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Walkthrough Resident Evil 4 Remake - Chapter 13 (all chapters)

Chapter 13 guide: how to solve power puzzles, build an electrical circuit, how to kill a monster in a freezer, how to get a level 1, 2, 3 card key.
Walkthrough Resident Evil 4 Remake - Chapter 13 (all chapters)
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
23 March 2023

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4 (2023) - Chapter 13

Climb up the mountain and see a huge factory ahead. Use binoculars, go through the cave, but do not cross the red barrier. There will be a merchant in the cave. Sneak up behind the turret and disable it. Sooner or later you will surely be discovered, and then an enemy will appear in the skin of a boar with a machine gun on his arm. As you understand, you need to use cover and, if possible, focus the main fire of the most powerful weapon on it. And in general, you can run back into the cave, it will be easier to fight there!

Enter the first building, go up the yellow stairs and disable the turret. Keep moving, go through another building and turn off the turret on the side of the steps, approaching it from the side of the sea and rocks. Climb inside under the steps, go back around the perimeter, bypassing the red barriers, and through two buildings you can get to the steps.

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Go inside, follow through the cave and kill the enemies. Climb the stairs, finish off the enemy and climb inside through the window on the right. Clear the area, blow up the barrel inside these caves to get to the deluxe chest with the golden Lynx inside. Go outside and go up the hill. Open the next gate.

Go down below and kill the enemies at the red containers on the right. This area contains another clockwork doll and a chest containing an elegantcrown (treasure). Go the other way, up the stairs, turn off the tripwire and go through the small door. Save with the typewriter on the table in the center of the room and find the stairs nearby. Climb up it, kill the enemies and enter the control room. Activate the dashboard to open the door from below. Go through this door, not forgetting to turn off the stretch. Watch the cut-scene.

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Kill the enemies from below and inspect the cell grate with Ashley. You need a level 3 keycard, as evidenced by three dragonflies. Climb the yellow stairs on the right, go through the door and clear the corridor. Continue walking through the premises and find the merchant. Use the door to the left of him. There will be another door ahead that requires a level 2 keycard. Go past it to the left, up the stairs.

If you turn left, you will find the freezer door, and again you need a key card. Go to the dark corridors, to the right and in the back room, study the laboratory note ( document ). The task will update and you will know that you need a Level 3 Keycard. Pull down the switch on the wall by the green monitor in the same room. Go outside and pull the lever on the left to raise the shutters. Go right and find the control panel with a green screen. You need to complete the setup as shown in the screenshot below:

fb0def94bd476d98ef4322b6d90d8cf1.jpg"> Прохождение Resident Evil 4 (2023) — Глава 13

Take the first level card key from the operating room. Shoot the limbs of the Renegerador that you encounter as you exit the room. Run back to the room with the switch and the green monitor and flip the switch so that the energy is supplied to the Freezers. Open these very cameras, returning from the dark corridors (orient yourself on the map). Immediately upon entering the freezer, you will see another similar puzzle on the right. Solving this puzzle is optional, but we have shown the answer below:

Прохождение Resident Evil 4 (2023) — Глава 13

Solving the puzzle will take you to a room with a new weapon, the LE 5 submachine gun. Insert the keycard into the device in the main chamber and start the reprogramming process. The Renegerador will appear. Fight back until the process is over, and pick up the level 2 card key. However, you can destroy the enemy if you hit his three hearts located in the chest and belly. In other cases, will it be restored?? Later, you will receive a biosensor sight, and with it you will be able to see the vulnerabilities of opponents.

Exit the Freezer, go down to the right and open the door on the left with the level 2 keycard. Get down lower and lower, go through several doors and climb into the laboratory with purple flasks, in which there are renegeradores. Enter the back room, read the note and take the biosensor scope . Use it with a submachine gun or rifle and take out the Renegerador in the left flask by shooting three hearts. Search the corpse to get a wrench . Use it on the panel where you found the biosensor sight, and upgrade the key card to level 3. While the process is going on, you will have to fight enemies.

At the end of the process, take the level 3 card key, return to the corridor and open the door on the right using a new item. After returning to Ashley's detention cell, open it with the key card and watch the cut-scene.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Action, Survival horror
  • Release date 24 March 2023