Series description:
A detailed guide in which we tell you everything you need to know about Kazu in Legend of the Willow on the path of Cold and the Amber Fox. How to have an affair with Kazu, earn his trust, respect, get close to Kazu, see every bed scene. Stay with Kazu at the end of the game.
Kazu. Path of Cold. amber fox
1 season 1 episode. First snow
- I am now. Interaction with the prisoner has no effect
- Forgive me madam / Luggage is ok madam +1 Chill
- With soldiers. Interaction with the prisoner has no effect
- For a while: throw up the fan. The twist of the dance was flawless .
- It's not for me to judge +1 Cold
1 season 2 episode. One
- Look around +1 Cold
- Distract thoughts about the past. 34 Diamonds. A picture story of how Mei got into geisha school
- Examine the old tools in the shed
- Timed: Maid - Mrs. Fengeng
- If only the lantern went out +1 Amber Fox
- At school, you need to head to the mentor's room
- I ask you to. 12 Diamonds. Learn more information
- Speak Reasonably +1 Cold
Season 1 Episode 3 The escape
- What is going on anyway? / What to do next? +1 Cold
- Listen. 20 Diamonds. Influence history in the future
- For a while: you need to wait a bit and follow
- Time: Wataru Tomiyasu. Improving relationship with the character
- Believe and open. 10 Diamonds. Improving relationship with the character
- Throw a torch at him +1 Amber Fox
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Season 1 Episode 4 Chase
- Is it important now? +1 Cold
- For a while: you need to stop and duck / freeze
- Grab the bag and run for 31 diamonds. Improved relationship with Kazu
- Calmly. Need to think about what to do +1 Cold
- For a while: dive under the trunk
- Pull alternately on the shoulders and legs
- Wipe Kazu for 19 diamonds. Improved relationship with Kazu
Season 1 Episode 5 Takao
- Not the best words from a man. Improved relationship with Kazu
- If you improved relations with Kazu, then when boarding the boat, he will show the heroine more attention
- Is he looking for something? +1 Cold
- I can't be a witch +1 Cold
- It will burn well +1 Amber Fox
- It will burn well +1 Amber Fox
Season 1 Episode 6 First steps
- Is Kazu training now too? / Do shinobi train all the time?
- Informative +1 Cold
- If you improved relations with Kazu, then he will give Mei a fan .
- The choice of the fan will affect the story in the future
- Detain Kazu. 33 diamonds. The kiss scene
- Miraculous +1 Cold
- I'm interested in fire +1 Amber Fox
- Will you scare me?
- Someone turned me from a fox to a human +1 Cold
Season 1 Episode 7 South
- I'll memorise.
- Doesn't matter +1 Cold
- True +1 Cold
- You are surprisingly indifferent +1 Cold
- For the time being: nothing to do
- From Kazu: Hug. Improved relationship with Kazu
- Approach a youkai for 26 diamonds. Additional Information
- Then I myself +1 Cold
- Touch Kazu's cheek. 20 diamonds. The kiss scene and improved relationship with Kazu.
Season 1 Episode 8 Ichiro
- Have you told anyone else about this? +1 Cold
- What are my options? +1 Cold
- Feign Illness (10 Cold stats)
Season 1 Episode 9 Masamune
- Let's say I'm a kitsune. +1 Cold
- For a time: blind with fire. +1 Amber Fox
- Hit with a knife.
- Stop a rogue (5 Amber Fox points).
Season 1 Episode 10 It is he?
- Burning cloth. +1 Amber Fox
- We must finish what we started!
- You need to develop your magic (11 diamonds). +1 Amber Fox, +1 Pearl Fox
- Otherwise, Reiki will hear you and run away. +1 Cold
- This is all? +1 Cold
2 season 1 episode. Order
- No +1 Cold
- Don't talk about ninja
- Kazu, I'm sorry to disturb you +1 Cold
- Look for Kazu (33 diamonds). Improved relationship with Kazu
2 season 2 episode. platform
- I'll go myself
- Listen further. 6 Diamonds
- I'll be late. 26 Diamonds
- Sharp and accurate +1 Cold
- I don't like your idea +1 Chill
2 season 3 episode. Shelter
- See you soon +1 Cold
- Try to scare with fire (8 Amber Fox stats)
- Are you interested in an order? +1 Cold
2 season 4 episode. Shino-odori
- Better wait +1 Cold
- If it's convenient for you +1 Cold
- Use fire magic +1 Amber Fox
- Time: Explore the master's room
- Take the comb. 21 Diamond. Influence history in the future
- turn around slowly
- We need to get a little closer. 21 Diamond. Influence history in the future
Season 2 Episode 5 Where does the wind blow from?
