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The Mildew Children Walkthrough and Guide

A guide to all of The Mildew Children achievements.
The Mildew Children Walkthrough and Guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
26 April 2024

Walkthrough The Mildew Children

How do you get a good ending?

I want to warn you. If you intend to pass the game for a good ending, then throughout the game you need to not lie. If you make the wrong choice, go to menu, new game, and continue, and you will be rolled back to the beginning of the dialog.

Chapter 1

  • CYCLE. Complete the first chapter.
  • WHERE ARE YOU GOING? At the very beginning when we are accompanied by Grave, go to the right, we will be stopped, and we must do so several times.
  • ATTENTION. Correctly answer the question grave coming to the cemetery. The correct answer is 3. They should sprout, turn into fresh fragrant grass.
  • Um... After the grave leaves us, we go left, go downstairs, and go right. There we will meet a girl at the well who we need to talk to, after that we will be given the achievement.
  • Heartbreak. For this you need to be turned on mini-games during dialogs. During the funeral rite of the dead witch, you need to fail the mini-game that will make Kirfel die, and the achievement will be yours.

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Chapter 2

  • CHALLENGE. Complete the second chapter.
  • BOY IN TROUBLE. During the game we will meet the Boy only 3 times, in the second chapter, after we leave the house, we go straight, and at the well there will be a boy, he will ask us for help, and we agree and read the incantation. In the fourth chapter, go to the same well and meet the boy, help him, and go to bury the head of the chicken. In chapter six, head to the same well and help the boy, whisper the incantation, and you get the achievement.
  • APATHY. At the very beginning of the second chapter, we need to eat the witch berry.After leaving the house, cross the bridge and go down and go all the way to the left, where we will meet the spirit of apathy, who will ask to bring us a child. You'll get an Achievement for meeting him, but you can also do his errand and bring the child. Talk to the boy and take him to the spirit.
  • A LITTLE PRANK. When dialoguing with his brother, when he helps us with advice, we choose the first option "1.What can I do in return? We agree to help him, We wait for the night (Chapter 3), and go to the same place where we met the spirit of apathy, go to the hard left, and bury the amulet. The next day (chapter 4), we pick up the amulet, and take it to our brother.
  • BULLFROG'S FEAST. We'll have an assignment to find a grave where we have to ask around for kids. One of the options is right after Kirfel gets the task under his nose. We approach the children sitting on the bench, they offer us to play in the feast of the bull, we agree and win.

Chatper 3

  • NAME. Go through the third chapter.
  • DEVELOPMENTS. At the beginning of the chapter, eat the witch berry. We take the scroll from the boy, go right, down, and left to the stop. There we will access the cemetery, go left, down and left, there we will meet the spirit of reflection who will ask us questions. Answers: Deceased, My Name, Secret. If you have answered all the questions correctly, the spirit will not be missing. If still the spirit is missing, enter the menu, new game, and continue.

Chapter 4

  • IVA. Go through chapter four.
  • LOSS. At the beginning of the chapter we eat the witch's berry, and go to the right, down, and head to the right as far as we can. We meet the spirit of Loss, who gives us the task to tell Willow "Destiny has commanded you to go the way of the witch, on it you will find grief with full". When Iva and I come to the oak tree, it is desirable not to lie (useful for another achievement and a good ending). During the dialog will be just this variant of the answer. So we fulfill the will of the spirit, which will also be useful in the future.

Chatper 5

  • TRAVES. Go through chapter five
  • SON OF THE FOREST. To get this achievement we need to kill a wolf. The order of operations: Prepare knife, Freeze, Freeze, Back off, Stab, Stab, Stab in the neck. And press Stab again as many times as you want until the action expires.

Chapter 6

  • DIRECTIONS. To complete chapter six.
  • STERN MENTOR. When Kirfel decides to test Willow's knowledge, we need to choose answer options that will upset Willow. Options with a mask:

Keep going.

  • I will not tolerate ignorance. How many times do I have to tell you the cost of making a mistake?

