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All Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2 endings

We tell you how to get all the endings in the game.
All Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2 endings
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
4 March 2023

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2 endings

Let's introduce some notation:

  • Location - a mark on the map (checkbox) where you make a choice. Most often I will designate it in quotation marks "".
  • Event - Screen with multiple choices.
  • Branch - A series of events.

All guides for the game

Key selection points

Chapter 1

  • Village. The path with Michel and the trolls.
  • Academy. The path with Callistratus and the exam.
  • North. The path is through Alice, while we get there through the academy.
  • Mill. Path with the homeless.

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Chapter 2

  • Give land to southerners. The rebellion of Abathur, as a consequence, the items below will be possible.
  • Win the battle with the southerners. The military campaign begins.
  • Lose the battle with the southerners. In the future, we are trying to win back our own castle.

Chapter 3

There are few choices here. As a result of the second chapter, we either fight for our capital, or advance to the South.

Achievements inThe game is divided into three types:

  • endings
  • Interesting events
  • Titles

In this guide, we will focus on the first two.

Title Holder [Difficulty: Easy]

The most popular achievement, since you have a 99% chance of getting it after playing the game for 10-20 minutes.

You need to get any of the 160 titles presented in the game. The very first title can be obtained at the beginning of the game. On your thirteenth birthday, you need to demand toys.

Future commander - You received your first battle scars already in childhood

Notorious Title Bearer [Difficulty: Medium]

Get half the titles.

Exactly 80 pieces. The task is more difficult, it can be completed in two or three passages. Finding 80 titles is not difficult, since almost every location can loot at least one.

Kingdom Legend [Difficulty: Hard]

Get all titles. This is really a hard level, it was this achievement that stole 50% of the hours spent on the game. The search for titles is not very interesting, but when I found the last of them, I jumped for joy.

Sorcerer Doll [Difficulty: Easy]

Like a doll, at one o'clock in the night

Now he can control you!

The King and the Jester - Doll of the Sorcerer

Disenchant the Serpentine.

Let's go to titles by events. You can only split the Serpentine in the second chapter, there are two ways to do this.
In the first chapter, we go through the street kids branch, ohwe definitely agree to work for the Elder, after that we stomp to the optional location "Fibian's Tower". When we get inside the tower, we break open the lock and steal a stone from there.
In the second chapter, be sure to visit the location "Kingdom Yard", agree to help Serpentine. Then there is an event with the theft of the crown, what you choose there - it doesn’t matter. But if you grab the Elder, then in the future you can loot another achievement.

After that, we visit the Fibian tower. And here we have a fork in front of us:

  • If we took the stone in the first chapter, then we ask Fibian how he is doing, after that we exchange the stone for the Serpentine key.
  • If we could not steal the stone, then we pretend to be our father (Einhard), we ask Fibian to go down and give the Serpentine key.

Congratulations, the Serpentine has been disenchanted, and the achievement is already in your profile.

Like an old song [Difficulty: easy]

“Oh, guilty, tramp, you are in front of me,

In my native forest, you scared me!”

The grandfather raised his fist over his head:

“I have never seen such impudent people in my life!”

“I don’t agree with you, grandfather, so we are even,

What frightening you - I myself fell into a ravine!

Go to hell!" he exclaimed angrily.

And the goblin realized that this guy is not a fool.

King and Jester - Guy and goblin

The achievement is obtained in the first chapter in the location "Shelter of the Elder". In search of the leader of the homeless, we go around the side?Noah broken cart and see someone's house. After a couple of choices that do not affect the achievement, we answer the old man: “Frightening you, I myself fell into a ravine!”. We loot the achievement.

Battle King [Difficulty: Medium]

Get the Sword of the Three Kingdoms, Explosive Spores, and Swordsmanship.

This achievement extends to the first and second chapter. Here's what to do:

  1. In the first chapter, we go through the branch of the academy, at the location "Exam" there will be an event for the manufacture of these very explosive spores. To do this, mix red pepper, troll hat (gray mushroom) and saltpeter (blue powder). Voila, explosive spores in inventory.
  2. In the second chapter, we visit the "Northern possession" (during preparations for the war). We pitch tents on the street and go to see what the guards are doing. We ask Wolfgang to teach us fencing, for this you need to answer the questions correctly. We keep the sword relaxed, the fight lasts 30 seconds, we keep the enemy at a distance of the blade. If at this point you have acquired the obesity skill, it can be removed. And you can not clean it up, having got the secret technique of a fat swordsman.

Attention! If you are getting married before this location, then do not sell the ring to replenish the treasury. After we have prepared for the war and / or completed the investigation, we meet the Southerners. The decision you make doesn't matter. After this event, an additional location "Overgrown wall". We examine the wall and collect a picture of the coat of arms of our kingdom. Three intersecting circles (card sequence 1-2-1). We deal with the skeleton guard twice, insert our prince ring into the hole in the wall and take the Sword of the Three Kingdoms
Congratulations, you are now a fighting king!

