Passage Heart of Trespia - 6 episode 2 season. Answers "What is hiding behind the world"
At the beginning of the series, if you have a good relationship with Cyril, he will intercede for Princess Trespia.
"I need to do something before things get out of hand..."
- (Give a beggar some food.) (17 Diamonds) +2 Influence , continue below / Your previous choices influenced the course of history
- (Ask Taki to lower the weapon.)
- (Refuse a beggar.)
- My apologies. +2 Compassion
- People often eat with their hands. +2 Rationality
Path of High Influence
- Our heroine will understand why Count Cimon dressed in rags.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
“It would be nice if my friends changed too, but if they are more comfortable in armor…”
- (Change everyone in proper clothes.) (53 Diamonds) +20 Accumulation, +3 Influence
- (Let friends stay in their clothes.)
We choose absolutely any clothes:
- Trespian (Free). No effect
- Xael (17 diamonds). No effect
- Maitsky (33 diamonds). No effect
With a hairstyle the same situation (without effects):
- Leave the current hairstyle. No effect
- Curly medium length (Free). No effect
- Hairpins with crystals (17 diamonds). No effect
- Loose (17 diamonds). No effect
Again, the accessory will not give anything, even a paid one:
- No necklace (Free). No effect
- Pearl necklace (10 diamonds). No effect
- White stones (17 diamonds). No effect
- Colored stones (17 diamonds). No effect
- I don't understand him either, and he's the man who raised me. No effect
- I don't think Uncle Osmont was trying to grant my parents' wishes. +1 Influence
- I can't believe Uncle Osmont brought tavern girls to the castle! No effect
“Perhaps he suspected something…”
- Those who live in other regions suffer. +1 Compassion
- Is there anything you don't want to tell us about? +1 Rationality
"Reinhold implying that Uncle Osmont planned the death of my parents?"
- You are right. No effect
- Uncle Osmont would not have done this to his family. You chose to trust your uncle
- I don't want to think about it. No effect
- Stay for the night... ( only if you are walking along the branch with the graph ). Read below
- There is nothing wrong with friends talking to each other. Your relationship with Reinhold has improved (friendship)
- Good night. No effect
"Reinhold ..." (on the branch)
- I want to be with you (97 diamonds). You chose to be with Reinhold / All other romantic avenues are now closed / Your relationship with Reinhold has improved , Cutscene , continued below
- I can't... You abandoned your relationship with the Count.
![Heart of Trespia cut-scene, art, sex with Reinhold Сердце Треспии кат-сцена, арт, интим с Рейнхольдом]()
- (Nod embarrassedly.) No effect
- (Undress him.) No effect
- I'm yours, Reinhold... No effect
- (Kiss him.) No effect
We choose any outfit, since it will not give anything:
- Tavern Visitor (Free). No effect
- Village girl (17 diamonds). No effect
- Representative of the merchant class (33 diamonds). No effect
Same situation with hair.
- Leave the current hairstyle. No effect
- With a bandage (free of charge). No effect
- Long collected curls (10 diamonds). No effect
- Pigtails (10 diamonds). No effect
- We have to follow this wagon. No effect
- We must wait. +1 Influence
- (Let others decide.)
“The person who hired these mercenaries is…”
- Kane Grey. Right Choice / +1 Influence
- Paige Tateim. No effect
- Cooper Boatright. No effect
- Benton Hoggard. No effect