Witch dust options:

  • How do I forgive you? You're not a good student!
  • Will you dare to break your vows?
  • Oh, there really is a black cloud hanging over us today. There's no telling what's in store for us.
  • That's right.
  • You realize you're a worthless student, don't you?
  • You're just gonna blame your lack of talent on me again, aren't you? You mean I'm a worthless mentor?
  • You couldn't memorize a single thing! What are you talking about? Are you really talentless?
  • I've already realized it's useless. You have no talent, no will to learn, in a word, talentless.
  • Do you want me to repeat myself five times? Chew it up like a five-year-old novice?
  • Well, I'm going to upset you. It's very simple: we don't have time! I'm not going to change anything, I'm not going to repeat it half a dozen times.

After that, you'll get an Achievement right away. You can also reroll without swearing Iwu going into the menu, start a new game and continue.

Chapter 7

  • REPEAT. Pass the seventh chapter.
  • PERFECT INVOCATION. This achievement can be obtained in chapter 8(according to the developer it is given chapter 8, but I was given it right away), but for this you need to not make any mistakes during the initiation. It is desirable to copy the save if you make a mistake. (it is located in C:\Users\User Name\AppData\LocalLow\The Growing Stones\The MildewChildren).

Answers to the witch's questions: Ash, ground bone, salt, and dried Favz leaves. Grave soil?


  • Go to sleep, dry grass,
  • Open the eyes of the dead,
  • I'll gather the brushwood in the morning
  • And scatter the ashes at night.
  • Mother Nature will submit, and the blade will stab into the ground,
  • Blood and woe to the witch!
  • Mother Earth, open before me the fate of others. Master of Water, let the stars whisper your will to me.
  • A ring
  • A ring is a good omen. The future is sure to bring you good fortune.
  • Obstacles await on the road to success.
  • Eat one
  • We give away a piece of ourselves as the forest gives us its fruit. Fair exchange.
  • The power of the evil eye is only superstition and deception.
  • I cannot know that! It is a secret known only to the initiated
  • We command spirits and lords.
  • To choose the right bowl.
  • Eat four.
  • Eat eleven.
  • Repeat after kirfel.

And get the achievement.

Chapter 8

  • WHEEL TURNING. Complete chapter 8.
  • DIVORCE. After leaving the witch's hut, walk to the right and down to the right and enter the house of the witch Willow. There we meet the spirit of Discord. The spirit again asks us to find a child for him. We head left, up, left, up, left to the end, and up. There we meet a beggar, and try to offer her help (the rhombus on the strip should be above average). She will ask to find us a strange girl, we go to the well. Throw the bucket, and save the girl. Thus fulfill the request of the spirit, and get the second achievement "Dreams of Heaven".
  • DREAMS OF HEAVEN. The method of obtaining it is described above

Chapter 9

  • MYSTERY. Pass the ninth chapter

Chapter 10

  • DESTINATION. Pass the tenth chapter
  • THE FEAR OF DARKNESS. Help Lyrida overcome her fears.


  • (scatter the ritual circle)
  • (dust the circle with witch dust)
  • (dusting against the sun)
  • (pour salt in the circle)
  • (put a round stone)
  • (on the window)
  • (taste the tears of a witch)
  • (eat two)
  • (♪ give five ♪)
  • (dip hands in blood)
  • (sit to Lirida)
  • (♪ lay hands on ♪)
  • (put left hand on forehead)
  • (place right hand on heart)


  • Take sick goats,
  • Take the chickens and cows that are thin,
  • Don't touch the souls of men from now on.

PERFECT REPOSE. It is necessary to perform the rite of repose without mistakes.

