Series description: A dangerous ailment walks through Upper Egypt and destroys people. Black magic hunters go there to find the culprits. They take Eva with them, her task is not to get caught, because she is a black magician.
At the beginning of the game, you must choose the appearance of the main character, as well as an outfit:
Then choose your desired hairstyle:
As always, if you wish, you can change the hairstyle and clothes of Eva (full name - Euthys) in the game's wardrobe by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
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At the beginning of the game, meet the first characters - Dia and mentor Remmao (Rem). In response to the fact that Eva was supposed to enter Dia's dream, you can say:
Honesty and Cunning are two main stats that you will develop throughout the game. The honest heroine is straightforward, self-confident and often uses irony. The cunning heroine is more resourceful and tries to benefit from everything.
After Rem announces the departure of the priest, you can tell him:
Reims (Reim), another student and Rem's younger brother, will join the conversation.
After Reims's words about whether Eva is afraid of falling into the clutches of the Hunters, say:
Then there will be the first paid choice. "Raim..."
A detailed story about the disease from Reim:
Whatever they share with me, it's all just rumors. Nobody knows what is really going on. (Eve in response will say that the mentor, upon returning from Thebes, can infect everyone and the infection will fall into Germopol). You know... it sounds bad. My brother said it's not just about people. The cattle is dying. Crops do not sprout, and those that entered die too. Everything that can be grown perishes. That's why I think that Menes II, our pharaoh, sends hunting parties to Thebes. It looks like a curse. Dark magic or something like that, he thinks. Yes, and the locals only talk about it. I don't think the pharaoh cares who's to blame. The main thing is to stop widespread death.
Dia and Eva will go in search of Isman, who is studying medicine. Decide what to ask Isman in response to his words about leaving:
It turns out that the Supreme Epistat, the main military man in Ancient Egypt, who is responsible for catching black magicians, will pass through Hermopol. Isman advises not to catch his eye.
Then there will be another paid choice. "..."
Eva perked up: “I can help. While she is unconscious, the perpetrators can escape or cut off any hints of their involvement. You know, I need an hour, and I will look into her dream, find out the names ... There is a worse option if she still does not survive ... ”. Isman: “Do you reduce everything to an order?” Eva: "Why are we still needed, if not for this?". Isman: "Don't say it's a gesture of sympathy or goodwill." Eva: "I won't tell. I just need money."
Reply to Dee's words:
Throughout the game, you will also level up Necromancy or Oneiromancy. The art of oneiromancy will help solve problems through penetration into other people's dreams. The art of necromancy will bring you closer to the afterlife and communication with the dead.
During the walk, Eva will encounter one of the selected animals:
After the walk, you will meet Remmao, who has found a job for Eutis.
"It's because…"
Recognition is something like Fame, Prestige, Respect or Fame points from other Romance Club games. Thanks to high Recognition, you will be able to enjoy respect and various privileges.
Soon you will see horses indicating the arrival of the Supreme Ata. Remmao will say that you shouldn't get close to them. If you previously chose the option for 27 diamonds, then Euthida will notice that the mentor's statement is contrary to the bet with Dia and Isman.
Decide what to say to Rem. "..."
Then there will be another paid choice.
Once you're in town with Rem, decide what to say to him. "..."
Look at the black mask. When Remmao leaves, Eva will find a man in the alley about to throw a log at the dog. By helping an animal, you can earn the favor of a certain god in the future . Unfortunately, this will be the choice for diamonds.
Amen, the same epistat of the pharaoh, will appear in the courtyard. Amen will turn to Eva, suspecting that at such a late hour she is selling her body in the gateway.
Then there will be another paid choice.
Rem will come to the rescue and save Eva. Decide how to answer his question about what happened:
Put on a Shemkha mask, and then talk to the owner.
When a man talks about the deceased mistress and inaction, decide what to answer him.
Soon the first series will end.
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The developers of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang are preparing a large-scale update called “Breaking the Waves”, which will be available on March 19. Players can expect a new hero, new events, rewards, as well as changes to the seasonal system.