admin key, use the elevator to go down to the mine. Screenshot hint below:

Прохождение SIGNALIS


The card is not working.

  1. Go to the left tunnel, then the bottom right, south door to find the Mining Office. This is a safe room with a rocket launcher and flares . Flares can incinerate enemies.
  2. Go south and take the elevator down. Go to the top left corner. Follow the bottom left path to trigger a conversation and get hints on the microwires. You can head north to find the mine access panel. Activate. The gate will slowly open and the enemies will become aware of your presence. You don't have to kill everyone. Run in circles, and when the passage opens, leave this place.


The card is not working.

  1. Go through the seva twice to get to the shrine where offerings are needed.
  2. Go south, then left, to on?This is a door with a keypad and a "triangle" symbol. The door to the south of here opens from the other side. Walk to the right to enter a new room.
  3. Take the big wooden doll. The note at the top tells of the death of a creature. Go down the stairs.
  4. The right door is a safe room, an auditorium. There is also a door with an Asterisk keyboard. The door opposite the safe room requires a rusty key .
  5. The north door leads down to the pulsating flesh shaft. The door to the north of here opens from the other side. Walk to the right to find the device connected to the microphone. Turn on and tune the desired radio frequencies to find keyboard shortcuts for matching patterns. Also take the wedding ring from the table.

Прохождение SIGNALIS

  1. Lower the shaft of flesh for now. You need to linger a little, as you cannot defeat the creature alone. When the sequence ends, you will be in a safe room with access to the Pentagon door.
  2. Walk to the right, then to the first upper door to unlock the shortcut to the Triangle door. Go back down and go right from the safe room to the next room. Ring of the Regent will be on ??pedestal.
  3. To the north of this pedestal room is the thorn room. Turn on the flashlight to see the wires. The rusty key will be on a pedestal at the top of the room, and the plate of flesh will be in the middle.
  4. Trace your steps back to the room where you found the Big Doll using the new shortcut. There will be a new door to the north where you can grab a small bottle of smelling salts on the seat to your left. You will now be able to purchase a rifle that uses Nitro Express ammo.
  5. Return to the rusty lock to open the door and take the wooden doll to combine it with the big doll. Grenade Shells are rocket launcher shells; combine it in inventory to change its type. This room has a Diamond keypad door.
  6. Behind the Diamond Door is another room with thorns and a Sacrificial Slab on a pedestal.
  7. You can go through the Triangle door to find the Small Wooden Doll. Now you can make a combined wooden doll.
  8. Head into the left dark room to pick up the Serpent Ring on the chair on the left.
  9. Head straight back to the right door, then the door to the left of the hallway to find some incense that can be used in the Ancestral Sanctuary.
  10. All the way to the right will be a door where the plates can be used, and further to the right a shortcut to the flesh mine will open.
  11. Backat the Ancestral Sanctuary with an incense offering, you will receive a Plate of Love.
  12. Before you go through the Pentagon door, make sure you have the Completed Wooden Doll. The door in the lower left will be where you can find the Balance Plate. Use the finished wooden doll on the scale so you don't get stuck.
  13. With all three rings in your inventory, you can go through the Starlet door from the safe room in the classroom. Keep walking until you reach a room with statue arms. The note on the left seat gives a clue to the answer, which is basically: Regent on the index finger, Wedding on the ring finger, Snake on the little finger. Get the Tablet of Knowledge.


  1. Your task is to ensure that the ship is in working order.
  2. You cannot complete this segment until you have done everything else but report to your officer.
  3. The only choice you can make is to read the confidential document in the mainframe access terminal room (dining room).

Penrose 512? (wreck)

  1. Get up.
  2. Walk left, then north.
  3. There is no other way but south, then down.

Sirpinski base?

Something has changed. No card details.

  1. Walk up, right, up and right to find a safe room.
  2. Walk right, then right again. - You've been here before. Use thatsame code for the safe in class 4A to get the class key.
  3. Head north through the dark room, then north again to open the locked door with the Classroom Key. Nowhere to go but down.

Colony "Rotfront"

The card is not working.

  1. The mural will be the last thing you do here. Start by going through the top left door, then the first top door to find a submachine gun and 8mm ammo. Go through the north door to find the safe bedroom.
  2. There is a painting in the room to the left of the corridor that you need to dissolve to get the map. The top left door leads up the stairs to the hallway of the apartment. You need the key to room 0512 to open the first upper door you see.
  3. The first bottom door is a dark room. Raise the developing tank on the table towards the bottom. Take the door on the right and go up, then open the door on the left to another room in the apartment to get the Flywheel.
  4. From the fresco of the Moon, go through the upper right door. Use the flywheel to spread the flames. Up the corridor and to the right is a disinfection room with acetone on the floor in the upper left corner. If you wish, you can return to the painting to receive the Tarot of Lovers. The door to the right of the disinfection is a broken meat grinder to go down to the level below. The door north of the Pipeline is a garbage chute where you canget the blue floppy disk for the computer in front of the safe room in the bedroom.
  5. The blue floppy disk will unlock the transfer puzzle. You need to make sure you hear the same sound on both frequencies to know if the dish is online and can transmit in both directions. I set it to play the tune of a magpie. (Editor's Note: Until I figure out what else this puzzle does, that's where it ends.)
  6. Walk down through the broken meat grinder. Find the Tarot of the Tower on a tray on the right table as you go through the only open door. Further down to the subway platform, the safe room will be through the upper right door in the computer store, where you can see the red eye screens. The patient key for room 0512 will be on the table.
  7. Climb up, then up the stairs to the alley. Go south to open the door on the left into the Commercial Corridor. There isn't much you can do here yet, as you don't know the key combination in the alley, although the hint should be from a computer chat.
  8. Open room 0512 to find the Tarot Table. The book on the right gives a hint for placing the cards needed for the Moon mural. Once the cards are placed, you can flip the switch in the upper left corner of the screen.
  9. Either from the dark room of the apartment (right, up, up) or from the flywheel apartment (right, up), go through measles??op hospital to the patient's room. There is a box on the bed and you probably only know two frequencies according to the antenna puzzle. I set it to 210 to get the Shop Key and Star Tarot.
  10. Return to the subway platform and this time go left. If you have a magazine key, you can unlock the photo magazine so that the developing liquid can be combined with the photo developing container. This is for the packing room to the left of the store to get the Solar Tarot. You can keep going left and up the stairs to unlock a shortcut.
  11. From the computer store's safe room, go up the stairs twice to find another apartment. Go left, then the first upper door to the butterfly room with framed butterflies and the word "Pareidolia" as a clue. Find the pattern on the wings, in this case EON, to open the safe and collect the Moon Tarot.
  12. The upper left door from the corridor leads to the dentist's office. Lift the red floppy disk with a short exit through the garbage chute to the pipeline.
  13. Use the red floppy disk to get the access code to Ito's backyard in the commercial corridor. Go through the shop, then pick up the Tarot of Death on the altar.
  14. By now, the frescoed floor room should be a mess. Pick up the set ring to attach it to the fresco. Using Ta?Oh, turn the dials (yellow for the moon, blue for the absence) and go through the peephole.

Прохождение SIGNALIS

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Action, Shooter, Strategy, FPS, Adventure
  • Release date 27 October 2022