The order of operations:

  • (take one sip)
  • Hear my word, nightmare creatures, chimeras from the depths of the ages, guardians of the natural course of life.
  • Hear me! For sorcery burns in my veins.
  • Obey me! For I have the power of a thousand stars.
  • Resist me and I will turn these forests, your home, to ashes.
  • Oh, how heavy my eyelids are - I would that I could fall into the arms of blissful sleep!
  • (waiting)
  • (wait)
  • (rise)
  • 3 sips
  • Fly, ancient spirits, to meet the dying moon. Find the bed of the Lord of the Night, the bringer of death.
  • Seize the attention of the terrible Goddess, so that her hungry gaze may not fall upon the world of the living.
  • Deprive her of her strength, lest she leave her subterranean lair.
  • Grant her the deepest slumber, lest her heavy age should be soaked henceforth.
  • Go!
  • (try to repeat)
  • Go!
  • (silence)
  • (silence)
  • Resist, and I will turn these forests to ash.
  • (recite the Kirfel incantation)
  • Kirfel, what should we do?
  • I have not yet been touched by insidious spirits. The youngest and mightiest witch has not been touched by daredevil.
  • You can't conquer the will of the youngest witch.
  • Hear the call of blood, unclean ones! Draw the witchcraft that bursts from my breast with fire! Touch the unseen power!

Chapter 11

  • FAILURE. To pass Chapter Eleven

YOU HAVE NO POWER. For this achievement, you must not lie and make fewer mistakes while reading spells and conspiracies throughout the chapters. Also meet at least three spirits and fulfill their quests. And also perform one or two side quests, help someone outside the plot (Beggar, Nutt, Boy at the well). Then we will have the opportunity to resist death.


  • I'll have to think about it.
  • I won't choose.
  • No! I refuse to play your daring games.
  • The circle of witches has existed since ancient times, and witchcraft has always had a place in the world. Which means I have the power to stand up to you.
  • Yes, the prophecy for Oplucia has come true. She died, just as it was said. Then, brought back to life by Iva.
  • Then you are nothing but my fantasy. Nothing. Dust
  • Forces invented by superstitious fools. Is that the answer you expect me to give?
  • With myself.
  • ...to come back so this nightmare can end.
  • No way!
  • NO!
  • You.
  • Don't.
  • Have...
  • Authority!


Spirit of Regret. Go to the left and enter Willow's house. That's where we meet the first spirit of regret. We ask for his help. We have the first spirit.

The Spirit of Discord. We go upstairs and enter the house of Kirfel, we leave the house of two witches, enter it again, and go upstairs. There we meet the second spirit of Discord. We ask the spirit for help. We choose Vavna, then 2. I know he won't forgive us. And we have the support of the second spirit.

The Spirit of Apathy. We leave the house of Witches (in fact, we will leave the house of Kirfel), and go straight to the end, up, left and up. There we will meet the spirit of Apathy.


  • I have sought the truth about the world. You who are incorruptible know the secrets of creation.
  • There is still hope! I have helped you, so help me!
  • No, she was only defending the village, and in her delusion she brought down her wrath on the witches.
  • Forgive me, resentment does no good.

Spirit of Reflection. After the spirit of apathy, we go down, right, down, left, down, right, down, left, left, left, left, left, right, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left, right, and enter the stargazer's house.

People's lives are more valuable to me than yours.

I would save Willow

Spirit of Loss. After leaving the stargazer's house, head to the left as far as we can, we'll come to the cemetery. Head to the left as far as we can, up, and to the right as far as we can. We'll meet the spirit of Loss.

You know the price of loss - so you know perfectly well what we are performing the Assumption for

Mena must go on. When the time comes, we, like the Sun, go into the Earth to return to the light.

Spirit of Infinity. Go up, and to the left, we will see a pit, jump into it (so we shorten the path), left, down, and right. We'll meet the Infinity Spirit. He will refuse to help us, choose all the lines, and then he will tell us that all the spirits we found. Then go up, left, down and right, find a well, raise and lower the bucket until the head appears from there. Re-enter this location and see that the crow pecking the head. Kill it. (you can still click on the raven again and get the ring, which you can throw into the well).

Head to Death

Order of Action:

  • (challenge).

Choose all options.

  • (pull out a knife)
  • ♪ And yet you're in no hurry ♪
  • (slashing palm of hand)
  • I serve no one!
  • (regain strength)
  • Spirits of the Village, come to my call!
  • (whisper incantation)

Chapter 12

  • DUSK. Pass the twelfth chapter.
  • HEAVEN. Pass the game for a good ending. The way to get it is described above, also during the twelfth chapter run without stopping.