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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake (Claire)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake (Claire)

A detailed walkthrough of all story missions in Resident Evil 2 Remake . In the first part we play as Claire.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake for Claire

The game can be completed as either Leon or Claire. You can choose any character from the very beginning of the game. The walkthrough will differ depending on the choice made. However, it all starts with the same prologue.

Other materials on the game Resident Evil 2 Remake

Prologue (Refill)

Look into the building, go to the end and deal with the enemy. Pick up the key located in the locker in the wall, then use it to open the closed door. After leaving the building, go around the opponents.

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Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

After the cutscene, Claire and Leon will split up. Again, avoid opponents. Go around the cars, turn into the alley on the left hand and go to the police department. Come inside.

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police hall

Take a look at the reception desk opposite the entrance. There are two necessary things here:

  • Metal chest. In such boxes you can hide the necessary items. There are several chests in the game, but the contents will always be the same. Moreover, the capacity of containers is not limited.
  • The typewriter is a tool for saving game progress. Easy and normal difficulty will allow you to save the game at any time. On hard, you will have to use an additional item - an ink ribbon.
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

The hall is a safe place. No enemies will appear here (SPOILER - until the Tyrant appears, when you go through the dungeon, that is, after collecting the medallions).

Police Officer's Notebook

Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake

First you need to find the notebook that we received in the demo version of the game. View the live footage on the monitor and you will see a running officer on the east side of the building. Stand facing the front door of the department and follow the door on the left side. Near the gate, press the switch and make your way under the shutters. Go to the very end, go into a small room and find a cop with a notebook .

Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake

Note . Any document found in the game will be stored in a separate inventory slot without taking up important slots.

  1. To cut the yellow ribbon, which allows you to unlock a new path.
  2. To attack zombies (you should not immediately plant a knife, it is best to do this after you inflict damage on the enemy).
  3. To counterattack in cases where zombies grab the main character.

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blue key

Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake

Now you need to find the blue key. This item is used to unlock many doors with a symbol of the same color. Use Marvin's Combat Knife on the yellow tape at the entrance to the west wing of the building. This will activate the switch. Go down the corridor, go around the enemy and enter the last room.

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Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake

Remove the map from the wall, get out through the window and find the stairs at the end of the corridor. On the first floor, open the door next to the stairs and find a typewriter ( SAVE POINT ).

Follow the third tier and find the blue key on the table in a small room. Next, you will need to go back to the hall. One of the routes: go to the end of the corridor of the current floor, open the storage room and go to the library connected to the hall.

Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake

Another option is to go back to the first tier, follow through the office (near the room with the window through which you climbed). Both rooms we talked about have a door with a blue symbol. Use the blue key on them to return to the hall.

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Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake

Return to the hall and in the video you will see Marvin, who will show you Leon (or Claire, if you are playing a man) on the security cameras. Climb to the second floor of the hall and go towards the waiting room in the east wing (in the same direction you followed when looking for the officer's notebook). There will be another door with a blue symbol here. Open it with the key, go further and turn right along the corridor. Get to the very end, where there will be a ladder.

Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake

After the cutscene, pick up the wire cutters that are on the barrel next to the first floor door. She is chained up. Use wire cutters and cut the chain. This will allow you to get to a familiar place. Cut the chain ahead to get to the east wing.

Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake

There are a few important things here:

  • Fuse. Place it in a special fuse box located at the end of the corridor. The door you used earlier is locked. After installing the fuse, the flights will rise.
Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake
  • Valve. In a small office, on the table is the desired item. It will come in handy later when you start searching for medallions.

Walkthrough Resdeint Evil 2 Remake

Head back to the hall.

Continued on next page

Search for three medallions

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Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

To start searching for medallions, complete the previous tasks, finding a notebook, a blue key and wire cutters. Each medallion is hidden in a separate status, on which you will have to enter a code. On the first floor of the hall there is a huge statue with holes for three medallions. This is where they should be placed.

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Important . When you finish this stage of the game and place the medallions in the statue of the hall, you will automatically find yourself in the basement. When you return to the police department, an immortal mutant will be chasing you. Thus, before placing the medallions in the statue, solve the maximum possible number of puzzles, collect the necessary items and medicines.

