Walkthrough Rage of the Titans 12 episode 3 season. Romance Club - Answers "There is no place like home" (Final)
Ancient world
Condition : You were able to make a Divinity choice (75 units) in Episode 10 of Season 3.
"Yes it is"
- But that doesn't mean I trust them. No effect
- You have become a part of it too. No effect
- Does it change anything? No effect
If you have a good relationship with Aida, then "Aida considers you a close friend"
The following phrases will have no effect:
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- Zeus will answer for his sins. No effect
- He's not perfect, but he's your brother. No effect
- We all make mistakes. No effect
Similarly, there is no effect of further selection:
- I'll send her somewhere where no one will ever find her. No effect
- I can't get in the way of Zeus. No effect
- Maybe we should think about forgiveness? No effect
If your relationship with Aida is not good enough, then "You are not close enough with Aida."
And again, your choice no longer affects anything:
"Did I do the right thing?"
- Do I support those deities? No effect
- But what about the people I love? No effect
- What's next for us? No effect
Branch with Jason
"You know..."
- We will overcome everything. No effect
- They are all for your protection. No effect
- It's a small price to pay for security. No effect
Romantic scene:
"Jason... We need to get back"
- But we have some time (48 diamonds). Intimate scene / Cut/scene / Art
- We'll arrange a date next time. No effect
![Cut-scene with Jason, Rage of the Titans, episode 11, finale Кат-сцена с Джейсоном, Ярость Титанов, 11 серия, финал]()
Branch with Murphy
"Don't be so hard on them"
- I know that you always protect me. No effect
- They only correspond to the status. No effect
- I can handle. No effect
Romantic scene:
- I want it too (48 diamonds). Bed scene with Murphy / Cut-scene / Art
- I'm not ready for that risk. No effect
![Cut-scene with Murphy, Rage of the Titans, episode 11, finale Кат-сцена с Мёрфи, Ярость Титанов, 11 серия, финал]()
Below you can choose any phrase.
"You know"
- I can't choose between them and you. No effect
- There is no one more important to me than you. But... No effect
- It's my duty. No effect
Branch with Adrian
"Well, I'm serious"
- I am afraid for you. No effect
- I don't want you to die. No effect
- Who then will lead the Underworld? No effect
Exit to the intimate scene with Adrian:
- Then don't stop (48 diamonds). Bed scene with Adrian / Cut-scene / Art
- Come on, not now. No effect
![Cut-scene with Adrian, Rage of the Titans, episode 11, finale Кат-сцена с Эдрианом, Ярость Титанов, 11 серия, финал]()
Branch with Theo
"You think..."
- About Us? No effect
- About upcoming changes? No effect
- That you can find peace No effect
Romantic scene:
- I want you (48 diamonds). Bed scene with Teo / Cut-scene / Art
- I don't want to spoil the moment. No effect
![Cutscene with Theo, Rage of the Titans, episode 11, finale Кат-сцена с Тео, Ярость Титанов, 11 серия, финал]()
The path of the loner
"What are you doing here?"
- Hephaestus? No effect
- Ares? Dialog below
If Ares came up:
- I will never forgive you. No effect
- Everyone deserves their chance. No effect
- Time will show. No effect
Ending on the path of Humanity
Condition : You were able to make a selection on this parameter.
We choose any clothes, it will give nothing:
- Sunset in New York (Free).
- Sweet Harbor (21 diamonds).
- Satin Glitter (26 diamonds).
- Insolence (48 diamonds).
We choose any hairstyle, it will give nothing:
- Modest (Free).
- Strands (10 diamonds).
- Curly hair (21 diamonds).
- Orange mood (26 diamonds).
“We already packed everything, so…”
- I will continue my studies and get a diploma. No effect
- I will focus on sports. No effect
- I'll try to find myself. No effect
In order to speak with Aida, you must have a close relationship with the goddess, or get the appropriate answer.
- Could we talk? On not being good enough with Aida: “You are not close enough to Aida” / On being good: “Aida considers you a close friend, you can say goodbye”
- Successful flight. No effect
"What to do?"
- Wishing you good luck. No effect
- Hug goodbye. No effect
- Say we'll meet again. No effect
On close relationship with the Chimera: You have a fairly close relationship with the Chimera
Branch with Theo
- I want you (48 diamonds). Bed scene with Theo / Cut-scene / Art
- Therefore, we will stop here.
![Cutscene with Theo, Rage of the Titans, episode 11, finale Кат-сцена с Тео, Ярость Титанов, 11 серия, финал]()
Branch with Jason
- I want you (48 diamonds). Bed scene with Jason / Cut-scene / Art
- I thought we were going to take a break. No effect
![Cut-scene with Jason, Rage of the Titans, episode 11, finale Кат-сцена с Джейсоном, Ярость Титанов, 11 серия, финал]()
Branch with Murphy
- But I trust you (48 diamonds). Bed scene with Murphy / Cut-scene / Art
- I'm not ready for that risk. No effect
![Cut-scene with Murphy, Rage of the Titans, episode 11, finale Кат-сцена с Мёрфи, Ярость Титанов, 11 серия, финал]()
Branch with Adrian
- Please Don't Stop (48 Diamonds). Bed scene with Adrian / Cut-scene / Art
- Let's go to bed better. No effect
![Cut-scene with Adrian, Rage of the Titans, episode 11, finale Кат-сцена с Эдрианом, Ярость Титанов, 11 серия, финал]()
The path of the loner
"What... eventually..."
- We are born and we die alone. No effect
- You are weak if you have no friends. No effect
- History always repeats itself. No effect
"So what should I do?"
- I'm leaving with Marshall. Go on a trip with Marshall and Chimera / Cut-scene
- Back to divine things. Return to the Gods / Cut-scene
![Cut-scene with Marshall and Chimera, ending, journey Кат-сцена с Маршаллом и Химерой, финал, путешествие]()
We choose any priyayosku and clothes, they give nothing.
- It's okay, for the guys it's important. You made a good impression on the guys
- I'm not very comfortable, but this is your conversation. No effect
- I don't want to listen to this gossip. The kids didn't like your rudeness
- I admit this possibility ... No effect
- You are carrying some nonsense. No effect
- Strange. No effect
- Unusual. No effect
- Still impressive. No effect