Series description:
We tell you how to follow the line with Reims in the story "The Song of the Red Nile" of the free mobile game "Romance Club". How to pump up relationships, how to stay with Reims until the end of the game. All art, cut-scenes and pictures, intimate meetings with Reims.
Branch and relationship with Reims "Song of the Red Nile" (Romance Club)
Season 1 Episode 1
I like you too much. Reimss is pleased that you do not take your skirmishes seriously
season 1 episode 2
This is what friends do (12 diamonds). You and Reims become friends / You appreciated his help
Season 1 Episode 4
You are a true friend. 11 Diamonds. Improving Friendships
The best man in the world! Reims is pleased with your words
Distract and support (28 diamonds). Reims caught himself in the wrong thought.
Season 1 Episode 6
Let's walk together (33 diamonds). Ramss starts thinking about you more often . Escort me (10 diamonds). Friendship is growing between you .
Season 1 Episode 7
Reimssu (9 diamonds). Relationship Improvement
Leave a hand (20 diamonds). You trust Rames more and more .
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
season 1 episode 8
I will hurry to you. (Paid choice for 19 diamonds). Reims caught your meaningful look
The developers of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang are preparing a large-scale update called “Breaking the Waves”, which will be available on March 19. Players can expect a new hero, new events, rewards, as well as changes to the seasonal system.