It is also highly recommended to find an additional weapon that will help you against Lickers.

First medallion - main hall (lion)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 2 Walkthroughemake

There is a statue of a lion in the main hall. Go to the second floor, go around the huge monument and find a small lion. Enter a password from the characters lion , branch , bird . Apply, take the item and insert it into any slot of a large statue so as not to take up space in your inventory. You can store the medallion in the container below.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Second medallion - library (unicorn)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Climb to the second floor of the hall and go through the door to the west wing, towards the library. Behind the door in the south of the library (below) there is a small room with a statue of a unicorn. Enter the code for fish , scorpion , jug of water .

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Third medallion - explosion of the door on the third tier (woman)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

This item is the hardest to find. Go down to the first tier and go to the west wing, where they were looking for the blue key. Follow to the very end of the corridor and open the last door. New monsters will appear here. You should not kill them, you can go around, because you will not return here anymore. Use the wire cutters on the locked door and take the electronic device from the table.

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Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

There is a staircase on the northwest side of the department. Go there, go up to the second tier and find a pipe in the shower room, to which the valve will fit. We found him on the first tier in the eastern krHere, behind a closed door in office 1F. Turn the corner down the corridor and stop .

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Lizun hides at the end of the path. This opponent is very dangerous, albeit blind. If you walk silently, he won't even notice you. Hide in the room on the left hand. You can kill the enemy if you have got a shotgun or a grenade launcher. More on how to get a shotgun or grenade launcher . Don't try with a standard pistol!

In the room above (STARS office) on the left hand side, there is a battery . Look for it right on the table. An electronic gadget and a battery are used to create a detonator . Combine both items in inventory.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
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Climb to the third tier and enter the far room along the corridor (near the library. Pantry 3F). There is a C4 explosive here. It hangs right on the boards.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Place a detonator on it and move away. The explosion will happen in ten seconds. After that, you will reach the third statue - a woman. Go up to her and enter the code - woman , bow , snake . Together with the last medallion, return to the hall, place it on the statue to open a secret passage (when all three medallions are installed).

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Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Important . By?After the explosion in the room with the statue of a woman, Slimer will appear. Get out of the room as quickly as possible. A zombie hanging on the ceiling will also be awakened (however, it could be killed earlier).

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Installation of medallions

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

When you collect three items, then install them in the statue of the hall. BE CAREFUL as this will end the current part of the game. Later you will return to the department, but solving puzzles and collecting useful things will be more difficult due to the constant pursuit of the Tyrant.

Underground and the first boss

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

When you install three medallions, you will find yourself in a dungeon. Z?Graze with everything you have in your arsenal as the first boss will appear shortly. Go down the stairs and find a grenade . Climb up and follow to the end of the path to see a cutscene and the first boss.

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The enemy will use a metal pipe. Keep in mind that he tries to attack you with a series of swings, so attacks can be easily dodged. From time to time the boss will push. Shoot him, throw a grenade. As soon as a huge eye opens on the shoulder of the enemy, then shoot at him. Orange blood will drip from it.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

While the eye is open, attack. It will be within a short period of time. Then the eye will close. You will have to repeat the steps to force the enemy to open it again. Ammunition and herbs are scattered around the corners of the location where you fight. Collect them.


From now on, the passage for Claire and Leon will be significantly different. We go through the game for Claire, but later we will definitely share the article, in whom?The second is a description of the action for Leon.

Finding the Pink Key

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Once in the parking lot of the police station, go to the morgue in the southeast direction. In one of the furnaces you will find a pink key .

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Police Chief's Office

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

After taking the key, go to the parking lot and find the door to the right of the main gate. After opening it, enter the control room with the elevator control panel. Pull the lever. Look into the locker with the lever that is used to control the elevator. Inside is an upgrade for the gun - GM79 . It will allow you to stabilize the weapon, but at the same time increase the number of cells?? that the item occupies in the inventory. Think a hundred times before using it.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Go to the elevator and start it. This will allow you to return to the department and be in the chief's office (northeast part of the building).