- Tell briefly, highlighting the main thing +1 Cold
- They don't pay taxes in winter / Why do they do it? +1 Cold
- Thank you +1 Cold
- What are the secrets? I won't stay. 32 Diamonds
- to see you / find out if you are well
- The color of the kimono that Kazu gives depends on the color of the fan he gave earlier.
- Who killed them? 32 Diamonds. History in pictures
Season 2 Episode 6 black duck
- Can't +1 Cold
- Kazu, I'm sorry. 10 Diamonds. Affects relationships with Kazu and Takao
- Yes. +1 Cold
- Go to the house with cryptometry. Influences history
- Faster to the cart!
- I don't want to be alone right now. 103 Diamonds. Scene with Kazu
Season 2 Episode 7 The first lessons of the stalkers
- Pick up - turn around - drop (repeat 3 times)
- Up-down-left-right (repeat 2 times)
- Sheaf of Sparks +1 Amber Fox
- Create fire (11 diamonds). +2 Amber Fox
Season 2 Episode 8 Night visit
- Teprimo +1 Cold
- Fire +1 Amber Fox
- Skin for 21 diamonds +1 Cold
Season 2 Episode 9 Do not dare!
- For the time being: no need to intervene +1 Cold
- For a while: Right hand - to the right
- Timed: jump right
- Fire +1 Amber Fox
- Cover Azumi (31 diamonds). Chongan will survive
- Create Fire +1 Amber Fox Fox
Season 2 Episode 10 Own road
- How could she. 23 Diamonds
- I'll be careful +1 Cold
- I will be very glad. Improved relationship with Shino-Odori
- Why do shinobi practice meditation? 9 Diamonds
Season 2 Episode 11 Thaw
- The main thing is to remain calm +1 Cold
- I'm interested. 33 Diamonds
- You yourself know everything. 31 stats of Cold. Improved relationship with Kazu
- Fire Magic +1 Amber Fox
- Glow +1 Amber Fox
- This cannot be allowed. 31 Diamond. The girl will survive
- This unit was quite dangerous +1 Cold
3 season 1 episode. Tomorrow
- Ring. +1 Amber Fox
- And me. 27 Diamonds. Improved relationship with Takao
- Cover Azumi. +1 Amber Fox
- For a moment: ignore the question.
- What are they whispering about? 5 Diamonds
- This is true. Improved relationship with Shino-Odori
3 season 2 episode. beauty festival
- Was it like this before? +1 Cold
- Buy food and leave the market +1 Cold
- Choice of outfit. Calm sea. 95 Diamonds +1 Cold
- Look for other shops
- Ask the grocer
- Thank you
Season 3 Episode 3 Shogun Castle
- What should I do? +1 Cold
- In the dance, the surname is not visible +1 Cold
- Don't ask about other girls
- Do not take Irises
Season 3 Episode 4
- Go right away.
- No, as long as I stay. +1 Cold
- Who did I remind you of? 11 diamonds
- Why not. +1 Cold
- Continue the conversation if Masamune holds his hand to his face.
- For a while: to the pillar on the left.
- I hope someday...
- Of course, Mr. Liu. +1 Cold
- Healer (31 diamonds).
Season 3 Episode 5
- Did they say anything? +1 Cold
- Theater. 8 diamonds
- Of course. +1 Cold
- Guests from afar… Requirement : 40 Cold
- For a while: thicker shadows. +1 Amber Fox
- You could be heard. +1 Cold
- She has been in the palace for a long time. +1 Cold
Season 3 Episode 6
- Traditional theatre. +1 Cold
- Who am I to judge? 10 diamonds
- Then even more so. +1 Cold
- The quarters are very comfortable. +1 Cold
- Shall we go to the closed garden?
- Time: Fire! +1 Amber Fox
- Stay (33 diamonds). Improved relationship with Kazu
- Explain in detail (10 diamonds).
Season 3 Episode 7 Loophole
- It seems to me that the three of us are easier to follow +1 Cold
- Time: Wait
- Timed: Approach the cart
- For time: slowly raise your legs
- Time: Right
- Must see (9 diamonds)
- For the time being: keep a medium distance
- Resist (20 Diamonds)
- Wipe and put away knife +1 Cold
Season 3 Episode 8 Obsidian Hall
- Ling Kaya will most likely want to repay the debt +1 Cold
- +1 Cold would be impolite
- So, the fate of warriors is decided from here?
