Walkthrough Song of the Crimson Nile (Romance Club) — episode 11, season 1. Guide and Answers
The signs will appear depending on the selections made earlier:
“The level of suspicion is low. You don't attract attention"
When the level of suspicion is high: The level of suspicion is high. People in the village are whispering about you. -1 Recognition
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Branch with Rames
- Need... (27 diamonds). You are getting closer, maybe in Reims you will find a new support and kindred spirit?
- You make me laugh (20 diamonds). You are lucky to have such friends. They were lucky too
- Annoying
Choosing clothes for Livius and Epistatus for diamonds will improve relations .
We will hear Epistatus quarreling with Livy.
"It's getting too hot"
- I’d rather watch from the outside, it looks interesting. +1 Cunning
- I wonder if they will fight? +1 Cunning
- There is no need for me to interfere in this. Just waste your energy. +1 Honesty
If in episode 10 you chose a hairstyle, outfit and jewelry for diamonds, with a close relationship with Livy:
“You were able to distract Livius with your appearance.”
With close relations with Amen and Livy:
“You have attracted everyone's attention. And both noticed it..."
Let's talk to Livy about the murder. Livy is not in?There are no traces of murder.
- Must understand like no one else (27 diamonds). A simple and honest conversation brought you closer. Livy appreciates your sincerity.
- You want the best, but (20 diamonds). Livy is kind to you and would like to help.
- You can't tell me.
The choice is available if in the 7th episode of season 1 you chose “Get details from Livy (26 diamonds)”:
- And it’s clear to the blind that you don’t like each other. Not a very delicate job. Try again.
- Looks like the hunters don't like Livy... Correct choice. +1 Recognition (if first time )
- If it were up to me, I would have found another doctor. You went too far. It didn’t work out to start a conversation.
Next, the girl will go to the library.
- I want Livy to do this. (27 diamonds). Livy will deal with the body. It will be easier for the heroine to get close to the body. Improved friendships.
- Don't interfere.
The signs will appear depending on the selections made earlier.
“Livy vouched for you. The level of suspicion has been reduced. Yoran will not interfere."
The girl will sit with Reims in the library.
- Why don't you just put your head in the noose right away? +1 Honesty
- Will the hunters keep us company? +1 Cunning
- Tell me your plan, wise head. +1 Cunning
We learn that the weaver helps black magiciansand tell Reims about the mask. While he goes to make a new one, the girl will be brought a tray of food from the epistat.
In close relationships.
- Find Amen and thank him. (49 diamonds). Improved relationships
- Take food.
- Refuse
If you chose the paid option
"The door I need..."
- First door on the right.
- Second door on the right.
- Second door on the left.
- First door on the left. Right choice. If you chose him the first time, Amen liked how quickly you found him .
Reims will be back soon. He will tell you that the epistat stopped trusting him.
- What's missing? +1 Honesty
- Someone must have pointed a finger at us. +1 Cunning
- Mayhem!
The hunters did not leave. They seemed to be looking for something.
"This is my chance to warn..."
- Express concerns about iboga and Diya. (20 diamonds). +1 Recognition. The mentor is pleased with you.
- Don't get involved in this. No effect
- How do we get there? +1 Honesty
- This is impossible. +1 Honesty
- I'll be happy to watch. +1 Cunning
Remmao will tell you how to get inside, who to find and find out information about the murder.