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All skills in Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

We tell you how to get all the skills in the game and what they give.
All skills in Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
4 March 2023

Skills Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

How to get all possible skills in the game.

All guides for the game


The killers left an ugly scar on your face. It's hard to recognize the former prince in you

"Chapter 1, Library" - Get this skill anyway. Given during an attempt on your life.
The skill can be removed by returning to the castle and looking in the mirror.

Head injury

You are often tormented by a headache and sometimes you carry the devil knows what

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"Chapter 1, Crossing" - Engage in a fight with a troll. Try to dodge Lorth's log hit (maybe just lose).

"Chapter 2, Victor's Room" - Eavesdrop on Victor in the hallway, go out onto the balcony and try to grab onto the rock.


You know several recipes, know how to make potions and understand alchemical devices

"Chapter 1, Exam" - Continue your studies at the academy and make explosive spores in the lesson (pepper, ser??th mushroom, blue dust).


The ability to find the beast in the forest, find out where the whole army has moved and not get lost at night on the way to the restroom.

"Chapter 1, Deep in the Woods" - Hunt with Michel.


Your gait is almost silent, and you do not need to be dexterous.

"Chapter 1, Fields" - Crawl forward in cold blood while stealing a turnip.


You love to eat delicious food and it affects your sides.

"Chapter 2, Coronation" - Enjoy delicacies while contemplating the hardships of life.


You know what a riposte and a clinch are. Moreover, you know how to use them in combat.

"Chapter 2, Northern Domain" - Set up camp in the yard, charge into the fray and ask to be trained in swordsmanship. To do this, you need to answer the questions: I keep it relaxed, half a minute, at a distance of the blade. If at this moment you have the Obesity skill, then it can be removed. And you can not clean up, but learn the secret technique of a fat swordsman.


You have seen terrible battles and received a baptism of fire. Now you know how to competently command on the battlefield

"Chapter 2, Rebels" - Choose to command on the hill, archers, volley, spread out, cut off the vanguard, volley of fire arrows.

"Chapter 2, Advance on the Southerners" - Choose your tactics, encircle the enemies. Win the battle.