Walkthrough Rage of the Titans 10 episode 3 season. Romance Club - Answers "The Price of Salvation"
At the beginning of the tenth episode of the third season, you can earn Humanity or Divinity.
- He doesn't want this world to be destroyed. +1 Humanity
- He also wants you to disappear. +1 Divinity
The next paid choice will allow you to increase your Influence reserves.
"(What to do?)"
- Repeat Chaos magic (9 diamonds). +1 Influence
- (Break the illusion from him.) No effect
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If in one of the previous episodes Aida sacrificed herself: “Chaos accepted Aida's willingness to sacrifice herself. After returning, she stopped restraining herself. ”
One of the options will lead to an improved relationship with Aida.
- I will not leave you. Aida is pleased with your concern
- I can't let him get away. No effect
- Fine. I'll find the rest. No effect
The next choice will earn Humanity or Divinity
- I wouldn't want to kill them. +1 Humanity
- I will fight if necessary. +1 Divinity
- I will destroy them all. +1 Divinity
If you can convince Murphy for the diamonds, he will take the form of Cerberus.
- This will help a lot (50 diamonds). Murphy will turn into a Cerberus / Cut-scene
- I... I can't.
![Rage of the Titans, art and a kiss with Murphy Ярость титанов, арт и поцелуй с Мёрфи]()
Branch with Jason
What to do?
- Kiss him (9 diamonds). Kiss with Jason
- Cheer up. No effect
- Leave. No effect
The paid choice below will allow you to earn two Influence points at once.
- Must try (23 diamonds). +2 Influence
- I can't take risks. No effect
Be careful not to lose influence if the solution below is incorrect.
"(What to do?)"
- (Move on.) No effect
- (Listen.) No effect
- (Idle.) -1 Influence
You can then earn Humanity.
- I'll let you explain. +1 Humanity
- I don't need to listen to your excuses. No effect
![Rage of the Titans, art and a kiss with Killian Ярость титанов, арт и поцелуй с Киллианом]()
Below you can ask all the questions in any order. They don't affect anything.
"Yes, I wanted to ask..."
- Why are we here? No effect
- Why are you doing all this? No effect
- For what? No effect
- Titans... Half-breeds... It all started with this. No effect
“This decoration is associated with the forces of Chaos. They will help stop Kronos."
The options below will reward you with Divinity or Humanity.
- Lived a long life. +1 Humanity
- Made a lot of mistakes, Kronos. +1 Divinity, +1 Humanity
- Real monster. +1 Divinity
The next option can bring you a significant fine. Unfortunately, you will have to accumulate 50 diamonds to avoid losing 5 Influence points!!!
- Accept your death with dignity (50 diamonds). We listen to a detailed story and watch the cut-scene / The heroine will kill Kronos
- I can not do it. Persephone will kill Kronos / -5 Influence / This will affect the story / If Iapetus was saved in the ninth series, then he will kill Kronos
![Dead Kronos, Rage of the Titans, 10 episode 3 season, art, cut-scene Мёртвый Кронос, Ярость Титанов, 10 серия 3 сезон, арт, кат-сцена]()
Path of low influence, Kronos was not killed by us
- You have lost your influence, this will affect the choice in the future.
Path of high influence, Kronos was not killed by us
- You still have enough Influence .
Choosing what to do to get either Humanity or Divinity.
- Has anyone been saved? +1 Humanity
- They got what they deserved. +1 Divinity
![Rage of the Titans, art with Cerberus (Murphy) Ярость Титанов, арт с Цербером (Мёрфи)]()
Path of Divinity
- “You have walked the path of Divinity. Depending on this, Chaos will decide what fate can await you.
Path of Humanity
- “You have walked the path of Humanity. Depending on this, Chaos will decide what fate can await you.
Attention!!! The choice below will be decisive in the distribution of forces.
"I think they should be in charge..."
- Olympians. Olympians will rule
- Titans who introduced themselves as new gods. Titans will rule
Path of Divinity
- I will stay and rule in the ancient world. (Requirement: 75 Divinity). You will rule the ancient world
- I have to go into oblivion. No effect
Path of Humanity
- I will return to the modern world (Requirement: 75 Humanity). You will continue to live in the modern world
- I have to go into oblivion. No effect