Series description:
A detailed guide in which we tell you everything you need to know about Armand in "Romance Club. Conquering Versailles". How to start an affair with Armand, earn his trust, respect, get close to Armand, see every bed scene. Stay with Armand at the end of the game.
Branch and relationship with Arman. Conquering Versailles. Romance Club
Season 1 Episode 1
Saddle a horse to save a man (18 diamonds). Your relationship with Alexander, Arman and Katerina has improved
I laugh as if I know who they mean. Katerina and Arman appreciated your cheerful disposition
Season 1 Episode 3
Help Arman and Katerina bring the prince home (50 diamonds). The choice affected the relationship with Chevalier Philippe / Additional choice below
I will offer a card game. Your relationship with Katerina and Arman has improved.
Bluff (10 diamonds). Your relationship with Katerina and Arman has improved .
I take Arman to his room. Your relationship with Arman has improved!
Yes. If in episode 1 the main character saddled a horse for 18 diamonds or called Alexander for help, then Apman will agree to a kiss
Season 1 Episode 4
Apman (29 diamonds). We can kiss a man / But then there will be no opportunity to have an affair with Katerina
Season 1 Episode 6
Seek fleeting connections (27 diamonds)
Share a bed with me? intimate scene
Yes, we will fly on a balloon… (103 diamonds). Your relationship has improved
Kiss him.
Season 1 Episode 7
I like this play. Improvement of relations with Anna, Arman.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Season 1 Episode 9
Climb aboard (156 diamonds) - Armana
Climb the mast with Arman
Sneak kiss - Armand
Season 1 Episode 10
Confess love/feelings
On the branch with the Prince: Spend the night together and stay in a relationship (28 diamonds) - Invite someone to join (23 diamonds) - a trio with someone who had an affair
season 2 episode 1
Share a palanquin with someone (23 diamonds) - with Armand
season 2 episode 2
Look for Armand. Your relationship with Armand is getting stronger
season 2 episode 4
Yes. Kiss with Armand ( AvailableIf you decide to undress alone, you previously took the letter from the informant and are having an affair with Arman)
season 2 episode 6
(Visit Prince Philip's reception.) +1 Hedonism. The opportunity to enter the intimate scene with Philip / Katerina / Arman / Philips.
With Armand (33 diamonds). bed scene
Season 2 Episode 7
Go to the adjacent room (20 diamonds). Your relationship with your neighbor is getting stronger
Talk to Arman directly (20 diamonds). Your relationship with Armand is getting stronger / Additional choice below
season 2 episode 8
Katerina and Apman. Katerina and Arman are glad to see you. Additional choice
Season 2 Episode 9
Help him (10 diamonds). Your relationship with Armand is getting stronger
(Sneaky kiss Armand.) Your relationship with Armand grows stronger