The trial of actor Jonathan Majors in the United States, known for his role as Kang the Conqueror in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has come to an end. Arrested in March in New York after a domestic incident in which he allegedly assaulted his 30-year-old girlfriend, he was charged with "third-degree assault with intent to inflict bodily harm, third-degree assault with reckless endangerment causing bodily harm." , aggravated harassment in the second degree and harassment in the second degree.”
The jury found Jonathan guilty of third-degree assault with reckless endangerment and second-degree harassment. However, he was acquitted of charges of assault with intent and aggravated harassment.
Majors is expected to be sentenced on February 6.
Marvel and Disney immediately stopped working with the actor due to his "problematic" status. Jonathan will no longer be reprising his role as Kang, and future film scripts will be reworked to remove him from the plot.
The action game also received a content update.