Series description: Life on the galleon is returning to its former course, and it's time to return to their former duties, while everything is calm ...
Romance Club. Sails in the fog
The team goes to the mermaid:
Mermaid has strong magic:
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This is a siren:
The team will come into its own. Contact:
The ship got too close to the reefs. The team begins their duties, but the sirens again crawl out onto the ship and begin to beckon the sailors with their magical singing. All the girls on the ship and Jacques-Lumière will be able to help us in this fight with the sirens. If Christina remained in male form, then she would be of no use.
Sebastian will tell us to taxi the ship avoiding the reefs while he delays the mermaids.
Attention! Timed elections
The Sirens are attacking. We fight them.
Completed correctly the first time, you will get +1 reputation among the pirates .
Two monsters will immediately attack William and Sebastian. We will have to decide which one to save. When we save one, the other will be alive. For 9 diamonds we can help him too. But even if we do not do this, our comrade will not die. He will lose his eye and remember that we did not help him. After that, the massacre will end, and the pirates will begin to throw out the corpses from the deck of the ship. Dealing with corpses, we argue that with the advent of all these creatures in our lives, everyday life has become:
One siren survived.
If you decide to finish off the siren :
If you decide to release the siren :
After some time, we will again find ourselves on the shores, where we can repair the ship. Its level depends on the spent diamonds.
It will start to rain. We can find the weather calming or annoying. Does not affect.
Sebastian will explain that this is the weather of the Roaring Forties, it is always like this here. During the conversation, Bobby will come up and say that something strange is happening on the lower deck:
Choice of clothes:
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