Master of All Trades [Difficulty: Hard]

Get all the skills in one playthrough (except the scar).

This is where you need to sweat, the achievement covers two chapters. For more information on exactly how to get specific skills, read the corresponding section. Here I will talk about the strategy and the course of the game.

In the first chapter, we need to go through all three possible options.

In the homeless branch, we get the Sneaking skill, after which we fail this branch. This can be done in two ways. In the location "Berg" we fight with Sigi and hand over the Elder. Or we come across guards in the same location.

In the troll branch, we get the Pathfinder skill. We also need to fail this branch. In the location "Deep Forest" we explore not the surroundings of the camp, but the camp itself. When Micah calls us to him, we resist and do not go. On this you will disperse, and the branch will end.

In the academy branch, first we get the Head Injury skill at the Crossing location (it will be possible to get it in the second chapter). Next, we get the Alchemy skill. We are finishing the first chapter.

Basically, you?You can finish the first chapter both in the north and in one of these three branches. But I did this, and this option definitely works. By the way, when you start going through the last of the three branches, make a save. It will be needed for future achievement
There are three more skills waiting for us in the second chapter.

Immediately after the beginning of the second chapter, we get the Obesity skill, trying to forget the hardships of life eating delicacies.
If you couldn't get a head injury, don't worry. Having chosen in the barracks that you want to do both investigation and preparation for war - go to Victor's room and fall from the balcony.

Surveying the possessions of the north by looting a swordsman. Only answer the question about being overweight that this is your armor. Then you will not lose obesity and acquire Swordsmanship.

Next up is Tactics. During the battle, either at the "Rebels" location, or in the "Campaign on the Southerners", we choose the right strategy and win.

Hooray, we have all the skills in our pocket, as well as the achievement. The scar can be removed - by looking in the mirror at the beginning of the second chapter, or you can leave it, it does not affect the achievement.

Diplomat [Difficulty: Medium]

Gather all allies.

This achievement is obtained in the third chapter, but in order to succeed, you need to make several important decisions in the remaining chapters.

  • Chapter 1. In the Killer Camp, we leave Alric alive. If you want to make your way easier, did you save it in the Dervenya location??te Low Renz.
  • Chapter 2 We catch the left homeless child - the Elder (brunette). If you want to make your way easier, you can get the Tactician skill at the end of the second chapter. Also, when you visit the Eastern Domains, do not swear with the paladins, but listen to the advice.
  • Chapter 3. We travel around the territory in search of allies. If everything is done correctly, then it will turn out to recruit everyone.
  • Detachment of Paladins - In the location "Fortress of the Paladins" we follow them into the gorge, find the order and ask them to fulfill the oath.
  • Squad of Trolls - We go inside the "Cave of the Trolls" and look after the ducklings in an attempt to save them all. In any case, you will have to deceive the Duke and say that no one has been lost.
  • Detachment of Peasants - We are going to the "Village". If we saved Low Renz, then we mention this in the dialogue and get the peasants. If not, we help to deal with the bandits in the forest. With the skill of tactics - you can enter into an open battle. If there is no skill, then accept the duel.
  • Detachment of the Homeless - We go to the "Dense Forest", we catch Sigi and offer him to convince the gang. You need to defeat the goblin, with the skill of Tactics you can do it yourself (give a fight, poke with a sword, in loose, whatever you want, archers). If there is no skill, then we send Sigi to battle and in no case help him, he can handle it himself and even bring a trophy.
  • Bandit Squad - Coming to "Old mines, have a drink with Alric, in response to the question of how to convince the robbers to fight for the army, we answer that we will save their lives and come up with something else. We send Alrik to talk and immediately run to help.
  • Squad of Students - We call in the "academy", and ask for students with explosive disputes. If you put Finn in place of Callistratus and lost the battle, he will give them without persuasion. In other cases, students will need to be ordered to surrender. In the case of Kallistratus (mb and Finn, memory fails here), it is necessary to visit dangerous caves. We fall into the pit, survive and loot the squad.
  • Northerners Unit - This unit is optional, but can be obtained if you wish. If you won the battle and married Alice, then you will get the squad without any problems. Otherwise, there will be no group.

Drifter [Difficulty: Medium]

Miss all opportunities to return to your castle.

As you already know from the "Jack of All Trades" achievement in the first chapter, we can fail all options to get into the castle.
A thread of homeless children. In the location "Berg" we fight with Sigi and hand over the Elder. Or we come across guards in the same location.
Troll thread. In the location "Deep Forest" we explore not the surroundings of the camp, but the camp itself. When Mikhel calls us to him, we resist and do not go. On this you will disperse, and the branch will end.