Continued on next page

Escape from the department

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Key with red heart

Exit the office and find the grate behind which is the key card. With it, you can escape from this place through the parking lot. Look at the item to update the objectives of the task. Go to the endcorridor and take the picture from the cabinet.

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Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

In inventory, examine it, unfold it and take the key with a red heart . Use it on the door to exit the chief's office.

Return to the hall and meeting with the Tyrant

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Move to the top floor of the office ( there is a chest below, which contains the third weapon ), go to the balcony and go down the stairs. Follow the left side and move along the pipe to find the yellow lever. Switch it to position L.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Follow back to the helicopter, on the right side there is a wall with another lever. Use it to put out the fire.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Then use the door on the left side. Here you will meet with the Tyrant. This is an immortal enemy, so it makes no sense to fight him.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

He will start chasing Claire or Leon until the game is over. The only way to deal with the Tyrant: make a few accurate shots at the enemy’s head (the bullets will simply bounce off the body), after which he will fall to his knees and be motionless for about a minute. Go back to the lobby of the police department.

First electronic device


To get to the key card, you need to find two electronic gadgets hidden in orange boxes. You will find the first one on the third tier, behind a closed door near the balcony. The box is on the floor. When you pick up the orange box , then examine it in your inventory, remove the tape and take away the electronic device .

The second electronic device and the puzzle with the clock

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

To get to the third floor, you need to find a special lever in the Records room (1F). Next, apply it to the jack in the library (Library, 2F), on the second floor. In fact, we are talking about the lower floor of the library itself. After lowering the bookshelves, move the remaining ones so that you can walk on them further.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

When you take the large gear from the East Storage Room, then go toto the clock tower on the west side of the building (3F). On the right side of the clock is the first mechanism. Install a large gear inside to lower the ladder to the first tier.

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Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Take the gear with you and go upstairs to find the second mechanism. Take away the small gear from here and install a large one instead. Lower the small one and install it in the mechanism near the stairs. It will launch, making a second orange box appear. Examine it in inventory and get the second electronic device .

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Key card and electric tracks

When you get two electronic devices, then go to the chief's office (back). Here you need to solve the puzzle to pick up the key card. Use the panel on the grate and use the two electronic devices found in the boxes.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Connect the routes so that current flows from both entry points to the same exit. Move parts of the mechanism for this. In the screenshot above, we have shown the answer.

Orphanage (Sherry)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Next will be a small scene in which?You control a little girl Sherry. Go to the chair and take the soft doll . Examine the item in your inventory, open the lock behind and take the die . Apply it to other cubes in the toy nearby. You need to determine the correct order of blocks with drawings, having received a certain pattern.

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When you solve the riddle (the answer is in the screenshot), then take the scissors . Use them to open a path further by cutting the tape and opening a hole in the wall.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Once in a new room, pull out the boxes from under the table and go upstairs. After getting out through the window, you will find yourself in a new room. Go to the first tier, go through the door and find yourself in a room with keys hanging on the wall. Try to get them.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Now you need to escape from the boss. Follow the same path you descended ??yuda. Hide behind the white box in the furniture room. When an enemy walks by (keep hiding and moving around), it will move the bed. After that, he will return back through the corridor. Walk behind him and go to the end of the room where there is a white door. Hide behind a shelf and wait.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Take the key from the chief, run down to the first tier, and try to exit through the main door. The key won't work! Run back to the room where they tried to remove the keys. The episode will end.

The road to the orphanage

When you get the key card, then go to the parking lot and open the gate. The Tyrant will appear. Run away from him, as it is best not to waste ammo. When the gate opens, leave the parking lot and go to the right side, where the zombie gate is. The path to the orphanage is short. There are no obstacles except for dogs. They can be easily killed with a standard pistol.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake
Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Enter the orphanage and use the door on the first floor. In the far part there is a staircase leading to the basement. Use it, move along the corridor and find Sherry. Together with her, follow to the elevator, running away from the Tyrant. It's pointless to fight him!

Walkthrough Resident Evil 2 Remake

Sherry will stop at the elevator. So it is necessary. First you enter it. A cut-scene will start and end the chapter. The next step is sewerage.

