Walkthrough Song of the Red Nile (Romance Club) — Episode 6 Season 2. Guide and Answers
- I'll do everything. +1 Honesty
- I'm afraid Livia will have to take care of me. +1 Cunning
- I'll hurt whoever I want. +1 Honesty
- Livia walked behind. +1 Cunning
- Kept in the shadows. +1 Cunning
- Cautiously walked ahead. +1 Honesty
- How did this illness start (27 diamonds)? You learned more information about the illness and the task Livia / Friendship improved
- I sympathize. No effect
Depending on previous choices:
The search for the body took you very little time. This will affect the plot.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
You easily found the body. This will affect the plot.
TIP: If you buy the cheapest clothes, hairstyle and jewelry, you will get +1 Honesty, +1 Cunning. If you buy the most expensive clothes, hairstyle and jewelry, you will get +1 Honesty, +1 Cunning, +1 Recognition. You cannot buy everything at once during the Diamond Lizard.
What clothes to choose?
- First outfit (free). No effect
- Second outfit (23 diamonds).
- Third outfit (27 diamonds).
- Fourth outfit (47 diamonds).
- Take everything (87 diamonds). Save 10 diamonds / All options have been added to the wardrobe /Choose what to change into now.
What hairstyle to choose?
- First hairstyle (free). No effect
- Second hairstyle (23 diamonds).
- Third hairstyle (27 diamonds).
- Fourth hairstyle (27 diamonds).
- Take everything (69 diamonds). Save 5 diamonds / All options have been added to the wardrobe / Choose which hairstyle to make now
Which decoration to choose?
- First set (free). No effect
- Second set (10 diamonds).
- Third set (23 diamonds).
- Fourth set (23 diamonds).
- Take everything (51 diamonds). Save 5 diamonds / All options have been added to the wardrobe / Choose which decoration to make now
- Nodded uncertainly. +1 Cunning
- Squeezed out a dark grin. +1 Honesty
Branch with Livius
- You are still my peace (27 diamonds). Livius will do everything to make you happy
- Right... No effect
If you combine Livius with other minions:
Livius saw how you and Amen looked at each other. He doubts you
Livius remembers that there was something between you and Reimss. He doubts you
Branch with Livius #2
This conversation will seriously affect your friendship.
- I have a second close friend. It's you (47 diamonds).
- Yes, there are none left... No effect
Tablet: Agniya protected you because of personal sympathy. Friendship has improved.
Or a tablet: Agniya protects you. She is not indifferent to you... Romantic relationship has improved.
Yes, I believe it, because she is...
- Honest, you can tell by her eyes. +1 Honesty
- Cunning, but harmless. +1 Cunning
Branch with Amen
Now Agniya and Tizian were discussing how and where to catch her, but Amen himself...
- He was only thinking about Eva (47 diamonds). Amen intends to find you
- He was angry. No effect
Branch with Ramess
- Thought about him and missed him (23 diamonds). Ramess also misses you and often thinks about you...
- Forgot about him completely. No effect
Branch with Agnia
And this thought...
- Made Agnia worry (27 diamonds). Agnia with ama does not understand what she is feeling, but she is very worried about you
- Made Agnia terribly angry.
Branch with Seth
- I am not afraid of you (47 diamonds). Cutscene / Seth is interested / He really enjoyed embarrassing you
- I try to be obedient. No effect
Timed choice
- Ask Livius to remove traces. Additional choice below +1 Confession in episode 8
- Don't waste precious time. You decided not to think about traces in order to save time -1 Cunning, -1 Honesty in episode 8
- Just do it, Livius (23 diamonds). You sorted out the tracks and didn't waste much time
- Aren't you afraid that they'll find us?