Walkthrough Heart of Trespia - 11 episode 2 season. Responses to Decay
“Our conversation will be heard by the whole city. I have to choose my words carefully…”
- I see life as an endless challenge. +1 Influence
- I'm doing well - much to the dismay of some. No effect
- Getting used to it will be even easier once you give me the petition. No effect
- Time will tell if this statement is true. +1 Compassion
- Without ambition, there can be no goal. +1 Rationality
"="" 11="" episode="" 2="" season="" |="" romance="" club="" guide"="" alt="Прохождение «Сердце Треспии» 11 серия 2 сезон | Клуб Романтики Гайд" width="60%" class="lazy" data-src="/storage/uploads/club/2022-09-23/30bed9219eff9dfc385fe88b398b450e.jpg">
- Slap him (8 diamonds). +2 Influence / People liked your courage and honesty
- You are a scoundrel! No effect
- You will be judged for this! No effect
Attention! Choice on time!
"We need to get down to the ground at the right time..."
- (Go down.) Select at the moment when the hand is in the lower half of the clock
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Path of low influence
People will start chasing Ellaira.
Path of High Influence
Most of your people seem unmoved by the Count's proposal.
In the event that in the fifth episode of the current season they took a horse from Reinhold and then strengthened their connection with him, you will receive messages: “You have a strong connection with Muffin”, “You pushed Muffin to jump”, Muffin will survive.
In the event that the count’s horse was taken, but the connection with him could not be strengthened: “Your previous elections influenced the course of history”, “Your connection with Muffin is not strong enough”, Muffin did not jump and died.
"When you let go of one end of your bow, you..."
- (Caught on a large branch.) The right decision
"When you reached the end of the branch, you started falling again..."
- (Wait for the next branch.) Right decision
"Pushing off the stone wall, you..."
- (Jumped into the water.) Right decision
In the event that you choose the wrong options, you will have to repeat again. When you choose the right options, the story will continue.
Outfit choice:
- Ragged (Free). No effect
- Tolerable (20 diamonds). No effect
- Almost decent (27 diamonds). No effect
Hairstyle choice:
- Leave the current hairstyle (free). No effect
- Shaggy wavy bob (free). No effect
- Sloppy medium length (8 diamonds). No effect
- Long wavy with bangs (20 diamonds). No effect
"="" 11="" episode="" 2="" season="" |="" romance="" club="" guide"="" alt="Прохождение «Сердце Треспии» 11 серия 2 сезон | Клуб Романтики Гайд" width="60%" class="lazy" data-src="/storage/uploads/club/2022-09-23/82f16337327f80ed3c6c2e35a89759ef.jpg">
"That kid must have slipped through the hole..."
- Pet him (27 diamonds). +20 Accumulations / Befriended an Eaglet / Sprite Eagles no longer see you as an enemy
- You shouldn't be here baby. No effect / If you kept the sprite eagle with you - "Aurora heard the cries of her relative"
In the event that in the second episode of the first season you managed to keep the sprite eagle with you, you will receive a message: “You and Aurora are together again”, cut-scene .
Branch with Gisella
- (Kiss her.) No effect
- Well... You can choose how you punish me. - does not affect
Branch with Reinhold
- (Kiss him.) No effect
- Will soon pass. No effect
Branch with Wyatt
- I love you Wyatt. No effect
- Next time we will suffer together. No effect
Continuation of the thread with Wyatt:
- Stare at Wyatt (27 diamonds). Scene with Wyatt
- Follow Mina. No effect
If you have a close relationship with both Gisella and Delia:
"Gisella is one thing, but Delia might get upset if she sees my wounds..."
- Of course, you can join me (27 diamonds). Your relationship with Gisella has improved / Your relationship with Delia has improved
- I think we all just need to get some rest. No effect
"="" 11="" episode="" 2="" season="" |="" romance="" club="" guide"="" alt="Прохождение «Сердце Треспии» 11 серия 2 сезон | Клуб Романтики Гайд" width="60%" class="lazy" data-src="/storage/uploads/club/2022-09-23/78a2e913fc4f2e02818dd5f87b2e4be2.jpg">
Outfit choice:
- Gray woolen dress (Free). No effect
- Dress with buttons (20 diamonds). No effect
- Pink with a belt (27 diamonds). No effect
Hairstyle choice:
- Leave the current hairstyle (free). No effect
- Simple headband (Free). No effect
- Elegant styling (8 diamonds). No effect
- Wavy medium length (20 diamonds). No effect