Passage Heart of Trespia - 7 episode 2 season. Answers "Test of Faith"
In the dialogue, you can get influence points.
"I think you want to know..."
- How we found your little hideout. No effect
- How we learned about your deal with the Count + 1 Influence
- What benefit can you take from this situation. No effect
Kane wants to take the declarations, we can help Franz. The choice has consequences.
"What should I tell him?"
- Show him the declarations. You decided not to expose Franz / We'll get Franz's trust later / +1 Influence later
- It was Franz.
- I refuse to answer. You chose not to expose Franz
The next choice affects the improvement of the romantic relationship with Delia.
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- In striving for the goal, you need to be bold and courageous (20 diamonds). Your relationship with Delia has improved
- We will protect you. Your relationship with Delia has improved
- This path has always been full of dangers. No effect
If Kane took the declarations : Your previous elections had an impact on the course of history
Close relationship with Delia : Delia, you are no longer a maid.
- Can I help you wash yourself this time? (46 diamonds). Scene with Delia (Only on the line with Delia)
- You don't have to keep doing this Your relationship with Delia has improved
- Let's both wash ourselves. No effect
The choice of outfit and hairstyle does not affect the story.
- Open the gate and take us to Count Kimon +1 Compassion
- Point a bow at him. +1 Rationality
If you have NOT exposed Franz : You have earned Franz's trust. He will open the gate.
Attention, choice for a while ! For the right choice, you can get influence points.
"He really will do it..."
- Beg.
- Shout.
- Don't move. No effect
- Bluff +1 Influence
In the dialogue, we choose the answer depending on the path you are following - along the path of rationality or the path of compassion.
- I did just what I had to do + 1 Compassion
- You have no one to blame but yourself. +1 Rationality
If declarations were shown earlier, a sign will appear and we will get +1 Influence. Also, Count Cimon will provide support.
If you did not show the declaration, but decided not to expose Franz, then a sign will appear: You could not convince Count Cimon, but Franz supported you.
"Something tangible... This thing must have value and a distinctive character"
- Look for something in your pocket. If in episode 1 of season 1 they decided to take the handkerchief to the king of Shaadha, Delia will remind you of the ring of the Lake. A sign will appear. You were able to enlist help for both Coral Ridge and Sapphire Valley.
- If in episode 5 in season 2, Lady Christy did not give up the dagger, then you can give it away.
- If there is nothing to give, then Kane will not help .
- You'll have to take my word for it. Kane won't help .
The next choice is decisive.
- Insist on the overthrow of both members of the Council. 26 Diamonds. You confront the adviser and the treasurer.
- Dethrone Councilor Zoltan.
- Overthrow Treasurer Xavier.
The next choice affects the improvement of relations with Reinhold.
- Try his pie, Wyatt. No effect
- Try his pie, Gisella. No effect
- Try his pie, Cyril. No effect
- Let me try. Improving relations with Reinhold .
Choosing a gift for Gisella.
What about?
- Noble title?
- Quality dagger. Improved relationship with Gisella .
- Beautiful dress. No effect