Walkthrough Song of the Red Nile (Romance Club) - Episode 1
Season 3. Guide and Answers
We play for Agnia
"The girl scooped up some and..."
- Took a sip. The choice will affect the plot -1
Confession in (3 episodes)
- Stopped. The choice will affect the plot.
What clothes to choose?
- Life Shine (Free) No Effect
- Falling asleep (76 diamonds) No effect
- Chant of Death (76 diamonds) No effect
- Soul Glints (76 diamonds) No effect
- Take it all (207 diamonds). Not available during
Diamond Rush.
Which hairstyle should I choose?
- Tight ponytail (free). No effect.
- Veil of Fantasy (27 diamonds) No effect
- Shrouded in Darkness (27 diamonds) No effect
- Heart Stone (27 diamonds). No effect .
- Take all (72 diamonds). Not available during
Diamond Rush.
What kind of makeup to choose?
- Dead Waters (free). No effect.
- Light of Day (45 diamonds) No effect
- Kiss of Doom (76 diamonds) No effect
- Take all (109 diamonds). Not available during
Diamond Rush.
What decoration to choose?
- Fine line (free). No effect.
- Golden Dreams (22 diamonds) No effect
- Chains of Frost (22 diamonds) No effect
- Link to Life (22 diamonds) No effect
- Take everything (60 diamonds). Not available during
Diamond Rush.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
If you chose everything paid - +1 Recognition.
"I feel like I'm in..."
- Abode of the god of the dead. +1 Necromancy
- Strange and evil vision. +1 Oneiromancy
- Why am I here? You can select all questions
- Are we in Duat ? You can select all questions
- Where are my companions? You can select all
- (Sigh heavily.) End the conversation
- Smiled at Eva (27 diamonds). Anubis remembers you
well / Anubis is extremely pleased that you are here
- Looked away. No effect.
Timed Choice
" Amen must..."
- Protect everyone from monsters. The right choice /
"You remember exactly what Amen should do " (if chosen right
- Protect Libya. You have made a mistake with the role and
place of the first satellite. Try again.
- Find a way out of the Darkness. You have made a mistake
with the role and place of the first companion. Try again
"Agnia must..."
- Protect Libya. The right choice / "You remember well
where Agnia should stand" (if chosen immediately)
- Take Livius away while Amen fights. Correct
choice / "You remember exactly what Amen should do " (if chosen
- Find a way out of the Darkness. You have made a mistake
with the role and place of the second companion. Try again
“It was necessary to stand next to Livius …”
- Eve to lead them further. Correct choice /
"You remember where Eve should stand" (if from the first time)
- Agnia, to continue to protect him. You have made a mistake
with the role and place of the third companion. Try again
- Seth, because he knew what to do next. You
made a mistake with the role and place of the third companion. Try again
"And Livy himself..."
- Lights their way in the Dark. The Right Choice /
"You understand what Livius' role was" (if from the first time)
- Must not move. You do not understand the role Livius
- Must find Eva . You don't understand the role Livius
If you have no more than one mistake - +1 Cunning, +1
Honesty, "Livy partially remembered his dream and was able to put only
some of his companions in their places."
If you made 3 or more mistakes - “Livy did not
remember his dream well and did not put everyone in their place.”
- Scared, dear doctor? +1 Cunning
- You are a brave man... +1 Cunning
- I thought you were going to scream. +1
- You glow… +1 Honesty
- "Son of both lands?" +1 Confession
- Am I the only one who sees this? +1 Cunning
Destroy all monsters (22 diamonds).
- Drive away monsters (27 diamonds). +1 Necromancy, +1
Oneiromancy , "You drove away monsters from your friends."
Cutscene, on the Livius route : "Livius is delighted."
- (Distract them to yourself.) No effect.
Error! File name
not specified.
If in episode 10 (season 2) the main character did
NOT absorb Seth's power:
Time to choose!
- Run for your life. No effect.
- Hit one of the monsters. -1 Confession. You held
off the others.
- (Answer vaguely.) +1 Cunning
- (Tell it like it is.) +1 Honesty
Branch with Livy
- Show concern for Livius (27 diamonds) You
and Livius are getting closer and closer
- We'll sort everything out later.
If you are close to Seth
- Show your affection for Seth. Seth didn't scare you,
you still want to be closer to him. He appreciated it. Additional choice
- (Stay away from him.)
- Your god form is attractive (27 diamonds). Seth
is pleased that you appreciate him for who he is.
- (Silently evaluate him.)
Branch with Agnia
- Kiss Agniya in front of everyone. (27 diamonds). Agniya
is proud that you expressed your feelings in front of everyone.
- We are a team. No effects.
Branch with Amen
- Snuggle up to him (27 diamonds) Amen loves you
- Don't touch it. No effect.