Chat with Ingrid. You don't have any equipment. Go through the corridor, break the box, go to the sewer and pick up a knife from the corpse. Climb the steps, sneak up on the enemy and kill him with stealth. You can look through the hole in the wall to find Leon's gear. Go outside and finish off the enemy, remembering to parry the blows. In the far right corner there are two windows through which you can get inside. Continue down the corridor and finish off the man with the pitchfork.
Open another grate and you will see a valve on the right. Turn it all the way and run back to the red door in the courtyard where the second enemy was. Be careful, there are two traps in front of the door! Go around them and make your way into the room before the red door drops. This way you get all your gear back. The chest of drawers on the right, as usual, does not open.
Exit the room and go through the large door ahead. If you have returned your equipment, a mysterious merchant will open it for you. Go outside and to the right of him look for a blue note with a new additional task.
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In total, you need to kill three rats, and as a reward for this you will receive three spinels. Save on the typewriter on the left, and look for instructions on interacting with the merchant there.
Note . You will receive a reward for completing additional tasks only after returning to the merchant. That is, all these goals are his tasks.
Check out the merchant's menu where you can buy new items, improve existing ones, sell items from your inventory. Pay attention to the last menu. There you can buy a map with the location of all the treasures for 1 spinel. To open the gate opposite, you need an object with the image of a bird.
Go the other way until you find yourself in an abandoned settlement, consisting of several tiers and houses. Jumping down, you will have to destroy about 25-30 opponents. Do not stand still, constantly move, shoot at enemies holding dynamite in their hand. After the victory, enter the house on the right, go up the stairs and remove the six-sided emblem from the stand near the barrel. In one of the houses there is a red box in which a small key is hidden. With these keys you can open locked chests of drawers, whichpreviously seen in various houses. But this is not enough. Along the wall on the left there is a path leading up. Climb up it, finish off the enemies and turn the yellow valve on the blue pedestal to raise the gate and return back to the square with the merchant. Insert the emblem and open the big gate. Rotate the emblem so that the head is on top, then rotate the image to face the slot and install. Turn the handle.
Move between the shelves and crates, kill the enemies and make your way under the shelf on the left to find loot, including a red chest with a blue sapphire. Go the other way until you find a building on the left. Get inside. There is a note on the table to the left that says you must destroy the dolls. Look in the other direction and find a "soldier" moving his arms. Break the first doll (1/16) .
When you go further, be prepared for the appearance of a man with a chainsaw . Destroy him and a couple of local residents, search the corpses. The man with the chainsaw will have an emerald (5000 pesos). Keep moving and clear the stretch. Go around the building and go inside through the back door.
There is an enemy in the closet on the left. In the living room on the table is an old family photograph of a man and a woman ( document ). In the corner on a low pedestal, to the left of the large double door, look for a small key . On the other side of the ground floor is a large closet with a combination lock. You need to know the correct sequence of characters. Climb to the second floor and look for a book on the chest of drawers in the corridor, which will contain a clue to solving this puzzle. Go back down and enter the correct code combination on the cabinet: wheat (two spikelets), pig, child. Take the crystal marble from the closet.
Go back to the second floor, there is a typewriter on the dresser to the left. Go ahead and place the sphere in the hole on the door. rotate until the dots on the marble repeat the image of some insect.
Take the notes (document) from the table on the left, inspect the picture of the priest. From cabinets withRava get the key with the symbol . Watch the video.
The console release is still a long way off.
The creators of the series themselves reported this.
It looks like the series is about to be revived.