Passage Song of the Red Nile (Romance Club) - 6 episode 1 season. Answers
- He can't live. +1 Honesty
- If you have something to ask him, ask quickly... +1 Cunning
- Soon after him Anubis will appear. +1 Honesty
- I'm stupid! +1 Honesty
- It will reflect on me too... +1 Cunning
- The older black magicians have gone crazy! +1 Honesty
- He is busy with his business, and you mind yours. +1 Honesty
- in what sense can a stranger reason? +1 Honesty
- Does the famous doctor know a lot about prayers? +1 Cunning
- Will I take you by the hand? (17 diamonds) You pique Livy's interest.
- So let's go side by side (10 diamonds). Improving Friendships
- It's dark for me. No effect
- Your perfume? +1 Cunning
- There is such stuffiness here. +1 Honesty .
- What? No effect
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- Will he squeeze in here? +1 Cunning
- Only Amen was not enough here... +1 Honesty
“Isfet, where does the soul of Yaxmos come from here?!”
- Probably, I got in touch with his Ka. Correct option +1 Recognition
- We disturbed his peace. Wrong choice To call the soul, you need to get in touch with it.
- He was here right from the start . Wrong choice . To evoke a soul, you need to get in touch with it.
- Talk to him (17 diamonds). +1 Necromancy. You have made real contact with Ka. New information will help you .
- Shut up. No effect
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- Help me... +1 Cunning
- I feel very bad. +1 Cunning
- I want to get away from here. +1 Honesty
- Allow Livy to lift himself (33 diamonds). You made a bet. Look, don't lose Livia's desire.
- Accept help, but get up on your own. Additional choice.
If you chose the second option.
"You have to deflect suspicion from yourself sometimes."
- It's none of your business. +1 Honesty. Livy cannot stand rudeness. Relations deteriorated.
- And what can this mean? +1 Cunning
- You look like an independent person. +1 Cunning
- You are surely one of those who reject help. +1 Honesty
Branch with Amen
If the relationship improved: "Amen is a little disposed towards you"
“Eva was about to go up the stairs. Three steps were crossed when Amen…”
- Caught her by the hand (33 diamonds). Amen did not want to go too far. Something in you unsettles him.
- He just cast a glance at her. No effect .
The choice of outfit does not affect the story.
- Let's walk together (33 diamonds). Ramss starts thinking about you more often . Escort me (10 diamonds). Friendship is growing between you .
- I manage myself. No effect