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Walkthrough "Sacrifice" Genshin Impact - guide

Detailed guide on the passage of the quest "Sacrifice" in Genshin Impact: all rewards, challenges, location of objects, NPCs, tips and tricks
Walkthrough "Sacrifice" Genshin Impact - guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
30 August 2021

We tell you how to complete the Sacrifice quest, which is a continuation of the Purification of the Sacred Sakura quest chain. The quest will appear automatically after completing the quest A Strange Case in the Konda Village .

Passage of the quest "Sacrifice"

A sanctuary is located northeast of the village of Konda. Go there. The map shows the yellow area. There is an archway in this area that hides a Mysterious Shadow. Talk to the ghost. You need to find and talk to all the Mysterious Shadows (two paths that lead to the shrine, one on the roof). After the conversation, the Shadows will move near the kitsune statues (east of the shrine). You don't need to talk to the shadows near the statues again. Otherwise, the shadows will move again and you will have to look for them again. If you've talked to all the ghosts, a stain should appear. Explore it.

Прохождение Жертвоприношение в Геншин Импакт

Next, inspect the Narukami Shrine and talk to the right character. You now have a Memory Lens. In inventory, find the tab with gadgets to use the lens. We return back to the sanctuary and use the lens of memories on the kitsune statues, whose eyes are burning.

Прохождение Жертвоприношение в Геншин Импакт

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We read certain words to the statue of the Heavenly Kitsune and interact with the statue, which is located east of the temple. Choose:

  • "In the Name of Messenger Narukami"
  • "And the kind of Hakushin"
  • "Bring fried tofu!"

If everything is done correctly, then we get a talisman. Now we go to the barrier. In the previous quest, you should have received the Rusty Key, if you did not receive it, then we indicated its location in the passage of the quest "A Strange Case in the Village of Konda" . Use the rusty key on the grate.

Прохождение Жертвоприношение в Геншин Импакт

To destroy the barrier, the resulting amulet will come in handy. There is a shrine near the Torii Gate. Put a guard on it. We'll have to change the symbols on the shrines. After that, interact with the first shrine.

Прохождение Жертвоприношение в Геншин Импакт

After that, get ready to fight the boss. It's not hard to defeat him. The passage of the following puzzles is described in the guide for the passage of the quest "Cleansing from filth" .

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, PC, Android, iOS
  • Genre: Action, RPG, Adventure, Quest, Gacha
  • Release date 28 September 2020