After running away from the Tyrant on the elevator and being at the bottom, view the cut-scene. We need to find Sherry. In the room where the power supply is restored, there are cartridges for ultrasound. Through the nearest door, go to the office, read the document and use the typewriter. Take the Revolver Ammo from the table in the east side of the room.

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Jump down and go through the corridor. Jump down again, climb onto the ledge on the left and pick up the grass. There is a T-slot for the handle, but nothing can be done yet. Go through the sewers to the place, from?If you have come, pick up white powder on your left hand. Get out of here and open the door at the end of the corridor.

Move up the stairs and fight the enemy in the control room. Take the item from the locker, which cannot be unlocked yet. There is a document on the table, cartridges on the chair. Jump twice and watch the cutscene.


Use the typewriter and collect various items, including the map. There is a video player here, but you don't have any video cassettes yet. In the western part of the room there is a clue for a chess puzzle. There is also a document here. After reading it, to update the task: you need to collect all the chess.

Leave the room through the only door, in the room with the purification pool, lower the lever and go across the bridge. Run to the left to find a T-shaped lever on the table by the funicular. Go right and next to the EXIT door you will find a safe. The correct code is on its side. Go to the EXIT door, go down the stairs and kill the enemies. Pull the lever on the right wall to open the passage back. There is no need to go there yet, because we do not have the key.

Go down the stairs from the room, go to the other side and remove the sewer key from the walltion. Climb down the ladder and drop down into the lower channel. Move to its end, killing monsters, go upstairs and get to the storage room. Go down the stairs and see a locked door with a panel. Exit through the passage on the left and pull the queen out of the panel. Go further along the fold and place the queen in another panel. Go up the stairs, pull the king out of the panel and jump down. Go back to the stairs and place the king in the panel on the left. Enter the room and remove the electric gun from the wall. Moving backwards, collect the king and queen, then leave the room. At the end, you will need to return the queen to the first panel, enter the stairs and place the king on the panel on the left. Take the queen, enter the stairs through the passage with the king and take the piece.

Go back the same route. Return to the room one flight down after the purification pool, where a lever was pulled on the right wall. Jump into the water and follow the canal in the opposite direction. Climb into the corridor on the right and use the T-shaped lever to lift the door. Get to the lift and go up. Inside the workshop, there is a hip pouch and a film with photos of two hiding places in the police station. Read more about them in a separate guide.

Go outside through the door and in the panel on the left?? find the rook . Cross the bridge on the left and search the room. Come back and take the rook. There is another room here, which opens with a key from the sewer. Enter, search and slide the cabinet with the yellow tape. So you can find the way back to the police station.

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Once you've got all the chess pieces, go back to the panel room and place them based on when you're playing:

  • For the first passage, the pawn and the knight must be in the same panels where their images hang. Next to the pawn, place the queen and king, next to the knight, the bishop and rook.
  • For the second pass, the pawn must be in the same place where its image hangs, but the knight must be in a different place. Next to the pawn, place a rook and a knight, and on the opposite wall - a queen, bishop and king (the queen is closer to the locked door, the king is closer to the board with a clue to the puzzle).

After opening the door, go further, follow into the room opposite the incinerator and solve the puzzle with the switches. Pull the fourth, second and first switches. If you are going through the game for the second time, then lower the second, fourth and third switches. When you try to leave the room, Birkin will attack you. Run away from his paw until he breaks down the door. When it does, go around Birkin and run from it to the platform with a large container. Behind him is a control lever. Press the button to move the container with a crane. When Birkin appears, attack him in the area where the container was. As soon as the enemy drops to his knee, quickly press the button on the control panel to return the container to its place and drop the Birkin. If you make it before Birkin gets up, he will fall down. Otherwise, the monster will be on its feet and you will have to repeat the procedure.

Go through the door on the side, open the incinerator and go with Sherry to the funicular. Run it to go to the lab.


The passage of the laboratory is practically no different from the sequence for Leon. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you read the corresponding chapter in the article " Walkthrough of the game for Leon ".

Note . At the end of the game, when the Birkin attacks the train, you will need to shoot the huge eye on the monster.

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