- turn into a fox
- Okay... Decided - try +1 Cold
- Timed: jump
- For the time being: freeze in place
- On time: check on the left
- I did just fine +1 Chill
Season 3 Episode 9 Twenty
- Were you able to find out anything? +1 Cold
- You shouldn't continue. Enough +1 Cold
- Persuade (51 cold points). Improved relationship with Eri
- You are right +1 cold
- How to get rid of you? (10 diamonds)
- The main thing is to be alive... +1 Cold
Season 3 Episode 10
- Do you know why Kazu doesn't speak? (99 diamonds)
- Is there any way to shorten the search? +1 Cold
- It's an honor for me
Season 4 Episode 1
- You are right again sir.
- What if everything is just a coincidence? +1 Cold
- Medallion cannot be proof +1 Cold
- No, you can take a look (11 diamonds) +1 Pearl Fox +1 Amber Fox
- Probably I don't understand something +1 Cold
season 4 episode 2
- Getting to know you is an honor for me +1 Cold
- Is there a need for haste? +1 Cold
- Oni encounters cannot be ruled out +1 Cold
- With pleasure (26 diamonds). Improved relationship with Kazu
Season 4 Episode 3
- Help with magic (20 diamonds) - Glow +1 Amber Fox
- For the time being: dive under attack
- Call +1 Cold
- Dodge and hit in the armpit
- Calm down +1 Cold
- Could this be beneficial? +1 Cold
- *Turn away (20 diamonds) torture scene does not affect*
- First, please dispose of the dead +1 Cold
Season 4 Episode 4
- How will our flags be regarded? +1 Cold
- Consider - And how long has she been living there?
- Send a message to your family +1 Cold
- Mandatory (21 diamonds)
- Find the Gate/Get Wisdom +1 Cold
- This is delicious
- Thank you
Season 4 Episode 5
- Better push her to reason +1 cold
- Time: Help Shino-Odori
- *Everyone should save life (12 diamonds)*
- Did my story convince you? +1 Cold
- I have no reason +1 Cold
- I understand and don't dare to ask for such a thing +1 Cold
Season 4 Episode 6
- I hope I don't interfere (27 diamonds). Romantic scene with Kazu
- I won't allow/It's better not to resist +1 Cold
- In this case, there is nothing to delay (10 Diamonds)
- I'm not tired at all +1 Cold
- I call to believe your Daimyo (64 Colds)
- Generally successful +1 Cold
Season 4 Episode 7
- Enough to carry out the plans of the shogun? +1 Cold
- No, sir, do you have any guesses? (11 Diamonds)
- Don't worry Ms. Nayoung +1 Cold
- We must land first (11 Diamonds)
- Timed Choice : Create Fire +1 Amber Fox
- Timed choice : recoil sideways
- Timed Choice : Strike with Fire +1 Amber Fox
Season 4 Episode 8
- All your warriors are alive - you are a great commander +1 Cold
- Let's try to sleep +1 Cold
- Calmly wait for an invitation +1 Cold
- Stay with me today (30 diamonds). Romantic scene with Kazu
Season 4 Episode 9
- Timed: To the nearest cover
- Intervene and apply magic (10 diamonds) - Temporarily: create fire +1 Amber Fox
- For time: sit down
- Father
- Takao, please pull it out if you can (56 diamonds). Let's Save the Emperor
- Read on carefully! You need to choose the option that Mae was thinking about.
- Time: Left-Forward-Right/Straight-Forward-Right/Right-Forward-Left
- Timed: Sparks +1 Amber Fox
- You will fail (5 Diamonds) +1 Cold
- Takao.. Need help (31 diamonds). Takao will be intact
- Use strong fire (26 Amber Fox)
Season 4 Episode 10
- By accepting me, you do honor +1 Cold
- How did the doorkeeper get into the palace? +1 Cold
Season 4 Episode 11
- I don't want to sleep (51 diamonds)
- Prepared plan, accurate calculation, surprise effect (75 Cold)
- I'll try (12 diamonds) - several amnesties for the Naito clan as a gift to Takao
Game from the guide
- Platform: Android, iOS
- Genre: Visual novels
- Release date 3 May 2020
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