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The Russian RPG "Trouble" has lost its website and pages on social networks (but development continues)

Users and journalists are wondering what could have happened to the game, which was supposed to be sponsored by the state. However, the authors of the RPG have already released a refutation.
The Russian RPG "Trouble" has lost its website and pages on social networks (but development continues)

The answer of the developers in the next news: https://showgamer.com/news/1881-avtory-rossiyskoy-rpg-smuta-podtverdili-chto-razrabotka-igry-v-sile

The development of the domestic RPG was carried out by the studio Cyberia Limited. For its creation, the authors received about 260 million rubles from the state, but now they have disappeared somewhere. Two facts point to this: the official website of the game stopped working, and the VK group turned from public to private, and the last entry in it appeared back in 2018.

As the studio itself confirmed, it is undergoing a rebranding, and the shutdown of the site and social networks is connected with this. We apologize for the recent assumptions and hopefully they will not affect the work of the creative team.

As planned by Cyberia Limited, "Trouble" should be a role-playing action game in a historical setting, in which players control Prince Miloslavsky, and the Assassins Creed and The Witcher series have become a benchmark for developers.

Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
4 July 2022