The Larian Studios team has not completed this quest completely, but you can still choose one of the three paths mentioned by Halsin. He mentions the Risen Road, a mountain pass, and tunnels in the Underdark. The Risen Road and Mountain Pass routes are currently unfinished and will show that these regions are not included in the game. This will force you to travel to the tunnels under the Underdark for the next step of this quest.
If you ask Halsin about how to get to the Underdark, he will say thatthere leads a tunnel from the sanctuary of Selûne. Unfortunately, he won't give you much more information other than that Aradin tried to find treasure there and failed. Head back to the Goblin Camp, where you most likely won't be able to roam freely anymore. So if you choose a waypoint, be prepared to fight the goblins if you haven't killed them all yet. A useful strategy for destroying the Goblin Camp is to recruit ogres from the infested village.
1 option:
There is a purple abyss in the spider's lair. We use the "Smooth Fall" scroll, stand on the bridge of the web, set it on fire, and slowly fall down. We will find ourselves in a dungeon with mushrooms and 2 minotaurs. A little lower is the four-legged monster Bulley, we can throw the minotaurs to him.
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At the entrance we will be met by a warrior with an ax and rudely asked not to make noise. We answer him [intimidation, persuasion]. If we do not agree, we will be attacked by a detachment of 4 underground warriors.
Option 2:
In the ruined sanctuary where they solved the riddle with the moon. We go down the stairs, we find ourselves in the rear of the "Selunit outpost".
After speaking with the druid Halsin at the camp, he spoke of someone behind the magic that prevents the parasite from being removed. To find this person, you need to travel to the Moonrise Towers.
This quest is not yet fully in the game and can only be advanced by one specificth method described in the manual below.
Ahead, you'll find a waypoint on the east side of the room and a statue. There might be a bit of a puzzle here to get the Sharran Stone, which seems to be connected to the lever above the gate from the outside. However, to continue moving, all you have to do is press the lever to the right of the gate. This will raise an iron gate that you can pass through. As you head north from the gate, you'll see a cut-scene with mushroom spores saying, "They're coming, you're coming."
If you haven't already noticed the red enemy icon on the minimap, yes, those weird fungal spores warn you of an enemy ahead. You may not be able to play as them in Baldur's Gate 3, but be prepared to face two hulking Minotaurs. Watch out for ledges nearby because they hit hard and love to attack you. Although you only have to deal with two Minotaurs, be careful, it's not easy.
Once you're done dealing with the Minotaurs, continue north until you're next to the stairs along the stone wall. This is a side area where you can climb up for loot, but be careful, there are traps at the bottom of the stairs. However, you will need to successfully complete a perception check to notice them. If you are not interested in this side area, turn west shortly before this staircase. There b?There is a small stone ramp/path that you can walk down, leading deeper into the Underdark.
As the title suggests, be wary of the two types of mushrooms up ahead, which you definitely shouldn't trust. After a successful nature check, your group will point out the danger of these mushrooms without even knowing what to expect. Be careful and prepare for a mess.
Once past the mushrooms, continue north from this area to find some interesting characters. There seems to be a man and two mushroom-covered creatures? As you get closer, a cutscene will start in which the creatures appear to be talking to you using a strange tune. First, you have telepathic episodes with a worm in your head, why not add a secret mushroom tongue to that?
The mushroom creatures will ask what your goal is at the bottom. Using Charisma checks, you can try to make a roll to convince them why you are here. The being known as the Overlord seems to be speaking through these beings and inviting you forward. Climb the mushrooms in the Ebonlake Grotto. Passing them to the north/northwest, you will encounter even larger mushroom-shaped steps to the Overlord. Before you get to Spo, there is a waypoint.
Before you can even talk to the Overlord, they'll showt you recollection using your general consciousness. They show a cruel vision of a duergar slaying these myconid creatures. Spo will ask you to cleanse the rot and kill the duergar for their aggression. They offer another vision filled with treasure that you can access if you remove the nearby duergar. It's worth completing this quest as it will help with Gale's Companion quest. A new quest you get from Spo is Defend the Circle of Micronids.
While you don't need to complete this quest to complete Reach the Towers of Moonrise, you will have to head in the same direction. If you continue past the Spo, there are two traders here to watch out for. They each have a quest, but one is a bit more important than the other. Talk to Blurg east of Spo and tell him about the mind flayer parasite in your head. He will mention that he has a friend named Omeluum who can help.
And if you want to find a second vendor for a side quest, talk to Deryth Bonecloak west of Spo. She will be next to a bull-like creature named Deep Roth. Her quest revolves around finding a husband and is called Find a Mushroom Picker.
Moving south of Deryth Bonecloak, you can find a unique-looking myconid named Glut. Talking to Glut will start another side quest undertitled "Avenge the Sovereign". This quest coincides with defending the myconid circle and it doesn't hurt to get Glut's help. Since the duergar are on your way to the Towers of Moonrise, you can hire him.
Whether you're gaining Overload or planning to complete these new quests, continue south of the Myconid colony until you see a few man-made structures. If you need help finding this area, check your map for a yellow quest marker labeled "Path to the Moonrise Towers". As you get close to the quest marker, you'll start encountering named duergar with ambush status. This area is also known as Dilapidated Village. Although you can start a conversation with the duergar, they will still attack you.
This can be an uphill battle especially if you don't have Glut's help as he has a unique ability. However, the main problem you will have with duergar is that they can animate bodies to create walking corpses. While they don't have much health, there are a lot of enemies to deal with. If you hired Gluth as suggested, he can also reanimate named duergar to fight for you. A crossbow-wielding duergar named Holvik is a great character to reanimate.
As soon asWith all the duergar defeated, it's time to finish the early access release of Baldur's Gate III. Unless you have Glut talking in your ear about the next step in his side quest. He will require you to help him take over the Myconid Circle in order for him to become Overlord again. Depending on your decision, certain things can happen.
If you decide to help Glut, he will offer you the scrolls as a reward for fighting the Myconid Circle. If you decide not to help Glut, you will have to fight him immediately. This will complete his quest, but you won't get a chance to tell Spo about it.
Go down to the base of the Dilapidated Village to the pier where the Skiff ship is moored. Interacting with this ship will alert you that you are nearing the end of Early Access. This is a good moment to save so as not to lose the progress made, because there is no turning back. Make sure your entire group is close to the Skiff, otherwise you may leave without the group members.
When you dive into the water, you will be stopped by a group of duergar on the lake. They will notice that you are using someone else's ship. You can try to trick them with a couple of ability checks, or attack them instead. If you follow the attack route, there will be six duergar fighting in total. And if you successfully fool them, you will have a cut-scene that will lead to the end of the early do??stupid in Baldur's Gate III.
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