Academy thread. Visiting the Academyand we say that study is not ours. You will be kicked out in disgrace, but we will have the achievement.

In desperation, we approach the castle again and become a beggar, or we go to the village to the peasants.

Rightful Heir [Difficulty: Easy]

Complete 1 chapter.

The achievement is the opposite of the previous one. Go through one of the branches, deal with the bandits in the "Killer Camp" and return to the castle.

Winner [Difficulty: Easy]

Complete Chapter 2 with a win.

This achievement can be obtained in several ways, but all of them lead to victory in the second chapter.

  • At the location "Delegation of Southerners" declare war and ask Torek for information knocked out of the detainees.
  • At the location "Delegation of Southerners", give up the lands, suppress the rebellion of Abathur, and go straight to the castle.
  • In the course of the "Offensive on the Southerners" choose your own tactics (with the environment) and win the battle

Loser [Difficulty: Easy]

Achieving the opposite of the previous one, again we see two options for passing.

Declare war on the Southern Delegation location.

At the location "Delegation of Southerners", give up the lands, suppress the rebellion of Abathur, and go straight to the castle (I'm not sure, but you can go to the paladins and hang out there. Then you will automatically lose the battle).

During the "Offensive on the southerners" choose the tactics of Torek (direct attack) and lose the battle.

Fairy King [Difficulty: Medium]

Disenchant the Serpentine (see Achievementthe doll of the sorcerer), take her as a wife. Win the battle in the second chapter. Launch an offensive to the South and take the Serpentine with you. At the location "Passage in the rocks" find out her past (trust her). There is some variation here. If in the garden (chapter 2) you promise Serpentina to learn her past from Kallistratus, then a new location "Kallistratus's Visit" will appear. There you can also find out the past of your queen. When attacking the "Capital of the Southerners", choose the Serpentine plan and be sure to go with it. What follows are a few not-so-important decisions. Congratulations, you have reached the best ending.

Emperor [Difficulty: Easy]

Take over the south!

We do not give away land in the second chapter. Or we give, but after the rebellion we still fight. We win the battle in the "offensive to the South", we recruit as many units as possible. We attack the "capital" and capture it by force. If at this moment you are married to Alice, then deny her the rule of these lands.

Naive King [Difficulty: Easy]

Get a taste of marriage.

In the second chapter, we definitely take Alice as a wife, we do everything else as in the Emperor achievement. After the capture of the South, we give the land to our queen.

Failed Conqueror [Difficulty: Easy]

Lose the campaign.

We do not give away land in the second chapter. Or we give, but after the rebellion we still fight. We win the battle in the "offensive to the South", recruit as few units as possible,preferably 3. We choose obviously wrong answers (if we send Alexander to command the operation, he will lose two detachments at once, which is very beneficial for us) in the attack on the "capital of the southerners", thereby losing the war.

Land Defender [Difficulty: Easy]

Become a king who didn't really change anything.

It doesn't matter after which election - we lose the battle in the "offensive to the South" in the second chapter. Recruit as many squads as possible. We recapture our castle, we kill Sergio and Alexander

Betrayed by Family [Difficulty: Easy]

Make everyone hate you.

It doesn't matter after which election - we lose the battle in the "offensive to the South" in the second chapter. Recruit as few units as possible. We lose, in the course of an attempt to recapture the castle, making the wrong strategic decisions.

Exile [Difficulty: Easy]

Renounce the throne.

Make sure you don't put Beatrice in jail. It doesn't matter after which election - we lose the battle in the "offensive to the South" in the second chapter. Recruit as many squads as possible. We recapture our castle, kill Sergio. This will be followed by a conversation with Alexander, in which we recognize ourselves as a bad king and abdicate the throne.

Family King [Difficulty: Easy]

Experience the power of family ties.

Make sure you don't put Beatrice in jail. It doesn't matter after which election - we lose the battle in the "offensive to the South" in the secondth chapter. Recruit as many squads as possible. We recapture our castle, kill Sergio. This will be followed by a conversation with Alexander, in which we promise to improve and return the former greatness to the kingdom. Not without the help of Alexander.

This is the end of the story [Difficulty: Easy]

Complete Chapter 3 with any of the endings.

The description says it all, do not end the game on the first or second chapter. We pass the third.

Kwisatz Haderach [Difficulty: Hard]

Kwisatz Haderach - A concept from the series of novels by American writer Frank Herbert, Chronicles of Dune, a man who is able to look into the genetic memory of ancestors in both the female and male lines.

Complete the game for all endings. And that says it all, we get 7 achievements for the endings = we get this achievement.